Windows PowerShell command on Get-command kbd

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man kbd

User Commands kbd(1)


kbd - manipulate the state of the keyboard, or display the

type of the keyboard, or change the default keyboard abort sequence effect


kbd [-r] [-t ] [-l] [-a enable | disable | alternate]

[-c on | off] [-d keyboard device]

[-D autorepeat delay] [-R autorepeat rate]

kbd [-i] [-d keyboard device]

kbd -s [language]

kbd -b [keyboard | console] frequency


The kbd utility manipulates the state of the keyboard, or

displays the keyboard type, or allows the default keyboard abort sequence effect to be changed. The abort sequence also

applies to serial console devices. The kbd utility sets the

/dev/kbd default keyboard device.


The -i option reads and processes default values for the

keyclick and keyboard abort settings from the keyboard con-

figuration service, svc:/system/keymap:default. Only key-

boards that support a clicker respond to the -c option. To

turn clicking on by default, add or change the value of the keymap/keyclick property in the keymap service to:

$ svccfg -s keymap:default setprop keymap/keyclick=true

$ svcadm refresh keymap

Next, run the command kbd -i to change the setting. Valid

settings for the keymap/keyclick property are true or false. All other values are ignored. If the keymap/keyclick property is not specified in the keymap service, the setting is unchanged. The keyboard abort sequence effect can only be changed by a

super user using the -a option. This sequence is typically

Stop-A or L1-A and Shift-Pause on the keyboard on SPARC sys-

tems, F1-A and Shift-Pause on x86 systems, and BREAK on the

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User Commands kbd(1)

serial console input device on most systems.

A BREAK condition that originates from an erroneous electri-

cal signal cannot be distinguished from one deliberately

sent by remote DCE. As a remedy, use the -a option with

Alternate Break to switch break interpretation. Due to the risk of incorrect sequence interpretation, binary protocols such as SLIP and others should not be run over the serial console port when Alternate Break sequence is in effect. Although PPP is a binary protocol, it has the ability to avoid using characters that interfere with serial operation.

The default alternate break sequence is CTRL-m ~ CTRL-b, or

0D 7E 02 in hexidecimal. In PPP, this can be avoided by set-

ting either 0x00000004 or 0x00002000 in the ACCM. This

forces an escape for the CTRL-b or CTRL-m characters,

respectively. To do this in Solaris PPP 4.0, add: asyncmap 0x00002000

to the /etc/ppp/options file or any of the other configura-

tion files used for the connection. See pppd(1M). SLIP has no comparable capability, and must not be used if the Alternate Break sequence is in use. The Alternate Break sequence has no effect on the keyboard abort. For more information on the Alternate Break sequence, see zs(7D),se(7D), and asy(7D). On many systems, the default effect of the keyboard abort sequence is to suspend the operating system and enter the debugger or the monitor. Some systems feature key switches with a secure position. On these systems, setting the key switch to the secure position overrides any software default set with this command. To permanently change the software default effect of the keyboard abort sequence, first add or change the value of

the keymap/keyboard_abort property in the keymap service to:

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User Commands kbd(1)

$ svccfg -s keymap:default setprop keymap/keyboard_abort=disable

$ svcadm refresh keymap

Next, run the command kbd -i to change the setting. Valid

settings are enable, disable, and alternate; all other values are ignored. If the variable is not specified in the keymap service, the setting is unchanged. To set the abort sequence to the hardware BREAK, set the

value of keymap/keyboard_abort in the keymap service to:

$ svccfg -s keymap:default setprop keymap/keyboard_abort=enable

$ svcadm refresh keymap

To change the current setting, run the command kbd -i. To

set the abort sequence to the Alternate Break character

sequence, first set the current value of the keyboard_abort

property in the keymap service to:

$ svccfg -s keymap:default setprop keymap/keyboard_abort=alternate

$ svcadm refresh keymap

Next, run the command kbd -i to change the setting. When the

Alternate Break sequence is in effect, only serial console devices are affected.

To set the autorepeat delay by default, set the repeat_delay

property in the keymap service to the expected value with units in milliseconds (ms). To avoid making the keyboard unusable due to a typographical error, delay values below

KIOCRPTDELAY_MIN (defined in /usr/include/sys/kbio.h) are

rejected with EINVAL:

$ svccfg -s keymap:default setprop keymap/repeate_delay=500

$ svcadm refresh keymap

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User Commands kbd(1)

To set the autorepeat rate by default, set the repeat_rate

property in the keymap service to the expected value with units in milliseconds. Negative and zero repeat rates are ejected with EINVAL:

$ svccfg -s keymap:default setprop keymap/repeate_rate=40

$ svcadm refresh keymap

To change the current settings of delay and rate, run the

command, kbd -i. When the Auto Repeat Delay and/or Auto

Repeat Rate are in effect, only command line mode is affected.

To set the language by default, set the keymap/layout pro-

perty in the keymap service to the expected language. These

languages supported in kernel can be found by running kbd

-s. Other values are ignored. For example, the following

sets Spanish layout to the keyboard:

$ svccfg -s keymap:default setprop keymap/layout=Spanish

$ svcadm refresh keymap

Next, run the kbd -i to change the setting. When Solaris

reboots, the Spanish key table is loaded into kernel. These layouts are valid for usb and ps/2 keyboards. To set the keyboard beeper frequency by default, set the

keymap/kbd_beeper_freq property in the keymap service to

the expected value with units in HZ. This value should be between 0 and 32767, inclusive. Otherwise it is rejected with EINVAL:

$ svccfg -s keymap:default setprop keymap/kbd_beeper_freq=2000

$ svcadm refresh keymap

To set the console beeper frequency by default, set the

keymap/console_beeper_freq property in the keymap service to

the expected value with units in HZ. This value should be between 0 and 32767, inclusive. Otherwise it is rejected with EINVAL:

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User Commands kbd(1)

$ svccfg -s keymap:default setprop keymap/console_beeper_freq=900

$ svcadm refresh keymap

To change the current settings of the keyboard beeper fre-

quency and console beeper frequency, run kbd -i.

OPTIONS The following options are supported:

-a enable | disable | alternate

Enables, disables, or alternates the keyboard abort sequence effect. By default, a keyboard abort sequence suspends the operating system on most systems. This

sequence is typically Stop-A or L1-A and Shift-Pause on

the keyboard on SPARC systems, F1-A and Shift-Pause on

x86 systems, and BREAK on the serial console device. The default keyboard behavior can be changed using this

option. The -a option can only be used by a super user.

enable Enables the default effect of the keyboard

abort sequence (suspend the operating sys-

tem and enter the debugger or the monitor). disable Disables the default/alternate effect and ignores keyboard abort sequences.

alternate Enables the alternate effect of the key-

board abort sequences (suspend the operat-

ing system and enter the debugger or the monitor) upon receiving the Alternate Break character sequence on the console. The Alternate Break sequence is defined by the drivers zs(7D), se(7D), asy(7D). Due to a risk of incorrect sequence interpretation, binary protocols cannot be run over the serial console port when this value is used.

-b keyboard | console

Sets the beeper frequency for keyboard or console.

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User Commands kbd(1)

keyboard Set the keyboard beeper frequency to the operand in HZ. See OPERANDS. console Sets the console beeper frequency to the operand in HZ. See OPERANDS.

-c on | off

Turns the clicking of the keyboard on or off. on Enables clicking off Disables clicking

-d keyboard device

Specifies the keyboard device being set. The default

setting is /dev/kbd.

-D autorepeat delay

Sets the autorepeat delay in milliseconds.


Sets keyboard properties from the keymap service. With

the exception of -d keyboard device, this option cannot

be used with any other option. The -i option instructs

the keyboard command to read and process keyclick and

keyboard abort default values from the keyboard proper-

ties in the keymap service. The -i option can only be

used by a user or role with the Device Security Rights Profile.


Returns the layout code of the keyboard being used, and the autorepeat delay and autorepeat rate being used.

If used with -R or -D option, this option returns the

value before the changes.

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User Commands kbd(1)


Resets the keyboard as if power-up.

-R autorepeat rate

Sets the autorepeat rate in milliseconds.

-s [language]

Sets the keyboard layout into kernel. If language is specified, the layout is set to language.

If language is not specified, a list of available lay-

outs are presented, prompting for the user to specify the language. See OPERANDS.


Returns the type of the keyboard being used. OPERANDS The following operands are supported:

frequency The frequency value specified to be set in ker-

nel. The receiver of this value is specified by

the -b option. This value should be between 0

and 32767 otherwise it is ejected with EINVAL. language The language specified to be set in kernel. If

the language is not found, the languages sup-

ported are listed for selection. It only

applies to -s option.


Example 1 Displaying the Keyboard Type The following example displays the keyboard type:

example% kbd -t

Type 4 Sun keyboard


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User Commands kbd(1)

Example 2 Setting Keyboard Defaults

The following example sets the keyboard defaults as speci-

fied in the keymap service:

example# kbd -i


Example 3 Displaying Information The following example displays keyboard type and layout code. It also displays auto repeat delay and rate settings.

example% kbd -l

type=4 layout=43 (0x2b) delay(ms)=500 rate(ms)=33


Example 4 Setting Keyboard Autorepeat Delay The following example sets the keyboard autorepeat delay:

example% kbd -D 300


Example 5 Setting Keyboard Autorepeat Rate The following example sets the keyboard autorepeat rate:

example% kbd -R 50


Example 6 Selecting and Setting the Keyboard Language

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User Commands kbd(1)

The following example selects and sets the keyboard language from a list of languages specified:

example% kbd -s

1. Albanian 16. Malta_UK

2. Belarusian 17. Malta_US

3. Belgian 18. Norwegian 4. Bulgarian 19. Portuguese 5. Croatian 20. Russian

6. Danish 21. Serbia-And-Montenegro

7. Dutch 22. Slove ...... To select the keyboard layout, enter a number [default n]:


The following example sets the keyboard language specified:

example% kbd -s Dutch


Example 7 Setting the Keyboard Beeper Frequency The following example sets the keyboard beeper frequency:

example% kbd -b keyboard 1000



/dev/kbd Keyboard device file


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


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User Commands kbd(1)




| Availability | SUNWcs |



kmdb(1), loadkeys(1), svcs(1), inetd(1M), inetadm(1M), svcadm(1M), pppd(1M), keytables(4), attributes(5), smf(5), kb(7M), zs(7D), se(7D), asy(7D), virtualkm(7D) NOTES Some server systems have key switches with a secure key

position that can be read by system software. This key posi-

tion overrides the normal default of the keyboard abort sequence effect and changes the default so the effect is disabled. When the key switch is in the secure position on these systems, the keyboard abort sequence effect cannot be overridden by the software default, which is settable with

the kbd utility.

Currently, there is no way to determine the state of the keyboard click setting.

The kdb service is managed by the service management facil-

ity, smf(5), under the service identifier: svc:/system/keymap:default Administrative actions on this service, such as enabling, disabling, or requesting restart, can be performed using svcadm(1M). Responsibility for initiating and restarting this service is delegated to inetd(1M). Use inetadm(1M) to

make configuration changes and to view configuration infor-

mation for this service. The service's status can be queried using the svcs(1) command.

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