Windows PowerShell command on Get-command libdevinfo

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man libdevinfo

Interface Libraries libdevinfo(3LIB)


libdevinfo - device information library


cc [ flag... ] file... -ldevinfo [ library... ]



Functions in this library access device configuration infor-

mation. Device configuration data is organized as a tree of device

nodes, defined as di_node_t in the libdevinfo interfaces.

Each di_node_t represents a physical or logical (pseudo)

device. The types of data associated with device nodes are: o data defined for all device nodes (attributes) o data defined for all multipath path nodes o data defined for all minor node data o properties specific to nodes All device nodes have a set of common attributes, such as a node name, an instance number, and a driver binding name.

Common device node attributes are accessed by calling inter-

faces listed on the di_binding_name(3DEVINFO) manual page.

Each device node also has a physical path, which is accessed

by calling di_devfs_path(3DEVINFO).

Properties provide device specific information for device configuration and usage. Properties can be defined by

software (di_prop_t) or by firmware (di_prom_prop_t). One

way to access each di_prop_t is to make successive calls to

di_prop_next(3DEVINFO) until DI_PROP_NIL is returned. For

each di_prop_t, use interfaces on the

di_prop_bytes(3DEVINFO) manual page to obtain property names

and values. Another way to access these properties is to

call di_prop_lookup_bytes(3DEVINFO) to find the value of a

property with a given name. Accessing a di_prom_prop_t is

similar to accessing a di_prop_t, except that the interface

names start with di_prom_prop and additional calls to

di_prom_init(3DEVINFO) and di_prom_fini(3DEVINFO) are


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Interface Libraries libdevinfo(3LIB)

Minor nodes contain information exported by the device for creating special files for the device. Each device node has 0 or more minor nodes associated with it. A list of minor

nodes (di_minor_t) can be obtained by making successive

calls to di_minor_next(3DEVINFO) until DI_MINOR_NIL is

returned. For each minor node, di_minor_devt(3DEVINFO) and

related interfaces are called to get minor node data.

In some configurations, multipath device access via a vir-

tual host controller interface (vHCI) abstraction is possi-

ble. An example of a driver using this abstraction is

scsi_vhci(7D). In such cases, devices are not directly

represented as children of their physical host controller interface (pHCI) bus adapter. Instead, devices have an

identity-oriented representation as a child of a vHCI. All

paths leading to the same identity are represented by a com-

mon child endpoint of the vHCI called the "client" device node. The vHCI virtualizes access among the underlying pHCI

physical paths. The underlying connection between vHCI-

managed client endpoints and the pHCI paths to that endpoint is represented by a class of nodes called "path" nodes


Each path node is associated with two device nodes: its pHCI device node, and its client device node. A list of paths associated with a specific pHCI device node can be obtained

using di_path_phci_next_path(3DEVINFO), and a list of paths

associated with a specific client device node can be

obtained using di_path_client_next_path(3DEVINFO). These

functions return DI_PATH_NIL when the end of the list of

path nodes is reached.

For each path node, di_path_state(3DEVINFO) and related

interfaces are called to get path node data.

Using libdevinfo involves three steps:

o Creating a snapshot of the device tree o Traversing the device tree to get information of interest o Destroying the snapshot of the device tree A snapshot of the device tree is created by calling

di_init(3DEVINFO) and destroyed by calling

di_fini(3DEVINFO). An application can specify the data to be

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Interface Libraries libdevinfo(3LIB)

included in the snapshot (full or partial tree, include or exclude properties and minor nodes) and get a handle to the

root of the device tree. See di_init(3DEVINFO) for details.

The application then traverses the device tree in the snapshot to obtain device configuration data.

The device tree is normally traversed through parent-child-

sibling linkage. Each device node contains references to its parent, its next sibling, and the first of its children.

Given the di_node_t returned from di_init(), one can find

all children by first calling di_child_node(3DEVINFO), fol-

lowed by successive calls to di_sibling_node(3DEVINFO) until

DI_NODE_NIL is returned. By following this procedure recur-

sively, an application can visit all device nodes contained

in the snapshot. Two interfaces,The di_walk_node(3DEVINFO)

and di_walk_minor(3DEVINFO) functions are provided to facil-

itate device tree traversal. The di_walk_node() function

visits all device nodes and executes a user-supplied call-

back function for each node visited. The di_walk_minor()

function does the same for each minor node in the device tree. An alternative way to traverse the device tree is through

the per-driver device node linkage. Device nodes contain a

reference to the next device node bound to the same driver.

Given the di_node_t returned from di_init(), an application

can find all device nodes bound to a driver by first calling

di_drv_first_node(3DEVINFO), followed by successive calls to

di_drv_next_node(3DEVINFO) until DI_NODE_NIL is returned.

Traversing the per-driver device node list works only when

the snapshot includes all device nodes.

See di_init(3DEVINFO) for examples of libdevinfo usage. See

Writing Device Drivers for information about Solaris device configuration. INTERFACES

The shared object provides the public inter-

faces defined below. See Intro(3) for additional information on shared object interfaces.

di_binding_name di_bus_addr

di_child_node di_compatible_names

di_devfs_minor_path di_devfs_path

di_devfs_path_free di_devid

di_driver_major di_driver_name

di_driver_ops di_drv_first_node

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di_drv_next_node di_fini

di_init di_instance

di_link_next_by_lnode di_link_next_by_node

di_link_private_get di_link_private_set

di_link_spectype di_link_to_lnode

di_lnode_devinfo di_lnode_devt

di_lnode_name di_lnode_next

di_lnode_private_get di_lnode_private_set

di_minor_devt di_minor_name

di_minor_next di_minor_nodetype

di_minor_private_get di_minor_private_set

di_minor_spectype di_minor_type

di_node_name di_node_private_get

di_node_private_set di_nodeid

di_parent_node di_path_bus_addr

di_path_client_devfs_path di_path_client_next_path

di_path_client_node di_path_devfs_path

di_path_instance di_path_node_name

di_path_phci_next_path di_path_phci_node

di_path_prop_bytes di_path_prop_int64s

di_path_prop_ints di_path_prop_len

di_path_prop_lookup_bytes di_path_prop_lookup_int64s

di_path_prop_lookup_ints di_path_prop_lookup_strings

di_path_prop_name di_path_prop_strings

di_path_prop_next di_path_prop_type

di_path_state di_prom_fini

di_prom_init di_prom_prop_data

di_prom_prop_lookup_bytes di_prom_prop_lookup_ints

di_prom_prop_lookup_strings di_prom_prop_name

di_prom_prop_next di_prop_bytes

di_prop_devt di_prop_int64

di_prop_ints di_prop_lookup_bytes

di_prop_lookup_int64 di_prop_lookup_ints

di_prop_lookup_strings di_prop_name

di_prop_next di_prop_strings

di_prop_type di_sibling_node

di_state di_walk_link

di_walk_lnode di_walk_minor



Example 1 Information accessible through libdevinfo inter-

faces The following example illustrates the kind of information

accessible through libdevinfo interfaces for a device node

representing a hard disk (sd2): Attributes

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Interface Libraries libdevinfo(3LIB)

node name: sd instance: 2 physical path: /sbus@1f,0/espdma@e,8400000/esp@e,8800000/sd@2,0 Properties target=2 lun=0 Minor nodes (disk partition /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s0) name: a

dev_t: 0x0080010 (32/16)

spectype: IF_BLK (block special)

(disk partition /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2) name: c,raw

dev_t: 0x0080012 (32/18)

spectype: IF_CHR (character special)



shared object


64-bit shared object


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


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Interface Libraries libdevinfo(3LIB)




| Availability | system/library, SUNWstatl (32-bit)|

| | SUNWcslx (64-bit) |


| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | Safe |



pvs(1), devlinks(1M), prtconf(1M), Intro(3),

di_binding_name(3DEVINFO), di_child_node(3DEVINFO),

di_devfs_path(3DEVINFO), di_init(3DEVINFO),

di_minor_devt(3DEVINFO), di_minor_next(3DEVINFO),





di_path_prop_next(3DEVINFO), di_prom_init(3DEVINFO),

di_prop_bytes(3DEVINFO), di_prop_lookup_bytes(3DEVINFO),

di_prop_next(3DEVINFO), di_walk_minor(3DEVINFO),

di_walk_node(3DEVINFO), attributes(5)

Writing Device Drivers

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