Windows PowerShell command on Get-command ldap_init_searchprefs_buf

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man ldap_init_searchprefs_buf

LDAP Library Functions ldap_searchprefs(3LDAP)


ldap_searchprefs, ldap_init_searchprefs,

ldap_init_searchprefs_buf, ldap_free_searchprefs,

ldap_first_searchobj, ldap_next_searchobj - LDAP search

preference configuration routeines


cc[ flag... ] file... -lldap[ library... ]

# include

# include

int ldap_init_searchprefs(char **file,

struct ldap_searchobj ***solistp);

int ldap_init_searchprefs_buf(char **buf, unsigned longlen,

struct ldap_searchobj **solistp);

struct ldap_searchobj **ldap_free_searchprefs

(struct ldap_searchobj **solist);

struct ldap_searchobj **ldap_first_searchobj

(struct ldap_seachobj **solist);

struct ldap_searchobj **ldap_next_searchobj

(struct ldap_seachobj **solist, struct ldap_seachobj **so);


These functions provide a standard way to access LDAP search

preference configuration data. LDAP search preference con-

figurations are typically used by LDAP client programs to specify which attributes a user may search by, labels for the attributes, and LDAP filters and scopes associated with those searches. Client software presents these choices to a

user, who can then specify the type of search to be per-


ldap_init_searchprefs() reads a sequence of search prefer-

ence configurations from a valid LDAP searchpref configura-

tion file. See ldapsearchprefs.conf(4). Upon success, 0 is returned and solistp is set to point to a list of search preference data structures.

ldap_init_searchprefs_buf() reads a sequence of search

preference configurations from buf, whose size is buflen. buf should point to the data in the format defined for an

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 27 Jan 2002 1

LDAP Library Functions ldap_searchprefs(3LDAP)

LDAP search preference configuration file. See ldapsearchprefs.conf(4). Upon success, 0 is returned and solistp is set to point to a list of search preference data structures.

ldap_free_searchprefs() disposes of the data structures

allocated by ldap_init_searchprefs().

ldap_first_searchpref() returns the first search preference

data structure in the list solist. The solist is typically

obtained by calling ldap_init_searchprefs().

ldap_next_searchpref() returns the search preference after

so in the template list solist. A NULL pointer is returned if so is the last entry in the list.


ldap_init_search_prefs() and ldap_init_search_prefs_bufs()



**buf points to data that is newer than can be handled.


Memory allocation problem.


See attributes(5) for a description of the following attri-




| Availability | system/library (32-bit) |

| | SUNWcslx (64-bit) |

| Interface Stability | Committed |



ldap(3LDAP), ldapsearchprefs.conf(4), attributes(5)

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 27 Jan 2002 2

LDAP Library Functions ldap_searchprefs(3LDAP)

Yeong, W., Howes, T., and Hardcastle-Kille, S., "Lightweight

Directory Access Protocol", OSI-DS-26, April 1992.

Howes, T., Hardcastle-Kille, S., Yeong, W., and Robbins, C.,

"Lightweight Directory Access Protocol", OSI-DS-26, April


Hardcastle-Kille, S., "A String Representation of Dis-

tinguished Names", OSI-DS-23, April 1992.

Information Processing - Open Systems Interconnection - The

Directory, International Organization for Standardization. International Standard 9594, (1988).

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 27 Jan 2002 3

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