Windows PowerShell command on Get-command me

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man me

Standards, Environments, and Macros me(5)


me - macros for formatting papers


nroff -me [options] filename...

troff -me [options] filename...


This package of nroff and troff macro definitions provides a canned formatting facility for technical papers in various

formats. When producing 2-column output on a terminal,

filter the output through col(1). The macro requests are defined below. Many nroff and troff

requests are unsafe in conjunction with this package, how-

ever, these requests may be used with impunity after the first .pp: .bp begin new page .br break output line here .sp n insert n spacing lines .ls n (line spacing) n=1 single, n=2 double space

.na no alignment of right margin

.ce n center next n lines .ul n underline next n lines .sz +n add n to point size

Output of the eqn(1), neqn(1), refer(1), and tbl(1) prepro-

cessors for equations and tables is acceptable as input. REQUESTS

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 25 Feb 1992 1

Standards, Environments, and Macros me(5)

In the following list, "initialization" refers to the first

.pp, .lp, .ip, .np, .sh, or .uh macro. This list is incom-

plete. Request Initial Cause Explanation Value Break

.(c - yes Begin centered block.

.(d - no Begin delayed text.

.(f - no Begin footnote.

.(l - yes Begin list.

.(q - yes Begin major quote.

.(xx - no Begin indexed item in index x.

.(z - no Begin floating keep.

.)c - yes End centered block.

.)d - yes End delayed text.

.)f - yes End footnote.

.)l - yes End list.

.)q - yes End major quote.

.)x - yes End index item.

.)z - yes End floating keep.

.++ m H - no Define paper section.

m defines the part of the paper, and can be C (chapter), A (appendix), P (preliminary, for instance, abstract, table of contents, etc.), B (bibliography), RC (chapters renumbered from page one each chapter), or RA (appendix renumbered from page one).

.+c T - yes Begin chapter (or appendix, etc.,

as set by .++). T is the chapter title. .1c 1 yes One column format on a new page. .2c 1 yes Two column format.

.EN - yes Space after equation produced by eqn

or neqn.

.EQ x y - yes Precede equation; break out and

add space. Equation number is y.

The optional argument x may be I

to indent equation (default),

L to left-adjust the equation, or

C to center the equation.

.GE - yes End gremlin picture.

.GS - yes Begin gremlin picture.

.PE - yes End pic picture.

.PS - yes Begin pic picture.

.TE - yes End table.

.TH - yes End heading section of table.

.TS x - yes Begin table; if x is H table

has repeated heading.

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Standards, Environments, and Macros me(5)

.ac A N - no Set up for ACM style output.

A is the Author's name(s), N is the

total number of pages. Must be given before the first initialization.

.b x no no Print x in boldface; if no argument

switch to boldface.

.ba +n 0 yes Augments the base indent by n.

This indent is used to set the indent on regular text (like paragraphs). .bc no yes Begin new column. .bi x no no Print x in bold italics (nofill only).

.bu - yes Begin bulleted paragraph.

.bx x no no Print x in a box (nofill only). .ef 'x'y'z ''''' no Set even footer to x y z. .eh 'x'y'z ''''' no Set even header to x y z. .fo 'x'y'z ''''' no Set footer to x y z.

.hx - no Suppress headers and footers on

next page. .he 'x'y'z ''''' no Set header to x y z.

.hl - yes Draw a horizontal line.

.i x no no Italicize x; if x missing, italic text follows. .ip x y no yes Start indented paragraph, with hanging tag x. Indentation is y ens (default 5).

.lp yes yes Start left-blocked paragraph.

.lo - no Read in a file of local macros

of the form .*x. Must be given before initialization. .np 1 yes Start numbered paragraph. .of 'x'y'z ''''' no Set odd footer to x y z. .oh 'x'y'z ''''' no Set odd header to x y z.

.pd - yes Print delayed text.

.pp no yes Begin paragraph. First line indented. .r yes no Roman text follows.

.re - no Reset tabs to default values.

.sc no no Read in a file of special characters and diacritical marks. Must be given before initialization.

.sh n x - yes Section head follows, font

automatically bold. n is level of section, x is title of section. .sk no no Leave the next page blank.

Only one page is remembered ahead.

.sm x - no Set x in a smaller pointsize.

.sz +n 10p no Augment the point size by n points.

.th no no Produce the paper in thesis format. Must be given before initialization. .tp no yes Begin title page.

.u x - no Underline argument (even in troff).

(Nofill only).

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Standards, Environments, and Macros me(5)

.uh - yes Like .sh but unnumbered.

.xp x - no Print index x.

FILES /usr/share/lib/tmac/e



col(1), eqn(1), nroff(1), refer(1), tbl(1), troff(1)

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 25 Feb 1992 4

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