Windows PowerShell command on Get-command libkmf

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man libkmf

Interface Libraries libkmf(3LIB)


libkmf - Key Management Framework library


cc [ flag... ] file... -lkmf [ library... ]



These functions comprise the Key Management Framework (KMF) library. They are intended to be used by applications that need to perform operations involving the creation and management of public key objects such as public/private key

pairs, certificates, certificate signing requests, certifi-

cate validation, certificate revocation lists, and OCSP response processing. Certificate to name mapping

KMF provides a means to map a certificate to a name accord-

ing to the configuration from the policy database or through

the mapping initialization function. The functions that pro-

vide the mapping functionality are


kmf_cert_to_name_mapping_finalize(), kmf_map_cert_to_name(),

kmf_match_cert_to_name(), and kmf_get_mapper_error_str().

KMF provides different types of mapping through shared objects called mappers. Supported mappers are: cn The CN mapper maps a certificate to its value from the

Common Name attribute. All other certificate attri-

butes are ignored. The mapper should be used in domains where the Common Name values are unique within the particular domain.

The mapper accepts only one option, the "case-

sensitive" option which defaults to false. If set, the

kmf_match_cert_to_name() function will honor the case

sensitivity when comparing the mapped name with the name provided. The option has no effect on the

kmf_map_cert_to_name() function.


The shared object provides the public interfaces

defined below. See Intro(3) for additional information on shared object interfaces.

kmf_add_cert_eku kmf_add_csr_eku

kmf_add_policy_to_db kmf_build_pk12

kmf_cert_to_name_mapping_finalize kmf_cert_to_name_mapping_initialize

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 11 Jun 2010 1

Interface Libraries libkmf(3LIB)

kmf_check_cert_date kmf_check_crl_date

kmf_compare_rdns kmf_configure_keystore

kmf_create_cert_file kmf_create_csr_file

kmf_create_keypair kmf_create_ocsp_request

kmf_create_sym_key kmf_decode_csr

kmf_decrypt kmf_delete_cert_from_keystore

kmf_delete_crl kmf_delete_key_from_keystore

kmf_delete_policy_from_db kmf_der_to_pem

kmf_dn_parser kmf_download_cert

kmf_download_crl kmf_ekuname_to_oid

kmf_encode_cert_record kmf_encrypt

kmf_export_pk12 kmf_finalize

kmf_find_attr kmf_find_cert

kmf_find_cert_in_crl kmf_find_crl

kmf_find_key kmf_find_prikey_by_cert

kmf_free_algoid kmf_free_bigint

kmf_free_crl_dist_pts kmf_free_data

kmf_free_dn kmf_free_eku

kmf_free_eku_policy kmf_free_extn

kmf_free_kmf_cert kmf_free_kmf_key

kmf_free_policy_record kmf_free_raw_key

kmf_free_raw_sym_key kmf_free_signed_cert

kmf_free_signed_csr kmf_free_spki

kmf_free_str kmf_free_tbs_cert

kmf_free_tbs_csr kmf_get_attr

kmf_get_attr_ptr kmf_get_cert_auth_info_access

kmf_get_cert_basic_constraint kmf_get_cert_crl_dist_pts

kmf_get_cert_eku kmf_get_cert_email_str

kmf_get_cert_end_date_str kmf_get_cert_extn

kmf_get_cert_extn_str kmf_get_cert_id_data

kmf_get_cert_id_str kmf_get_cert_issuer_str

kmf_get_cert_ku kmf_get_cert_policies

kmf_get_cert_pubkey_alg_str kmf_get_cert_pubkey_str

kmf_get_cert_serial_str kmf_get_cert_sig_alg_str

kmf_get_cert_start_date_str kmf_get_cert_subject_str

kmf_get_cert_validity kmf_get_cert_version_str

kmf_get_data_format kmf_get_encoded_ocsp_response

kmf_get_file_format kmf_get_kmf_error_str

kmf_get_mapper_error_str kmf_get_mapper_lasterror

kmf_get_mapper_options kmf_get_ocsp_for_cert

kmf_get_ocsp_status_for_cert kmf_get_pk11_handle

kmf_get_plugin_error_str kmf_get_policy

kmf_get_string_attr kmf_get_sym_key_value

kmf_hexstr_to_bytes kmf_import_crl

kmf_import_cert kmf_import_objects

kmf_initialize kmf_is_cert_data

kmf_is_cert_file kmf_is_crl_file

kmf_ku_to_string kmf_list_crl

kmf_map_cert_to_name kmf_match_cert_to_name

kmf_oid_to_ekuname kmf_oid_to_string

kmf_pem_to_der kmf_pk11_token_lookup

kmf_read_input_file kmf_select_token

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 11 Jun 2010 2

Interface Libraries libkmf(3LIB)

kmf_set_attr kmf_set_attr_at_index

kmf_set_cert_basic_constraint kmf_set_cert_extn

kmf_set_cert_issuer kmf_set_cert_issuer_altname

kmf_set_cert_ku kmf_set_cert_pubkey

kmf_set_cert_serial kmf_set_cert_sig_alg

kmf_set_cert_subject kmf_set_cert_subject_altname

kmf_set_cert_validity kmf_set_cert_version

kmf_set_csr_extn kmf_set_csr_ku

kmf_set_csr_pubkey kmf_set_csr_sig_alg

kmf_set_csr_subject kmf_set_csr_subject_altname

kmf_set_csr_version kmf_set_mapper_lasterror

kmf_set_mapper_options kmf_set_policy

kmf_set_token_pin kmf_sign_cert

kmf_sign_csr kmf_sign_data

kmf_store_cert kmf_store_key

kmf_string_to_ku kmf_string_to_oid

kmf_validate_cert kmf_verify_cert

kmf_verify_crl_file kmf_verify_csr

kmf_verify_data kmf_verify_policy


Example 1 Configuring the certificate to name mapping. The following example configures the default certificate to name mapping to use the CN mapper while ignoring the case sensitivity when matching the certificates.

$ kmfcfg modify policy=default mapper-name=cn \



/lib/ shared object

/lib/64/ 64-bit shared object

/usr/include/kmfapi.h KMF function definitions /usr/include/kmftypes.h KMF structures and types.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 11 Jun 2010 3

Interface Libraries libkmf(3LIB)




| Availability | SUNWcs (32-bit) |

| | SUNWcsrx (64-bit) |


| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | Safe |



kmfcfg(1), pktool(1), attributes(5) Oracle Solaris Security for Developers Guide

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 11 Jun 2010 4

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