System Administration Commands metaoffline(1M)
metaoffline, metaonline - place submirrors offline and
/usr/sbin/metaoffline -h
/usr/sbin/metaoffline [-s setname] [-f] mirror submirror
/usr/sbin/metaonline -h
/usr/sbin/metaonline [-s setname] mirror submirror
The metaoffline command prevents Solaris Volume Manager from
reading and writing to the submirror that has been taken offline. While the submirror is offline, all writes to the mirror will be kept track of (by region) and will be writtenwhen the submirror is brought back online. The metaoffline
command can also be used to perform online backups: one sub-
mirror is taken offline and backed up while the mirrorremains accessible. (However, if this is a two-way mirror,
data redundancy is lost while one submirror is offline.) Themetaoffline command differs from the metadetach command
because it does not sever the logical association betweenthe submirror and the mirror. To completely remove a submir-
ror from a mirror, use the metadetach command. A submirror that has been taken offline will only remainoffline until the metaonline command is invoked or the sys-
tem is rebooted.When the metaonline command is used, reading from and writ-
ing to the submirror resumes. A resync is automatically invoked to resync the regions written while the submirror was offline. Writes are directed to the submirror duringresync. Reads, however, will come from a different submir-
ror. Once the resync operation completes, reads and writes are performed on that submirror. The metaonline command is only effective on a submirror of a mirror that has been taken offline.The metaoffline and metaonline commands can not be used on
RAID 1 volumes in application-based recovery (ABR) mode.
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 26 Mar 2006 1
System Administration Commands metaoffline(1M)
A submirror that has been taken offline with the metaoffline
command can only be mounted as read-only.
OPTIONS Root privileges are required for all of the followingoptions except -h.
-f Forces offlining of submirrors that have
slices requiring maintenance.-h Displays usage message.
-s setname Specifies the name of the diskset on which
metaoffline and metaonline will work. Using
the -s option will cause the command to per-
form its administrative function within the specified diskset. Without this option, the command will perform its function on local metadevices. mirror Specifies the metadevice name of the mirror from which the submirror will be either taken offline or put online. submirror Specifies the metadevice name of the submirror to be either taken offline or put online.EXAMPLES
Example 1 Taking a Submirror OfflineThis example takes one submirror, mymirror_sub1, offline
from mirror mymirror.# metaoffline mymirror mymirror_sub1
EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 26 Mar 2006 2
System Administration Commands metaoffline(1M)
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Availability | storage/svm ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
mdmonitord(1M), metaclear(1M), metadb(1M), metadetach(1M), metahs(1M), metainit(1M), metaparam(1M), metarecover(1M), metarename(1M), metareplace(1M), metaroot(1M), metaset(1M), metassist(1M), metastat(1M), metasync(1M), metattach(1M),,,,, attributes(5), md(7D) NOTESThe metaonline and metaoffline commands are not applicable
to mirrors in application-based recovery (ABR) mode.
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 26 Mar 2006 3