Windows PowerShell command on Get-command metastat

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man metastat

System Administration Commands metastat(1M)


metastat - display status for metadevice or hot spare pool


/usr/sbin/metastat -h

/usr/sbin/metastat [-a] [-B] [-D] [-c] [-i] [-p] [-q]

[-s setname] [-t] [metadevice...] [hot_spare_pool...]

/usr/sbin/metastat [-a] [-B] [-D] [-c] [-i] [-p] [-q]

[-s setname] component...


The metastat command displays the current status for each

metadevice (including stripes, concatenations, concatena-

tions of stripes, mirrors, RAID5, soft partitions, and trans devices) or hot spare pool, or of specified metadevices, components, or hot spare pools.

It is helpful to run the metastat command after using the

metattach command to view the status of the metadevice.

metastat displays the state of each Solaris Volume Manager

RAID-1 volume on the system. The possible states include:

Okay The device reports no errors. Needs maintenance A problem has been detected. This requires that the system administrator replace the failed physical device. Volumes displaying Needs maintenance have incurred no data loss, although additional failures could risk data

loss. Take action as quickly as possi-

ble. Last erred A problem has been detected. Data loss is a possibility. This might occur if a component of a submirror fails and is not replaced by a hot spare, therefore going into Needs maintenance state. If the corresponding component also fails, it would go into Last erred state and, as there is no remaining valid data source, data loss could be a

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System Administration Commands metastat(1M)

possibility. Unavailable A device cannot be accessed, but has not incurred errors. This might occur if a physical device has been removed with Solaris Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) features, thus leaving the Solaris Volume Manager volume unavailable. It could also occur if an array or disk is powered off at system initialization, or if a >1TB volume is present when the

system is booted in 32-bit mode.

After the storage has been made avail-

able, run the metastat command with the

-i option to update the status of the

metadevices. This clears the unavail-

able state for accessible devices. See the for instructions on replacing disks and handling volumes in Needs maintenance or Last erred states. OPTIONS The following options are supported:

-a Display all disk sets. Only metadevices in

disk sets that are owned by the current host are displayed.

-B Display the current status of all of the 64-

bit metadevices and hot spares.

-c Display concise output.

There is one line of output for each metadev-

ice. The output shows the basic structure and the error status, if any, for each metadevice.

The -c output format is distinct from the -p

output format. The -p option does not display

metadevice status and is not intended as

human-readable output.

-D Display the current status of all of the

descriptive name metadevices and hotspares.

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System Administration Commands metastat(1M)

-h Display usage message.

-i Check the status of RAID-1 (mirror) volumes,

RAID-5 volumes, and hot spares. The inquiry

checks each metadevice for accessibility, starting at the top level metadevice. When problems are discovered, the metadevice state databases are updated as if an error had occurred.

-p Display the list of active metadevices and hot

spare pools in the same format as See

The -p output is designed for snapshotting the

configuration for later recovery or setup.

-q Display the status for metadevices without the

device relocation information.

-s setname Specify the name of the disk set on which

metastat works. Using the -s option causes the

command to perform its administrative function within the specified disk set. Without this option, the command performs its function on metadevices and hot spare pools in the local disk set.

-t Display the current status and timestamp for

the specified metadevices and hot spare pools. The timestamp provides the date and time of the last state change. OPERANDS The following operands are supported:

component Display the status of the component host-

ing a soft partition, including extents, starting blocks, and block count.

hot_spare_pool Display the status of the specified hot

spare pool(s).

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System Administration Commands metastat(1M)

metadevice Display the status of the specified metadevice(s). If a trans metadevice is specified, the status of the master and

log devices is also displayed. Trans meta-

devices have been replaced by UFS logging. See NOTES.


Example 1 Output Showing Mirror with Two Submirrors

The following example shows the partial output of the metas-

tat command after creating a mirror, opt_mirror, consisting

of two submirrors, opt_sub1 and opt_sub2.

# metastat opt_mirror

opt_mirror: Mirror

Submirror 0: opt_sub1

State: Okay

Submirror 1: opt_sub2

State: Resyncing

Resync in progress: 15 % done

Pass: 1 Read option: roundrobin (default) Write option: parallel (default) Size: 2006130 blocks . . . Example 2 Soft Partition on Mirror with Submirror

The following example shows the partial output of the metas-

tat command after creating a soft partition, d3, on concat d2, which is built on a soft partition.

# metastat

d2: Concat/Stripe Size: 204800 blocks Stripe 0: Device Start Block Dbase State Hot Spare d0 0 No Okay d0: Soft Partition Component: c0t3d0s0 Status: Okay

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System Administration Commands metastat(1M)

Size: 204800 blocks Extent Start Block Block count 0 129 204800 d3: Soft Partition Component: d2 Status: Okay Size: 202752 blocks Extent Start Block Block count 0 129 202752 Example 3 Trans Metadevice

The following example shows the output of the metastat com-

mand after creating a trans metadevice.

# metastat

d2: Concat/Stripe Size: 204800 blocks Stripe 0: Device Start Block Dbase State Hot Spare d0 0 No Okay d0: Soft Partition Component: c0t3d0s0 Status: Okay Size: 204800 blocks Extent Start Block Block count 0 129 204800 d3: Soft Partition Component: d2 Status: Okay Size: 202752 blocks Extent Start Block Block count 0 129 202752

Example 4 Multi-owner disk set

The following example shows the output of the metastat com-

mand with a multi-owner disk set and application-based mir-

ror resynchronization option. Application-based resynchroni-

zation is set automatically if needed.

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System Administration Commands metastat(1M)

# metastat -s oban

oban/d100: Mirror Submirror 0: oban/d10 State: Okay Submirror 1: oban/d11 State: Okay Pass: 1 Read option: roundrobin (default) Write option: parallel (default) Resync option: application based Owner: None Size: 1027216 blocks (501 MB) oban/d10: Submirror of oban/d100 State: Okay Size: 1027216 blocks (501 MB) Stripe 0: Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare c1t3d0s0 0 No Okay oban/d11: Submirror of oban/d100 State: Okay Size: 1027216 blocks (501 MB) Stripe 0: Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare c1t4d0s0 0 No Okay WARNINGS

metastat displays states as of the time the command is

entered. It is unwise to use the output of the metastat -p

command to create a file for a number of reasons:

o The output of metastat -p might show hot spares

being used. o It might show mirrors with multiple submirrors. See

metainit(1M) for instructions for creating multi-

way mirrors using metainit and metattach.

o A slice may go into an error state after metastat

-p is issued.

EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred.

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System Administration Commands metastat(1M)


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | storage/svm |


| Interface Stability | Committed |



mdmonitord(1M), metaclear(1M), metadb(1M), metadetach(1M), metahs(1M), metainit(1M), metaoffline(1M), metaonline(1M), metaparam(1M), metarecover(1M), metarename(1M), metareplace(1M), metaroot(1M), metaset(1M), metassist(1M), metasync(1M), metattach(1M),,,,, attributes(5), md(7D) NOTES

Trans metadevices have been replaced by UFS logging. Exist-

ing trans devices are not logging--they pass data directly

through to the underlying device. See mount_ufs(1M) for more

information about UFS logging.

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