Windows PowerShell command on Get-command limits

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man limits

Headers limits.h(3HEAD)


limits.h, limits - implementation-defined constants




The header defines various symbolic names. Dif-

ferent categories of names are described below.

The names represent various limits on resources that the

implementation imposes on applications. Symbolic constant

names beginning with _POSIX can be found in unistd.h(3HEAD).

Applications should not assume any particular value for a limit. An application wishing to avail itself of the full amount of a resource available on an implementation can make

use of the value given in limits.h on that particular imple-

mentation by using the symbolic names listed below. Many of

the listed limits are not invariant, and at runtime, the

value of the limit might differ from those given in this header, for the following reasons:

o The limit is pathname-dependent.

o The limit differs between the compile and runtime machines. For these reasons, an application can use the fpathconf(2), pathconf(2), and sysconf(3C) functions to determine the actual value of a limit at runtime. Runtime Invariant Values (Possibly Indeterminate)


Maximum number of I/O operations in a single list I/O call supported by the implementation.


Maximum number of outstanding asynchronous I/O opera-

tions supported by the implementation.


The maximum amount by which a process can decrease its

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)

asynchronous I/O priority level from its own scheduling priority.


Maximum length of argument to the exec(2) functions including environment data.


Maximum number of functions that can be registered with atexit(3C).


Maximum number of simultaneous processes per real user ID.


Number of clock ticks per second returned by the times(2) function.


Maximum number of timer expiration overruns.


Maximum length of a host name (not including the ter-

minating null) as returned from the gethostname(3C) function.


Maximum number of iovec structures that one process has available for use with read(2) or write(2).


Maximum length of a login name.

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)


The maximum number of open message queue descriptors a process is allowed to hold.


Maximum length of a login name.


The maximum number of open message queue descriptors a process is allowed to hold.


The maximum number of message priorities supported by the implementation.


Maximum number of files that one process can have open at any one time. PAGESIZE Size in bytes of a page.


Equivalent to PAGESIZE. If either PAGESIZE or PAGE_SIZE

is defined, the other is defined with the same value.


The maximum number of significant bytes in a password, not including the terminating null.


Maximum number of attempts made to destroy a thread's

thread-specific data values on thread exit.

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)


Maximum number of data keys that can be created by a process.


Minimum size in bytes of thread stack storage.


Maximum number of threads that can be created per pro-



The number of repeated occurrences of a BRE permitted by the regexec(3C) and regcomp(3C) functions when using the interval notation {\(m,n\}.


Maximum number of realtime signals reserved for applica-

tion use in this implementation.


Maximum number of semaphores that a process can have.


The maximum value a semaphore can have.


Maximum number of queued signals that a process can send and have pending at the receiver(s) at any time.


The maximum number of replenishment operations that may be simultaneously pending for a particular sporadic server scheduler.

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)


The number of streams that one process can have open at one time. If defined, it has the same value as



Maximum number of symbolic links that can be reliably traversed in the resolution of a pathname in the absence of a loop.


Maximum number of timers per process supported by the implementation.


Maximum length of the trace event name.


Maximum length of the trace generation version string or of the trace stream name.


Maximum number of trace streams that may simultaneously exist in the system.


Maximum number of user trace event type identifiers that may simultaneously exist in a traced process, including the predefined user trace event



Maximum length of terminal device name.


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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)

Maximum number of bytes supported for the name of a timezone (not of the TZ variable). Pathname Variable Values The values in the following list can be constants within an implementation or can vary from one pathname to another. For example, file systems or directories can have different characteristics. The value supported for a specific pathname is provided by the pathconf(2) function. FILESIZEBITS Minimum number of bits needed to represent, as a signed integer value, the maximum size of a regular file allowed in the specified directory.

LINK_MAX Maximum number of links to a

single file.

MAX_CANON Maximum number of bytes in a

terminal canonical input line.

MAX_INPUT Minimum number of bytes for

which space is available in a terminal input queue; therefore, the maximum number of bytes a conforming application may require to be typed as input before reading them.

NAME_MAX Maximum number of bytes in a

filename (not including ter-

minating null).

PATH_MAX Maximum number of bytes in a

pathname, including the ter-

minating null character.

PIPE_BUF Maximum number of bytes that is

guaranteed to be atomic when writing to a pipe.

POSIX_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN Minimum number of bytes of

storage actually allocated for

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)

any portion of a file.

POSIX_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE Recommended increment for file

transfer sizes between the



POSIX_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE Maximum recommended file

transfer size.

POSIX_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE Minimum recommended file

transfer size.

POSIX_REC_XFER_ALIGN Recommended file transfer buffer


SYMLINK_MAX Maximum number of bytes in a

symbolic link. Runtime Increasable Values The magnitude limitations in the following list are fixed by specific implementations. An application should assume that

the value supplied by in a specific implementa-

tion is the minimum that pertains whenever the application is run under that implementation. A specific instance of a specific implementation can increase the value relative to

that supplied by for that implementation. The

actual value supported by a specific instance is provided by the sysconf(3C) function.

BC_BASE_MAX Maximum obase values allowed by the

bc(1) utility.

BC_DIM_MAX Maximum number of elements permitted

in an array by the bc utility.

BC_SCALE_MAX Maximum scale value allowed by the bc


BC_STRING_MAX Maximum length of a string constant

accepted by the bc utility.

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)

CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX Maximum number of bytes in a character

class name.

COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX Maximum number of weights that can be

assigned to an entry of the LC_COLLATE

order keyword in the locale definition file.

EXPR_NEST_MAX Maximum number of expressions that can

be nested within parentheses by the expr(1) utility.

EXPR_NEST_MAX Maximum number of expressions that can

be nested within parentheses by the expr utility.

LINE_MAX Unless otherwise noted, the maximum

length, in bytes, of a utility's input line (either standard input or another file), when the utility is described as processing text files. The length

includes room for the trailing line>.

NGROUPS_MAX Maximum number of simultaneous supple-

mentary group IDs per process.

RE_DUP_MAX Maximum number of repeated occurrences

of a regular expression permitted when using the interval notation \{m,n\}. Maximum Values The symbolic constants in the following list are symbolic names for the most restrictive value for certain features on an implementation supporting the POSIX Timers option.


clock, in nanoseconds. Minimum Values The symbolic constants in the following list are symbolic names for the most restrictive value for certain features on an implementation conforming to various POSIX and Single Unix Specification requirements. See standards(5).

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)


The number of I/O operations that can be specified in a

list I/O call.


The number of outstanding asynchronous I/O operations.


Maximum length of argument to the exec(2) functions including environment data.


Maximum number of simultaneous processes per real user ID.


The number of timer expiration overruns.


Maximum length of a host name (not including the ter-

minating null) as returned from the gethostname(3C) function.


Maximum number of links to a single file.


The size of the storage required for a login name, in bytes, including the terminating null.


Maximum number of bytes in a terminal canonical input queue.

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)


Maximum number of bytes allowed in a terminal input queue.


The number of message queues that can be open for a sin-

gle process.


The maximum number of message priorities supported by the implementation.


Maximum number of bytes in a filename (not including terminating null).


Maximum number of simultaneous supplementary group IDs per process.


Maximum number of files that one process can have open at any one time.


Maximum number of bytes in a pathname.


Maximum number of bytes that is guaranteed to be atomic when writing to a pipe.


The number of repeated occurrences of a BRE permitted by the regexec() and regcomp() functions when using the interval notation {\(m,n\}

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)


The number of realtime signal numbers reserved for application use.


The number of semaphores that a process can have.


The maximum value a semaphore can have.


The number of queued signals that a process can send and have pending at the receiver(s) at any time.


The value that can be stored in an object of type



The number of streams that one process can have open at one time.


The number of replenishment operations that can be simultaneously pending for a particular sporadic server scheduler.


The number of bytes in a symbolic link.


The number of symbolic links that can be traversed in the resolution of a pathname in the absence of a loop.

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)


The number of attempts made to destroy a thread's

thread-specific data values on thread exit.


The number of data keys per process.


The number of threads per process.


The per-process number of timers.


The length in bytes of a trace event name.


The length in bytes of a trace generation version string or a trace stream name.


The number of trace streams that can simultaneously exist in the system.


The number of user trace event type identifiers that may simultaneously exist in a traced process, including the predefined user trace event



The size of the storage required for a terminal device name, in bytes, including the terminating null.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 8 April 2004 12

Headers limits.h(3HEAD)


Maximum number of bytes supported for the name of a timezone (not of the TZ variable).


Maximum obase values allowed by the bc utility.


Maximum number of elements permitted in an array by the bc utility.


Maximum scale value allowed by the bc utility.


Maximum length of a string constant accepted by the bc utility.


Maximum number of bytes in a character class name.


Maximum number of weights that can be assigned to an

entry of the LC_COLLATE order keyword in the locale

definition file.


Maximum number of expressions that can be nested within parentheses by the expr utility.


Unless otherwise noted, the maximum length, in bytes, of a utility's input line (either standard input or another file), when the utility is described as processing text files. The length includes room for the trailing

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)



Maximum number of repeated occurrences of a regular expression permitted when using the interval notation \{m,n\}.


Maximum number of iovec structures that one process has available for use with read(2) or write(2).


Maximum number of bytes in a filename (not including the terminating null).


Maximum number of bytes in a pathname. Numerical Limits The values in the following lists shall be defined in

and are constant expressions suitable for use in

#if preprocessing directives. Moreover, except for CHAR_BIT,


MB_LEN_MAX, the symbolic names are defined as expressions of

the correct type. If the value of an object of type char is treated as a signed integer when used in an expression, the value of

CHAR_MIN is the same as that of SCHAR_MIN and the value of

CHAR_MAX is the same as that of SCHAR_MAX. Otherwise, the

value of CHAR_MIN is 0 and the value of CHAR_MAX is the same

as that of UCHAR_MAX.

CHAR_BIT Number of bits in a type char.

CHAR_MAX Maximum value of type char.

CHAR_MIN Minimum value of type char.

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)

DBL_DIG Digits of precision of type double.

DBL_MAX Maximum decimal value of a double.

DBL_MIN Minimum decimal value of a double.

FLT_DIG Digits of precision of type float.

FLT_MAX Maximum decimal value of a float.

FLT_MIN Minimum decimal value of a float.

INT_MIN Minimum value of type int.

INT_MAX Maximum value of an int.

LLONG_MIN Minimum value of type long long.

LLONG_MAX Maximum value of type long long.

LONG_BIT Number of bits in a long.

LONG_MIN Minimum value of type long.

LONG_MAX Maximum value of a long.

MB_LEN_MAX Maximum number of bytes in a character, for

any supported locale.

SCHAR_MIN Minimum value of type signed char.

SCHAR_MAX Maximum value of type signed char.

SHRT_MIN Minimum value of type short.

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)

SHRT_MAX Maximum value of type short.

SSIZE_MAX Maximum value of an object of type ssize_t.

TMP_MAX Minimum number of unique filename generated by

tmpnam(3C). Maximum number of times an appli-

cation can call tmpnam() reliably.

UCHAR_MAX Maximum value of type unsigned char.

UINT_MAX Maximum value of type unsigned.

ULLONG_MAX Maximum value of type unsigned long long.

ULONG_MAX Maximum value of type unsigned long.

USHRT_MAX Maximum value for a type unsigned short.

WORD_BIT Number of bits in a word or type int.

Other Invariant Values

The following constants are defined in .

CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX Maximum number of bytes in a character

class name.

LOGNAME_MAX The maximum number of bytes supported

in a user's login name.

NL_ARGMAX Maximum value of digit in calls to the

printf(3C) and scanf(3C) functions.

NL_LANGMAX Maximum number of bytes in a LANG


NL_MSGMAX Maximum message number.

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Headers limits.h(3HEAD)

NL_NMAX Maximum number of bytes in an N-to-1

collation mapping.

NL_SETMAX Maximum set number.

NL_TEXTMAX Maximum number of bytes in a message

string. NZERO Default process priority.


fpathconf(2), pathconf(2), sysconf(3C), standards(5)

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