System Administration Commands makeuuid(1M)
makeuuid - generate Universal Unique Identifiers
makeuuid [-e ether] [-n count] [-R root]
The makeuuid command generates UUIDs (Universal Unique Iden-
tifiers) conforming to the OSF DCE specification for UUIDs. The specification states: "A UUID is an identifier that is unique across both space and time, with respect to the space of all UUIDs. A UUID can be used for multiple purposes, from tagging objects with anextremely short lifetime, to reliably identifying very per-
sistent objects across a network. "The generation of UUIDs does not require a registration authority for each single identifier. Instead, it requires aunique value over space for each UUID generator. This spa-
tially unique value is [normally] specified as an IEEE 802address, which is usually already applied to network-
connected systems."The makeuuid command generates one or more UUIDs on the
standard output. OPTIONSThe makeuuid command supports the following options:
-e ether Supplies an alternate address to be used in the
generation of the UUIDs. Normally, the system's Ethernet address is acquired and used during the generation of a UUID. However, this requires root privileges to open and read the networkdevices. If this is not possible, you must sup-
ply an alternate Ethernet address.-n count Generate multiple UUIDs. This option generates
the specified number of UUIDs, one per line. Using this form is more efficient than, andfunctionally equivalent to, calling the makeuuid
command multiple times. This can be used, for example, when a large number of UUIDs need to be generated for a given application.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 6 Apr 2005 1
System Administration Commands makeuuid(1M)
-R root Use root as the root filesystem path when updat-
ing the shared state file (see FILES). The shared state file must be writable by the userrunning makeuuid, otherwise no UUIDs will be
generated and the command will return in failure.Note -
The root file system of any non-global zones
must not be referenced with the -R option.
Doing so might damage the global zone's file system, might compromise the security of theglobal zone, and might damage the non-global
zone's file system. See zones(5).USAGE
Normally, you run the makeuuid command with root privileges,
as the Ethernet address and state files can be easily accessed and updated. If this is not possible, you must usethe -R and -e options to specify an alternate root and Eth-
ernet address to use when calculating the UUIDs.EXAMPLES
Example 1 Generating Multiple UUIDs The following command generates 3000 UUIDs:example# makeuuid -n 3000
Example 2 Invoking Without Root Privileges If you cannot obtain root privileges, you must specify an alternate Ethernet address and state file location:example% makeuuid -e 11:22:33:44:55:66 -R /export/root/example2
See the caveat on the use of the -R option in the descrip-
tion of that option, above.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 6 Apr 2005 2
System Administration Commands makeuuid(1M)
EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. 1 Out of memory.-1 Invalid Ethernet address given or access denied.
UUID state file. Use of time values is one way that UUIDgenerators, such as makeuuid, guarantee uniqueness. A
state file is a mechanism that allows makeuuid to
"remember" the last time value it used so it can incre-
ment that value for use in a new UUID. See the Internet Draft "UUIDs and GUIDs," dated February 4, 1998, for details on the state file mechanism.ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Availability | system/management/product-registry|
prodreg(1M), intro(3), libwsreg(3LIB), attributes(5) NOTESThe formal UUID specification is in the OSF DCE specifica-
tion, available at As of the date of pub-
lication of this man page, a copy of the specification is available at: 5.11 Last change: 6 Apr 2005 3
System Administration Commands makeuuid(1M)
Sun has no control over the availability of documents on the web site.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 6 Apr 2005 4