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lari - link analysis of runtime interfaces
lari [-bCDsVv] [-a | -i | -o] file | directory...
lari [-CDosv] [-m [-d mapdir]] file
The lari utility analyzes the interface requirements of
dynamic ELF objects. Two basic modes of operation are avail-
able. The first mode displays runtime interface information. The second mode generates interface definitions. Dynamic objects offer symbolic definitions that representthe interface that the object provides for external consu-
mers. At runtime, bindings are established from the symbolic references of one object to the symbolic definitions ofanother object. lari analyzes both the interface definitions
and runtime bindings of the specified objects.When displaying runtime interface information, lari can
analyze a number of files and/or directories. lari analyzes
each file that is specified on the command line. lari recur-
sively descends into each directory that is specified on the command line, processing each file that is found.When generating interface definitions, lari can only process
a single file specified on the command line.Without the -D option, lari processes files as dynamic ELF
objects by using ldd(1). This processing uses the following options:-r and -e LD_DEBUG=files,bindings,detail
These options provide information on all bindings that are established as part of loading the object. Notice that by using ldd, the specified object is not executed, and hence no user controlled loading of objects, by dlopen(3C) for example, occurs. To capture all binding information from an executing process, the following environment variables can be passed directly to the runtime linker, 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 1
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LD_DEBUG=files,bindings,detail LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT=lari.dbg
The resulting debug output,, can be processed
by lari using the -D option. Note: lari attempts to analyze
each object that has been processed using the path name defined in the debug output. Each object must therefore beaccessible to lari for a complete, accurate analysis to be
provided. The debug output file must be generated in the C locale.When displaying interface information, lari analyzes the
interfaces of the processed dynamic objects and, by default,displays any interesting information. See Interesting Infor-
mation under EXTENDED DESCRIPTION. The information that is
displayed is also suitable for piping to other tools. This capability can aid developers in analyzing process bindings or debugging complex binding scenarios.The generation of interface definitions by lari can be used
to refine the interface requirements of the dynamic objects that are processed. When creating a dynamic object, youshould define an explicit, versioned interface. This defini-
tion controls the symbol definitions that are available to external users. In addition, this definition frequently reduces the overall runtime execution cost of the object. Interface definitions can be assigned to an object duringits creation by the link-editor using the -M option and the
associated mapfile directives. See the Linker and Libraries Guide for more details on using mapfiles to version objects.An initial version of these mapfiles can be created by lari.
OPTIONS The following options are supported.-a Displays all interface information for the
objects analyzed. Note: The output from this option can be substantial, but is often useful for piping to other analysis tools.-b Limits the interface information to those sym-
bols that have been explicitly bound to. Note: Symbols defined as protected might have been bound to from within the defining object. Thisbinding is satisfied at link-edit time and is
therefore not visible to the runtimeSunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 2
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environment. Protected symbols are displayed with this option.-C Demangles C++ symbol names. This option is use-
ful for augmenting runtime interface informa-
tion. When generating interface definitions, demangled names are added to the mapfiles as comments.-d mapdir Defines the directory, mapdir, in which map-
files are created. By default, the current working directory is used.-D Interprets any input files as debugging infor-
mation rather than as dynamic objects.-i Displays interesting interface binding informa-
tion. This mode is the default if no other out-
put controlling option is supplied. SeeInteresting Information under EXTENDED DESCRIP-
TION.-m Creates mapfiles for each dynamic object that
is processed. These mapfiles reflect the inter-
face requirements of each object as required by the input file being processed.-o Limits the interface information to those sym-
bols that are deemed an overhead. When creating mapfiles, any overhead symbols are itemized as local symbols. See Overhead Information underEXTENDED DESCRIPTION.
-s Saves the bindings information produced from
ldd(1) for further analysis. See FILES.-V Appends interesting symbol visibilities. Sym-
bols that are defined as singleton or are defined protected are identified with this option.-v Ignores any objects that are already versioned.
Versioned objects have had their interfacesSunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 3
User Commands lari(1)
defined, but can contribute to the interface information displayed. For example, a versioned shared object might reveal overhead symbols fora particular process. Shared objects are fre-
quently designed for use by multiple processes, and thus the interfaces these objects provide can extend beyond the requirements of any oneprocess. The -v option therefore, can reduce
noise when displaying interface information.The runtime interface information produced from lari has the
following format:[information]: symbol-name [demangled-name]: object-name
Each line describes the interface symbol, symbol-name,
together with the object, object-name, in which the symbol
is defined. If the symbol represents a function, the symbol name is followed by (). If the symbol represents a data object, the symbol name is followed by the symbols size,enclosed within []. If the -C option is used, the symbol
name is accompanied by the symbols demangled name,demangled-name. The information field provides one or more
of the following tokens that describe the symbol's use: cnt:bnd Two decimal values indicate the symbol count, cnt, and the number of bindings to this object, bnd. The symbol count is the number of occurrences of this symbol definition that have been found in the objects that are analyzed. A count that is greater than 1 indicates multiple instances of a symbol definition. The number of bindings indicate the number of objects that havebeen bound to this symbol definition by the run-
time linker. E This symbol definition has been bound to from an external object. S This symbol definition has been bound to from the same object. D This symbol definition has been directly bound to.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 4
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I This symbol definition provides for an inter-
poser. An object that explicitly identifiesitself as an interposor defines all global sym-
bols as interposers. See the -z interpose option
of ld(1), and the LD_PRELOAD variable of Individual symbols within a dynamic executable can be defined as interposers by using the INTERPOSE mapfile directive. C This symbol definition is the reference data of acopy-relocation.
F This symbol definition resides in a filtee. P This symbol is defined as protected. This symbol might have an internal binding from the object inwhich the symbol is declared. Any internal bind-
ings with this attribute can not be interposed upon by another symbol definition.A This symbol definition is the address of a pro-
cedure linkage table entry within a dynamic exe-
cutable. U This symbol lookup originated from a user request, for example, dlsym(3C). R This symbol definition is acting as a filter, and provides for redirection to a filtee. r A binding to this symbol was rejected at some point during a symbol search. A rejection canoccur when a direct binding request finds a sym-
bol that has been tagged to prevent direct bind-
ing. In this scenario, the symbol search isrepeated using a default search model. The bind-
ing can still resolve to the original, rejectedsymbol. A rejection can also occur when a non-
default symbol search finds a symbol identified as a singleton. Again, the symbol search is repeated using a default search model. N This symbol definition explicitly prohibits directly binding to the definition.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 5
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See the Linker and Libraries Guide for more details of these symbol classifications.EXTENDED DESCRIPTION
Interesting InformationBy default, or specifically using the -i option, lari
filters any runtime interface information to present interesting events. This filtering is carried out mainly to reduce the amount of information that can be generated from large applications. In addition, this information is intended to be the focus in debugging complex binding scenarios, and often highlights problem areas. However,classifying what information is interesting for any particu-
lar application is an inexact science. You are still free touse the -a option and to search the binding information for
events that are unique to the application being investi-
gated. When an interesting symbol definition is discovered, all other definitions of the same symbol are output. The focus of interesting interface information is the existence of multiple definitions of a symbol. In this case, one symbol typically interposes on one or more other symbol definitions. This interposition is seen when the bindingcount, bnd, of one definition is non-zero, while the binding
count of all other definitions is zero. Interposition that results from the compilation environment, or the linking environment, is not characterized as interesting. Examples of these interposition occurrences include copy relocations ([C]) and the binding to procedure linkage addresses ([A]). Interposition is often desirable. The intent is to overload, or replace, the symbolic definition from a shared object. Interpositioning objects can be explicitly tagged ([I]),using the -z interpose option of ld(1). These objects can
safely interpose on symbols, no matter what order the objects are loaded in a process. However, be cautious whennon-explicit interposition is employed, as this interposi-
tion is a consequence of the load-order of the objects that
make up the process.User-created, multiply-defined symbols are output from lari
as interesting. In this example, two definitions of inter-
pose1() exist, but only the definition in main is refer-
enced: [2:1E]: interpose1(): ./mainSunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 6
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[2:0]: interpose1(): ./ Interposition can also be an undesirable and surprising event, caused by an unexpected symbol name clash. A symptom of this interposition might be that a function is never called although you know a reference to the function exists.This scenario can be identified as a multiply defined sym-
bol, as covered in the previous example. However, a more surprising scenario is often encountered when an object both defines and references a specific symbol. An example of this scenario is if two dynamic objects define and reference the same function, interpose2(). Any reference to this symbol binds to the first dynamic object loaded with the process. In this case, the definition of interpose2() in object interposes on, and hides, the definition ofinterpose2() in object The output from lari might
be: [2:2ES]: interpose2(): ./ [2:0]: interpose2(): ./ Multiply defined symbols can also be bound to separately. Separate bindings can be the case when direct bindings arein effect ([D]), or because a symbol has protected visibil-
ity ([P]). Although separate bindings can be explicitly established, instances can exist that are unexpected andsurprising. Directly bound symbols, and symbols with pro-
tected visibility, are output as interesting information. Overhead InformationWhen using the -o option, lari displays symbol definitions
that might be considered overhead. Global symbols that are not referenced are considered an overhead. The symbol information that is provided within the object unnecessarily adds to the size of the object's text segment. In addition, the symbol information can increasethe processing required to search for other symbolic refer-
ences within the object at runtime. Global symbols that are only referenced from the same object have the same characteristics. The runtime search for aSunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 7
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symbolic reference, that results in binding to the same object that made the reference, is an additional overhead.Both of these symbol definitions are candidates for reduc-
tion to local scope by defining the object's interface. Interface definitions can be assigned to a file during itscreation by the link-editor using the -M option and the
associated mapfile directives. See the Linker and LibrariesGuide for more details on mapfiles. Use lari with the -m
option to create initial versions of these mapfiles.If lari is used to generate mapfiles, versioned shared
objects will have mapfiles created indicating that their overhead symbols should be reduced to locals. This modelallows lari to generate mapfiles for comparison with exist-
ing interface definitions. Use the -v option to ignore ver-
sioned shared objects when creating mapfiles.Copy-relocations are also viewed as an overhead and gen-
erally should be avoided. The size of the copied data is a definition of its interface. This definition restricts the ability to change the data size in newer versions of theshared object in which the data is defined. This restric-
tion, plus the cost of processing a copy relocation, can be avoided by referencing data using a functional interface.The output from lari for a copy relocation might be:
[2:1EC]: __iob[0x140]: ./main
[2:0]: __iob[0x140]: ./
Notice that a number of small copy relocations, such as__iob used in the previous example, exist because of his-
toric programming interactions with system libraries. Another example of overhead information is the binding of a dynamic object to the procedure linkage table entry of a dynamic executable. If a dynamic executable references an external function, a procedure linkage table entry is created. This structure allows the reference binding to be deferred until the function call is actually made. If a dynamic object takes the address of the same referencedfunction, the dynamic object binds to the dynamic execut-
ables procedure linkage table entry. An example of this type of event reveals the following:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 8
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[2:1EA]: foo(): ./main [2:1E]: foo(): ./ A small number of bindings of this type are typically notcause for concern. However, a large number of these bind-
ings, perhaps from a jump-table programming technique, can
contribute to start up overhead. Address relocation bindings of this type require relocation processing at application start up, rather than the deferred relocation processing used when calling functions directly. Use of this address also requires an indirection at runtime.EXAMPLES
Example 1 Analyzing a case of multiple bindings The following example shows the analysis of a process in which multiple symbol definitions exist. The shared objects and both call the function interpose(). This function exists in both the application main, and the shared object Because of interposition, both references bind to the definition of interpose() in main. The shared objects and also both call the function foo(). This function exists in the application main, and the shared objects,, and Because both and were built with direct bindings enabled, each object binds to its own definition.example% lari ./main
[3:0]: foo(): ./ [3:1SD]: foo(): ./ [3:1SD]: foo(): ./ [2:0]: interpose(): ./ [2:2EP]: interpose(): ./main To analyze binding information more thoroughly, the bindings data can be saved for further inspection. For example, the previous output indicates that the function interpose() was called from two objects external to main. Inspection of the binding output reveals where the references to this function originated.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 9
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example% lari -s ./main
lari: ./main: bindings information saved as: /usr/tmp/lari.dbg.main
.....example% fgrep foo /usr/tmp/lari.dbg.main
binding file=./ to file=./main: symbol `interpose' binding file=./ to file=./main: symbol `interpose' Note: The bindings output is typically more extensive thanshown here, as the output is accompanied with process iden-
tifier, address and other bindings information. Example 2 Generating an interface definition The following example creates interface definitions for an application and its dependency, while ignoring any versioned system libraries. The application main makes reference to the interfaces one(), two(), and three() in lari -omv ./main
example% cat
# Interface Definition mapfile for:
# Dynamic Object: ./
# Process: ./main
# { global: one; three; two; local:_one;
*; }; FILES$TMPDIR/lari.dbg.file Binding output produced by ldd(1).
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 10
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See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Availability | developer/linker ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| Interface Stability | See below. ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
The human readable output is Uncommitted. The options are Committed.SEE ALSO
ld(1), ldd(1),, dlopen(3C), dlsym(3C), attri-
butes(5) Linker and Libraries GuideSunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Nov 2007 11