Windows PowerShell command on Get-command lgrp_affinity_set

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man lgrp_affinity_set

Locality Group Library Functions lgrp_affinity_get(3LGRP)


lgrp_affinity_get, lgrp_affinity_set - get of set lgroup



cc [ flag ... ] file... -llgrp [ library ... ]


lgrp_affinity_t lgrp_affinity_get(idtype_t idtype, id_t id,

lgrp_id_t lgrp);

int lgrp_affinity_set(idtype_t idtype, id_t id, lgrp_id_t lgrp,

lgrp_affinity_t affinity);


The lgrp_affinity_get() function returns the affinity that

the LWP or set of LWPs specified by the idtype and id argu-

ments have for the given lgroup.

The lgrp_affinity_set() function sets the affinity that the

LWP or set of LWPs specified by idtype and id have for the given lgroup. The lgroup affinity can be set to


If the idtype is P_PID, the affinity is retrieved for one of

the LWPs in the process or set for all the LWPs of the pro-

cess with process ID (PID) id. The affinity is retrieved or set for the LWP of the current process with LWP ID id if

idtype is P_LWPID. If id is P_MYID, then the current LWP or

process is specified. The operating system uses the lgroup affinities as advice on where to run a thread and allocate its memory and factors this advice in with other constraints. Processor binding and processor sets can restrict which lgroups a thread can run on, but do not change the lgroup affinities. Each thread can have an affinity for an lgroup in the system such that the thread will tend to be scheduled to run on

that lgroup and allocate memory from there whenever possi-

ble. If the thread has affinity for more than one lgroup, the operating system will try to run the thread and allocate its memory on the lgroup for which it has the strongest affinity, then the next strongest, and so on up through some

small, system-dependent number of these lgroup affinities.

When multiple lgroups have the same affinity, the order of

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Apr 2003 1

Locality Group Library Functions lgrp_affinity_get(3LGRP)

preference among them is unspecified and up to the operating system to choose. The lgroup with the strongest affinity that the thread can run on is known as its "home lgroup"

(see lgrp_home(3LGRP)) and is usually the operating system's

first choice of where to run the thread and allocate its memory.

There are different levels of affinity that can be speci-

fied by a thread for a particuliar lgroup. The levels of affinity are the following from strongest to weakest:

LGRP_AFF_STRONG /* strong affinity */

LGRP_AFF_WEAK /* weak affinity */

LGRP_AFF_NONE /* no affinity */

The LGRP_AFF_STRONG affinity serves as a hint to the operat-

ing system that the calling thread has a strong affinity for the given lgroup. If this is the thread's home lgroup, the operating system will avoid rehoming it to another lgroup if

possible. However, dynamic reconfiguration, processor off-

lining, processor binding, and processor set binding and manipulation are examples of events that can cause the operating system to change the thread's home lgroup for which it has a strong affinity.

The LGRP_AFF_WEAK affinity is a hint to the operating system

that the calling thread has a weak affinity for the given lgroup. If a thread has a weak affinity for its home lgroup, the operating system interpets this to mean that thread does not mind whether it is rehomed, unlike

LGRP_AFF_STRONG. Load balancing, dynamic reconfiguration,

processor binding, or processor set binding and manipulation are examples of events that can cause the operating system to change a thread's home lgroup for which it has a weak affinity.

The LGRP_AFF_NONE affinity signifies no affinity and can be

used to remove a thread's affinity for a particuliar lgroup. Initially, each thread has no affinity to any lgroup. If a thread has no lgroup affinities set, the operating system chooses a home lgroup for the thread with no affinity set.


Upon successful completion, lgrp_affinity_get() returns the

affinity for the given lgroup.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Apr 2003 2

Locality Group Library Functions lgrp_affinity_get(3LGRP)

Upon successful completion, lgrp_affinity_set() return 0.

Otherwise, both functions return -1 and set errno to indi-

cate the error.


The lgrp_affinity_get() and lgrp_affinity_set() functions

will fail if: EINVAL The specified lgroup, affinity, or ID type is not valid. EPERM The effective user of the calling process does not have appropriate privileges, and its real or effective user ID does not match the real or effective user ID of one of the LWPs. ESRCH The specified lgroup or LWP(s) was not found.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | MT-Safe |



lgrp_home(3LGRP), liblgrp(3LIB), attributes(5)

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