Windows PowerShell command on Get-command memcntl

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man memcntl

System Calls memcntl(2)


memcntl - memory management control




int memcntl(caddr_t addr, size_t len, int cmd, caddr_t arg,

int attr, int mask);


The memcntl() function allows the calling process to apply a

variety of control operations over the address space identi-

fied by the mappings established for the address range [addr, addr + len). The addr argument must be a multiple of the pagesize as returned by sysconf(3C). The scope of the control operations can be further defined with additional selection criteria (in the form of attributes) according to the bit pattern contained in attr.

The following attributes specify page mapping selection cri-

teria: SHARED Page is mapped shared. PRIVATE Page is mapped private. The following attributes specify page protection selection

criteria. The selection criteria are constructed by a bit-

wise OR operation on the attribute bits and must match exactly.

PROT_READ Page can be read.

PROT_WRITE Page can be written.

PROT_EXEC Page can be executed.

The following criteria may also be specified:

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System Calls memcntl(2)

PROC_TEXT Process text.

PROC_DATA Process data.

The PROC_TEXT attribute specifies all privately mapped seg-

ments with read and execute permission, and the PROC_DATA

attribute specifies all privately mapped segments with write permission. Selection criteria can be used to describe various abstract memory objects within the address space on which to operate. If an operation shall not be constrained by the selection criteria, attr must have the value 0. The operation to be performed is identified by the argument cmd. The symbolic names for the operations are defined in as follows:


Lock in memory all pages in the range with attributes attr. A given page may be locked multiple times through different mappings; however, within a given mapping, page locks do not nest. Multiple lock operations on the same address in the same process will all be removed with a single unlock operation. A page locked in one

process and mapped in another (or visible through a dif-

ferent mapping in the locking process) is locked in memory as long as the locking process does neither an

implicit nor explicit unlock operation. If a locked map-

ping is removed, or a page is deleted through file remo-

val or truncation, an unlock operation is implicitly

performed. If a writable MAP_PRIVATE page in the address

range is changed, the lock will be transferred to the private page. The arg argument is not used, but must be 0 to ensure compatibility with potential future enhancements.


Lock in memory all pages mapped by the address space with attributes attr. The addr and len arguments are not used, but must be NULL and 0 respectively, to ensure compatibility with potential future enhancements. The arg argument is a bit pattern built from the flags:

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System Calls memcntl(2)

MCL_CURRENT Lock current mappings.

MCL_FUTURE Lock future mappings.

The value of arg determines whether the pages to be locked are those currently mapped by the address space, those that will be mapped in the future, or both. If

MCL_FUTURE is specified, then all mappings subsequently

added to the address space will be locked, provided suf-

ficient memory is available.


Write to their backing storage locations all modified pages in the range with attributes attr. Optionally,

invalidate cache copies. The backing storage for a modi-

fied MAP_SHARED mapping is the file the page is mapped

to; the backing storage for a modified MAP_PRIVATE map-

ping is its swap area. The arg argument is a bit pattern built from the flags used to control the behavior of the operation:

MS_ASYNC Perform asynchronous writes.

MS_SYNC Perform synchronous writes.

MS_INVALIDATE Invalidate mappings.

MS_ASYNC Return immediately once all write operations

are scheduled; with MS_SYNC the function will not return

until all write operations are completed.

MS_INVALIDATE Invalidate all cached copies of data in

memory, so that further references to the pages will be

obtained by the system from their backing storage loca-

tions. This operation should be used by applications that require a memory object to be in a known state.


Unlock all pages in the range with attributes attr. The

arg argument is not used, but must be 0 to ensure compa-

tibility with potential future enhancements.


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System Calls memcntl(2)

Remove address space memory locks and locks on all pages in the address space with attributes attr. The addr, len, and arg arguments are not used, but must be NULL, 0

and 0, respectively, to ensure compatibility with poten-

tial future enhancements.


Advise system how a region of user-mapped memory will be

accessed. The arg argument is interpreted as a "struct

memcntl_mha *". The following members are defined in a

struct memcntl_mha:

uint_t mha_cmd;

uint_t mha_flags;

size_t mha_pagesize;

The accepted values for mha_cmd are:




The mha_flags member is reserved for future use and must

always be set to 0. The mha_pagesize member must be a

valid size as obtained from getpagesizes(3C) or the con-

stant value 0 to allow the system to choose an appropri-

ate hardware address translation mapping size.

MHA_MAPSIZE_VA sets the preferred hardware address

translation mapping size of the region of memory from addr to addr + len. Both addr and len must be aligned to

an mha_pagesize boundary. The entire virtual address

region from addr to addr + len must not have any holes.

Permissions within each mha_pagesize-aligned portion of

the region must be consistent. When a size of 0 is specified, the system selects an appropriate size based on the size and alignment of the memory region, type of processor, and other considerations.

MHA_MAPSIZE_STACK sets the preferred hardware address

translation mapping size of the process main thread stack segment. The addr and len arguments must be NULL and 0, respectively.

MHA_MAPSIZE_BSSBRK sets the preferred hardware address

translation mapping size of the process heap. The addr and len arguments must be NULL and 0, respectively. See

the NOTES section of the ppgsz(1) manual page for addi-

tional information on process heap alignment.

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System Calls memcntl(2)

The attr argument must be 0 for all MC_HAT_ADVISE opera-

tions. The mask argument must be 0; it is reserved for future use. Locks established with the lock operations are not inherited

by a child process after fork(2). The memcntl() function

fails if it attempts to lock more memory than a system-

specific limit.

Due to the potential impact on system resources, the opera-


restricted to privileged processes.


The memcntl() function subsumes the operations of plock(3C).

MC_HAT_ADVISE is intended to improve performance of applica-

tions that use large amounts of memory on processors that support multiple hardware address translation mapping sizes; however, it should be used with care. Not all processors support all sizes with equal efficiency. Use of larger sizes

may also introduce extra overhead that could reduce perfor-

mance or available memory. Using large sizes for one appli-

cation may reduce available resources for other applications and result in slower system wide performance.


Upon successful completion, memcntl() returns 0; otherwise,

it returns -1 and sets errno to indicate an error.


The memcntl() function will fail if:

EAGAIN When the selection criteria match, some or all of the memory identified by the operation could not

be locked when MC_LOCK or MC_LOCKAS was specified,

some or all mappings in the address range [addr,

addr + len) are locked for I/O when MC_HAT_ADVISE

was specified, or the system has insufficient

resources when MC_HAT_ADVISE was specified.

The cmd is MC_LOCK or MC_LOCKAS and locking the

memory identified by this operation would exceed a limit or resource control on locked memory.

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System Calls memcntl(2)

EBUSY When the selection criteria match, some or all of the addresses in the range [addr, addr + len) are

locked and MC_SYNC with the MS_INVALIDATE option

was specified.

EINVAL The addr argument specifies invalid selection cri-

teria or is not a multiple of the page size as returned by sysconf(3C); the addr and/or len

argument does not have the value 0 when MC_LOCKAS

or MC_UNLOCKAS is specified; the arg argument is

not valid for the function specified; mha_pagesize

or mha_cmd is invalid; or MC_HAT_ADVISE is speci-

fied and not all pages in the specified region have the same access permissions within the given size boundaries. ENOMEM When the selection criteria match, some or all of the addresses in the range [addr, addr + len) are invalid for the address space of a process or specify one or more pages which are not mapped.

EPERM The {PRIV_PROC_LOCK_MEMORY} privilege is not

asserted in the effective set of the calling pro-


MC_UNLOCKAS was specified.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| MT-Level | MT-Safe |



ppgsz(1), fork(2), mmap(2), mprotect(2), getpagesizes(3C), mlock(3C), mlockall(3C), msync(3C), plock(3C), sysconf(3C), attributes(5), privileges(5)

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