Windows PowerShell command on Get-command ksslcfg

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man ksslcfg

System Administration Commands ksslcfg(1M)


ksslcfg - enable and configure SMF instance of Kernel SSL


ksslcfg create -f pkcs11 -T token_label -C certificate_label

[-d softtoken_directory]

[-p password_file [-u username]]

[-h ca_certchain_file] [-c ciphersuites]

[-t ssl_session_cache_timeout]

[-z ssl_session_cache_size] [-v] -x proxy_port [host] ssl_port

ksslcfg create -f pkcs12 -i cert_and_key_pk12file

[-p password_file [-u username]]

[-c ciphersuites] [-t ssl_session_cache_timeout]

[-z ssl_session_cache_size] [-v] -x proxy_port [host] ssl_port

ksslcfg create -f pem -i cert_and_key_pemfile

[-p password_file [-u username]]

[-c ciphersuites] [-t ssl_session_cache_timeout]

[-z ssl_session_cache_size] [-v] -x proxy_port [host] ssl_port

ksslcfg delete [-v] [host] ssl_port

ksslcfg -V

ksslcfg -?


ksslcfg manages smf(5) instances for the Kernel SSL proxy

module. An SSL-enabled web server can use the services of

its Kernel SSL proxy to improve the performance of the HTTPS packets processing. It does so by creating an instance of the Kernel SSL service, specifying the SSL proxy port and parameters, and by listening on the proxy port. The create subcommand creates an instance and enables the service for the given address and SSL port. The delete subcommand disables the service for the given address and port, if it is enabled, and deletes the instance from the SMF repository.

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System Administration Commands ksslcfg(1M)

ksslcfg can be run as root or by other users assigned to the

Network Security profile. See rbac(5) and user_attr(4). You

must run ksslcfg to configure your Kernel SSL proxy before

you start your application.

ksslcfg allows you to specify an ssl_port operand, described

under OPERANDS, and, with the -x option, a proxy_port value.

When specified for use with the Kernel SSL proxy, these values cannot also be configured for the Solaris Network Cache and Acceleration (NCA) feature. See nca(1) for a description of the NCA feature. The Fault Managed Resource Identifier (FMRI) for the kernel

SSL proxy instances is svc://network/ssl/proxy. ksslcfg

creates an instance of that service unique to the combina-

tion of host and SSL port. Instance FMRIs for particular

proxy entries can be found with svcs(1) and used for depen-

dencies of other services. OPTIONS The following options are supported:

-c ciphersuites

Set of ciphers a client is allowed to negotiate in a sorted order. The supported SSL version3 and TLS ciphers

are listed below. Note that the names are case-








-f key_format

Uses the certificate/key format specified in key_format.

The supported options are pkcs11, pkcs12, and pem.

-i key_and_certificate_file

When pkcs12 or pem is specified with the -f option,

reads a key and a certificate of the web server from

key_and_certificate_file. This file can also contain any

intermediate CA certificates that form the certificate

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System Administration Commands ksslcfg(1M)

chain to the root CA for the server certificate. These certificates must follow the server certificate in the file and the order must be bottom up: lowest level CA

certificate followed by the next higher level CA certi-

ficate, and so on.

-C certificate_label

PKCS#11 can store multiple certificates in single token.

This option enables you to specify a single certificate,

identified by certificate_label. This label must match

the CKA_LABEL on the certificate object in the token

specified by -T. This option is to be used only with -f


-d softtoken_directory

This option is applicable only with the pkcs11 key for-

mat, when the token label is the Sun Software PKCS#11

softtoken. Use this option to override the default loca-

tion of the PKCS#11 softtoken directory ($HOME/.sunw).

See pkcs11_softtoken(5).

-h ca_certchain_file

When pkcs11 is specified with the -f option, reads a set

of intermediate CA certificates that form the certifi-

cate chain to the root CA for the server certificate

(specified with the -C option), from ca_certchain_file.

The file must be in PEM format.

-p password_file

Obtains the password used to encrypt the private key

from password_file. When using the pkcs11 option (see

-f, above), the password is used to authenticate the

user to the PKCS #11 token.

-t ssl_session_cache_timeout

The timeout value, in seconds, for an SSL session. It corresponds to SSL3SessionTimeout of the Sun ONE web server configuration or SSLSessionCacheTimeout of


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System Administration Commands ksslcfg(1M)

-T token_label

When pkcs11 is specified with -f, uses the PKCS#11 token

specified in token_label. Use cryptoadm list -v to

display all PKCS#11 tokens available.

-u username

The username of the user who owns the password file. If omitted, the system will try to read the password file as root.


Verbose mode.


Displays the version.

-x proxy_port

The SSL proxy port. The port number is designated

exclusively for clear-text HTTP communication between

the web server and the kernel SSL proxy module. No external HTTP packets are delivered to this port.

-z ssl_session_cache_size

The maximum number of SSL sessions that can be cached. It corresponds to SSLCacheEntries of the Sun ONE web server configuration. When this option is not specified, the default is 5000 entries.


Displays the usage of the command. OPERANDS

[host] [ssl_port] The address and the port of the web

server for which the kernel SSL entry is created. If host is omitted, the entry will be used for all requests

that arrived at the ssl_port, regard-

less of the destination address. Both a

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System Administration Commands ksslcfg(1M)

host name and an IP address are accept-

able forms for host. ssl_port is

required. Typically, this has a value of 443.


Example 1 Create and Enable a Kernel SSL Instance The following command creates and enables a Kernel SSL

instance using a certificate and a key in PKCS#11 format.

# ksslcfg create -f pkcs11 -T "Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken" \

-C "Server-Cert" -p /some/directory/password -u webservd \

-x 8080 443

% svcs svc:/network/ssl/proxy


online Sep_27 svc:/network/ssl/proxy:kssl-www-mysite-com-443

Example 2 Create and Enable a Default Instance for All Addresses The following command creates and enables a default instance

for all addresses from a certicate and key in a pkcs#12


# ksslcfg create -x 8888 -f pkcs12 -i /some/directory/keypair.p12 \

-p /some/directory/password -u webservd 443

Example 3 Create and Enable an Instance with Specific Cipher Suites The following command creates and enables an instance with specific cipher suites.

# ksslcfg create -x 8080 -f pem \

-i /some/directory/keypair.pem -p /some/directory/password \

-c "rsa_rc4_128_md5,rsa_rc4_128_sha" \ 443

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System Administration Commands ksslcfg(1M)

Example 4 Disable and Delete an Instance The following command disables and deletes an instance.

# ksslcfg delete 443

EXIT STATUS 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | SUNWksslu |


| Interface Stability | See below. |


Command line options and the utility name are Committed. The command output, the FMRI service name

(svc://network/ssl/proxy), and the FMRI instance's name for-

mat are Uncommitted


nca(1), svcprop(1), svcs(1), cryptoadm(1M), svcadm(1M),

svccfg(1M), user_attr(4), attributes(5),

pkcs11_softtoken(5), rbac(5), smf(5)


ksslcfg create without an host argument creates an

INADDR_ANY smf instance. ksslcfg delete without an host

argument deletes only the INADDR_ANY instance. ksslcfg

delete needs a host argument to delete any non-INADDR_ANY


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System Administration Commands ksslcfg(1M)

On a system with zones(5) installed, the ksslcfg command can

be used only in the global zone at this time.

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