Windows PowerShell command on Get-command ipseckey

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man ipseckey

System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)


ipseckey - manually manipulate an IPsec Security Association

Database (SADB)


ipseckey [-nvp]

ipseckey [-nvp] -f filename

ipseckey -c filename

ipseckey [-nvp] [delete | delete-pair | get] SA_TYPE {EXTENSION value...}

ipseckey [-np] [monitor | passive_monitor | pmonitor]

ipseckey [-nvp] flush {SA_TYPE}

ipseckey [-nvp] dump {SA_TYPE}

ipseckey [-nvp] save SA_TYPE {filename}

ipseckey [-nvp] -s filename


The ipseckey command is used to manually manipulate the

security association databases of the network security ser-

vices, ipsecah(7P) and ipsecesp(7P). You can use the

ipseckey command to set up security associations between

communicating parties when automated key management is not available.

While the ipseckey utility has only a limited number of gen-

eral options, it supports a rich command language. The user

may specify requests to be delivered by means of a program-

matic interface specific for manual keying. See pf_key(7P).

When ipseckey is invoked with no arguments, it will enter an

interactive mode which prints a prompt to the standard out-

put and accepts commands from the standard input until the

end-of-file is reached. Some commands require an explicit

security association ("SA") type, while others permit the SA type to be unspecified and act on all SA types.

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

ipseckey uses a PF_KEY socket and the message types


and SADB_X_PROMISC. Thus, you must be a superuser to use

this command.

ipseckey handles sensitive cryptographic keying information.

Please read the Security section for details on how to use this command securely. OPTIONS

-c [filename]

Analogous to the -f option (see following), except that

the input is not executed but only checked for syntacti-

cal correctness. Errors are reported to stderr. This

option is provided to debug configurations without mak-

ing changes. See SECURITY and "Service Management Facil-

ity" for more information.

-f [filename]

Read commands from an input file, filename. The lines of the input file are identical to the command line

language. The load command provides similar functional-

ity. The -s option or the save command can generate

files readable by the -f argument.


Prevent attempts to print host and network names symbol-

ically when reporting actions. This is useful, for exam-

ple, when all name servers are down or are otherwise unreachable.


Paranoid. Do not print any keying material, even if sav-

ing SAs. Instead of an actual hexadecimal digit, print an X when this flag is turned on.

-s [filename]

The opposite of the -f option. If '-' is given for a

filename, then the output goes to the standard output. A snapshot of all current SA tables will be output in a

form readable by the -f option. The output will be a

series of add commands, but with some names not used.

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

This occurs because a single name may often indicate multiple addresses.


Verbose. Print the messages being sent into the PF_KEY

socket, and print raw seconds values for lifetimes. COMMANDS add Add an SA. Because it involves the transfer of keying material, it cannot be invoked from the shell, lest the keys be visible in ps(1) output. It can be used either

from the interactive ipseckey> prompt or in a command

file specified by the -f command. The add command

accepts all extension-value pairs described below.

update Update SA lifetime, and in the cases of larval SAs (leftover from aborted automated key management), keying material and other extensions. Like add, this command cannot be invoked from the shell because keying material would be seen by the ps(1) command. It can be used

either from the interactive ipseckey> prompt or in a

command file specified by the -f command. The update

command accepts all extension-value pairs, but normally

is only used for SA lifetime updates.


As update, but apply the update to the SA and its paired SA, if there is one. delete Delete a specific SA from a specific SADB. This command requires the spi extension, and the dest extension for

IPsec SAs. Other extension-value pairs are superfluous

for a delete message. If the SA to be deleted is paired with another SA, the SA is deleted and the paired SA is updated to indicate that it is now unpaired.


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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

Delete a specific SA from a specific SADB. If the SA is paired with another SA, delete that SA too. This command requires the spi extension and the dest extension for the IPsec SA, or its pair. get Lookup and display a security association from a specific SADB. Like delete, this command only requires spi and dest for IPsec. flush

Remove all SA for a given SA_TYPE, or all SA for all

types. monitor

Continuously report on any PF_KEY messages. This uses

the SADB_X_PROMISC message to enable messages that a

normal PF_KEY socket would not receive to be received.

See pf_key(7P).


Like monitor, except that it does not use the



Synonym for passive_monitor.

dump Will display all SAs for a given SA type, or will display all SAs. Because of the large amount of data generated by this command, there is no guarantee that all SA information will be successfully delivered, or that this command will even complete. save

Is the command analog of the -s option. It is included

as a command to provide a way to snapshot a particular SA type, for example, esp or ah.

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

help Prints a brief summary of commands.


all Specifies all known SA types. This type is only used for

the flush and dump commands. This is equivalent to hav-

ing no SA type for these commands. ah Specifies the IPsec Authentication Header ("AH") SA. esp Specifies the IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload ("ESP") SA. EXTENSION VALUE TYPES

Commands like add, delete, get, and update require that cer-

tain extensions and associated values be specified. The extensions will be listed here, followed by the commands

that use them, and the commands that require them. Require-

ments are currently documented based upon the IPsec defini-

tions of an SA. Required extensions may change in the future. can be in either hex (0xnnn), decimal (nnn) or octal (0nnn). is a text string. is a

long hexadecimal number with a bit-length. Extensions are

usually paired with values; however, some extensions require two values after them. spi Specifies the security parameters index of the SA. This extension is required for the add, delete, get and update commands.


When pair-spi is used with the add or update commands,

the SA being added or updated will be paired with the SA

defined by pair-spi. A pair of SAs can be updated or

deleted with a single command. The two SAs that make up the pair need to be in opposite

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

directions from the same pair of IP addresses. The com-

mand will fail if either of the SAs specified are already paired with another SA.

If the pair-spi token is used in a command and the SA

defined by pair-spi does not exist, the command will

fail. If the command was add and the pairing failed, the SA to be added will instead be removed. inbound | outbound These optional flags specify the direction of the SA. When the inbound or outbound flag is specified with the add command, the kernel will insert the new SA into the specified hash table for faster lookups. If the flag is omitted, the kernel will decide into which hash table to insert the new SA based on its knowledge the IP addresses specified with the src and dst extensions. When these flags are used with the update, delete,

update-pair or get commands, the flags provide a hint as

to the hash table in which the kernel should find the SA. replay Specifies the replay window size. If not specified, the replay window size is assumed to be zero. It is not

recommended that manually added SAs have a replay win-

dow. This extension is used by the add and update com-



Specifies the replay value of the SA. This extension is used by the add and update commands. state | Specifies the SA state, either by numeric value or by the strings "larval", "mature", "dying" or "dead". If

not specified, the value defaults to mature. This exten-

sion is used by the add and update commands.

auth_alg |

authalg |

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

Specifies the authentication algorithm for an SA, either by numeric value, or by strings indicating an algorithm name. Current authentication algorithms include:


md5, hmac-md5


sha, sha-1, hmac-sha1, hmac-sha


sha256, sha-256, hmac-sha256, hmac-sha-256


sha384, sha-384, hmac-sha384, hmac-sha-384


sha512, sha-512, hmac-sha512, hmac-sha-512

Often, algorithm names will have several synonyms. This extension is required by the add command for certain SA types. It is also used by the update command. Use the ipsecalgs(1M) command to obtain the complete list of authentication algorithms.

encr_alg |

encralg | Specifies the encryption algorithm for an SA, either by numeric value, or by strings indicating an algorithm name. Current encryption algorithms include DES ("des"),

Triple-DES ("3des"), Blowfish ("blowfish"), and AES

("aes"). This extension is required by the add command

for certain SA types. It is also used by the update com-

mand. Use the ipsecalgs(1M) command to obtain the complete list of encryption algorithms.

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

The next six extensions are lifetime extensions. There are two varieties, "hard" and "soft". If a hard lifetime expires, the SA will be deleted automatically by the system.

If a soft lifetime expires, an SADB_EXPIRE message will be

transmitted by the system, and its state will be downgraded

to dying from mature. See pf_key(7P). The monitor command to

key allows you to view SADB_EXPIRE messages.



Specifies the number of seconds that this SA can exist if the SA is not used before the SA is revalidated. If this extension is not present, the default value is half

of the hard_addtime (see below). This extension is used

by the add and update commands.



Specifies the number of bytes that this SA can protect. If this extension is not present, the default value is zero, which means that the SA will not expire based on the number of bytes protected. This extension is used by the add and update commands.



Specifies the number of seconds that this SA can exist after being added or updated from a larval SA. An update of a mature SA does not reset the initial time that it was added. If this extension is not present, the default value is zero, which means the SA will not expire based

on how long it has been since it was added. This exten-

sion is used by the add and update commands.



Specifies the number of seconds this SA can exist after first being used. If this extension is not present, the default value is zero, which means the SA will not expire based on how long it has been since it was added. This extension is used by the add and update commands. saddr address | name srcaddr address | name

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

saddr6 IPv6 address srcaddr6 IPv6 address src address | name src6 IPv6 address

srcaddr address and src address are synonyms that indi-

cate the source address of the SA. If unspecified, the source address will either remain unset, or it will be set to a wildcard address if a destination address was supplied. To not specify the source address is valid for IPsec SAs. Future SA types may alter this assumption. This extension is used by the add, update, get and delete commands. daddr
| dstaddr
| daddr6 | dstaddr6 | dst | dst6 | dstaddr and dst are synonyms that indicate the destination address of the SA. If unspecified, the destination address will remain unset. Because IPsec SAs require a specified destination address and spi for identification, this extension, with a specific value,

is required for the add, update, get and delete com-


If a name is given, ipseckey will attempt to invoke the

command on multiple SAs with all of the destination addresses that the name can identify. This is similar to how ipsecconf handles addresses. If dst6 or dstaddr6 is specified, only the IPv6 addresses identified by a name are used. sport sport specifies the source port number for an SA. It

should be used in combination with an upper-layer proto-

col (see below), but it does not have to be. dport sport specifies the destination port number for an SA.

It should be used in combination with an upper-layer

protocol (see below), but it does not have to be.

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Identifies the protocol used to encapsulate NAT-

traversal IPsec packets. Other NAT-traversal parameters

(nat_*) are below. The only acceptable value for col> currently is udp. proto ulp proto, and its synonym ulp, specify the IP protocol number of the SA.



If the local address in the SA (source or destination) is behind a NAT, this extension indicates the NAT node's

globally-routable address. This address can match the

SA's local address if there is a nat_lport (see below)




If the remote address in the SA (source or destination) is behind a NAT, this extension indicates that node's

internal (that is, behind-the-NAT) address. This address

can match the SA's local address if there is a nat_rport

(see below) specified.


Identifies the local UDP port on which encapsulation of ESP occurs.


Identifies the remote UDP port on which encapsulation of ESP occurs. isrc
| [/] innersrc
| [/] isrc6
| [/] innersrc6
| [/] proxyaddr
| [/] proxy
| [/]

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

[/] and innersrc
[/] are synonyms. They indicate the

inner source address for a tunnel-mode SA.

An inner-source can be a prefix instead of an address.

As with other address extensions, there are IPv6-

specific forms. In such cases, use only IPv6-specific

addresses or prefixes. Previous versions referred to this value as the proxy address. The usage, while deprecated, remains. idst
| [/] innerdst
| [/] idst6
| [/] innerdst6
| [/] idst
[/] and innerdst
[/] are synonyms. They indicate the

inner destination address for a tunnel-mode SA.

An inner-destination can be a prefix instead of an

address. As with other address extensions, there are

IPv6-specific forms. In such cases, use only IPv6-

specific addresses or prefixes. innersport isport innersport specifies the source port number of the inner

header for a tunnel-mode SA. It should be used in combi-

nation with an upper-layer protocol (see below), but it

does not have to be. innerdport idport innerdport specifies the destination port number of the

inner header for a tunnel-mode SA. It should be used in

combination with an upper-layer protocol (see below),

but it does not have to be. iproto iulp iproto, and its synonym iulp, specify the IP protocol

number of the inner header of a tunnel-mode SA.

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

authkey Specifies the authentication key for this SA. The key is expressed as a string of hexadecimal digits, with an optional / at the end, for example, 123/12. Bits are

counted from the most-significant bits down. For exam-

ple, to express three '1' bits, the proper syntax is the

string "e/3". For multi-key algorithms, the string is

the concatenation of the multiple keys. This extension is used by the add and update commands. encrkey Specifies the encryption key for this SA. The syntax of the key is the same as authkey. A concrete example of a

multi-key encryption algorithm is 3des, which would

express itself as a 192-bit key, which is three 64-bit

parity-included DES keys. This extension is used by the

add and update commands.


The last bits of the encrkey string are marked

as reserved in the PF_KEY message. This option is only

for testing certain encryption algorithms. Certificate identities are very useful in the context of automated key management, as they tie the SA to the public

key certificates used in most automated key management pro-

tocols. They are less useful for manually added SAs. Unlike other extensions, srcidtype takes two values, a type, and an actual value. The type can be one of the following: prefix An address prefix. fqdn

A fully-qualified domain name.

domain Domain name, synonym for fqdn.

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User identity of the form user@fqdn. mailbox

Synonym for user_fqdn.

The value is an arbitrary text string that should identify the certificate. srcidtype Specifies a source certificate identity for this SA. This extension is used by the add and update commands. dstidtype Specifies a destination certificate identity for this

SA. This extension is used by the add and update com-

mands Label extensions are used on Trusted Extensions to associate

sensitivity labels with the traffic carried inside a secu-

rity association. These extensions are not allowed unless Trusted Extensions is enabled. label label Defines the sensitivity label of traffic carried by this SA. Disallowed on systems not using Trusted Extensions.

outer-label label

Defines the sensitivity of the ciphertext traffic belonging to this SA; this label will appear in the outer packet header. Disallowed on systems not using Trusted Extensions. Incorrect use of this extension might allow label policy to be circumvented.

implicit-label label

Defines the sensitivity of the ciphertext traffic belonging to this SA and request that this SA not

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

contain an explicit on-the-wire label. Disallowed on

systems not using Trusted Extensions. Incorrect use of

this extension might allow label policy to be circum-

vented. Tunnel Mode versus Transport Mode SAs An IPsec SA is a Tunnel Mode SA if the "proto" value is

either 4 (ipip) or 41 (ipv6) and there is an inner-address

or inner-port value specified. Otherwise, the SA is a Tran-

sport Mode SA. SECURITY Keying material is very sensitive and should be generated as randomly as possible. Some algorithms have known weak keys.

IPsec algorithms have built-in weak key checks, so that if a

weak key is in a newly added SA, the add command will fail with an invalid value.

The ipseckey command allows a privileged user to enter cryp-

tographic keying information. If an adversary gains access to such information, the security of IPsec traffic is compromised. The following issues should be taken into

account when using the ipseckey command.

1. Is the TTY going over a network (interactive mode)? o If it is, then the security of the keying material is the security of the network path

for this TTY's traffic. Using ipseckey over a

clear-text telnet or rlogin session is risky.

o Even local windows might be vulnerable to attacks where a concealed program that reads window events is present. 2. Is the file accessed over the network or readable

to the world (-f option)?

o A network-mounted file can be sniffed by an

adversary as it is being read.

o A world-readable file with keying material in

it is also risky.

3. The ipseckey command is designed to be managed by

the manual-key smf(5) service. Because the smf(5)

log files are world-readable, the ipseckey does not

record any syntax errors in the log files, as these errors might include secret information.

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If a syntax error is found when the manual-key

smf(5) service is enabled, the service enters maintenance mode. The log file will indicate that there was a syntax error, but will not specify what the error was.

The administrator should use ipeckey -c filename

from the command line to discover the cause of the errors. See OPTIONS. If your source address is a host that can be looked up over the network and your naming system itself is compromised, then any names used will not be trustworthy. Security weaknesses often lie in misapplication of tools, not in the tools themselves. Administrators are urged to be

cautious when using ipseckey. The safest mode of operation

is probably on a console or other hard-connected TTY.

For further thoughts on this subject, see the afterward by

Matt Blaze in Bruce Schneier's Applied Cryptography: Proto-

cols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C. Service Management Facility IPsec manual keys are managed by the service management

facility, smf(5). The services listed below manage the com-

ponents of IPsec. These services are delivered as follows: svc:/network/ipsec/policy:default (enabled) svc:/network/ipsec/ipsecalgs:default (enabled)

svc:/network/ipsec/manual-key:default (disabled)

svc:/network/ipsec/ike:default (disabled)

The manual-key service is delivered disabled. The system

administrator must create manual IPsec Security Associations (SAs), as described in this man page, before enabling that service.

The policy service is delivered enabled, but without a con-

figuration file, so that, as a starting condition, packets

are not protected by IPsec. After you create the configura-

tion file /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conf and refresh the service (svcadm refresh, see below), the policy contained in the configuration file is applied. If there is an error in this file, the service enters maintenance mode. See

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ipsecconf(1M). Services that are delivered disabled are delivered that way because the system administrator must create configuration files for those services before enabling them. See ike.config(4) for the ike service. See ipsecalgs(1M) for the ipsecalgs service.

The correct administrative procedure is to create the confi-

guration file for each service, then enable each service using svcadm(1M).

If the configuration needs to be changed, edit the confi-

guration file then refresh the service, as follows:

example# svcadm refresh manual-key

Warning: To prevent ipseckey complaining about duplicate

Associations, the ipseckey command flushes the Security

Association Data Base (SADB) when the ipseckey command is

run from smf(5), before adding any new Security Associations defined in the configuration file. This differs from the command line behavior where the SADB is not flushed before adding new Security Associations.

The smf(5) framework will record any errors in the service-

specific log file. Use any of the following commands to examine the logfile property:

example# svcs -l manual-key

example# svcprop manual-key

example# svccfg -s manual-key listprop

The following property is defined for the manual-key ser-



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This property can be modified using svccfg(1M) by users who have been assigned the following authorization: solaris.smf.value.ipsec

See auths(1), user_attr(4), rbac(5).

The service needs to be refreshed using svcadm(1M) before

the new property is effective. General non-modifiable pro-

perties can be viewed with the svcprop(1) command.

# svccfg -s ipsec/manual-key setprop config/config_file = \


# svcadm refresh manual-key

Administrative actions on this service, such as enabling,

disabling, refreshing, and requesting restart can be per-

formed using svcadm(1M). A user who has been assigned the authorization shown below can perform these actions: solaris.smf.manage.ipsec

The service's status can be queried using the svcs(1) com-


The ipseckey command is designed to be run under smf(5)

management. While the ipsecconf command can be run from the

command line, this is discouraged. If the ipseckey command

is to be run from the command line, the manual-key smf(5)

service should be disabled first. See svcadm(1M).


Example 1 Emptying Out All SAs To empty out all SA:

example# ipseckey flush

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Example 2 Flushing Out IPsec AH SAs Only To flush out only IPsec AH SAs:

example# ipseckey flush ah

Example 3 Saving All SAs To Standard Output To save all SAs to the standard output:

example# ipseckey save all

Example 4 Saving ESP SAs To The File /tmp/snapshot To save ESP SAs to the file /tmp/snapshot:

example# ipseckey save esp /tmp/snapshot

Example 5 Deleting an IPsec SA To delete an IPsec SA, only the SPI and the destination address are needed:

example# ipseckey delete esp spi 0x2112 dst

An alternative would be to delete the SA and the SAs pair if it has one:

example# ipseckey delete-pair esp spi 0x2112 dst

Example 6 Getting Information on an IPsec SA

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Likewise, getting information on a SA only requires the des-

tination address and SPI:

example# ipseckey get ah spi 0x5150 dst mypeer

Example 7 Adding or Updating IPsec SAs Adding or updating SAs requires entering interactive mode:

example# ipseckey

ipseckey> add ah spi 0x90125 src dst \

authalg md5 authkey 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef

ipseckey> update ah spi 0x90125 dst hard_bytes \


ipseckey> exit

Adding two SAs that are linked together as a pair:

example# ipseckey

ipseckey> add esp spi 0x2345 src dst \

authalg md5 authkey bde359723576fdea08e56cbe876e24ad \ encralg des encrkey be02938e7def2839

ipseckey> add esp spi 0x5432 src dst \

authalg md5 authkey bde359723576fdea08e56cbe876e24ad \

encralg des encrkey be02938e7def2839 pair-spi 0x2345

ipseckey> exit

Example 8 Adding an SA in the Opposite Direction In the case of IPsec, SAs are unidirectional. To communicate securely, a second SA needs to be added in the opposite direction. The peer machine also needs to add both SAs.

example# ipseckey

ipseckey> add ah spi 0x2112 src dst \

authalg md5 authkey bde359723576fdea08e56cbe876e24ad \

hard_bytes 16000000

ipseckey> exit

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Example 9 Monitoring PF_KEY Messages

Monitoring for PF_KEY messages is straightforward:

example# ipseckey monitor

Example 10 Using Commands in a File Commands can be placed in a file that can be parsed with the

-f option. This file may contain comment lines that begin

with the "#" symbol. For example:

# This is a sample file for flushing out the ESP table and

# adding a pair of SAs.

flush esp

### Watch out! I have keying material in this file. See the

### SECURITY section in this manual page for why this can be

### dangerous .

add esp spi 0x2112 src dst \ authalg md5 authkey bde359723576fdea08e56cbe876e24ad \

encralg des encrkey be02938e7def2839 hard_usetime 28800

add esp spi 0x5150 src dst \ authalg md5 authkey 930987dbe09743ade09d92b4097d9e93 \

encralg des encrkey 8bd4a52e10127deb hard_usetime 28800

## End of file - This is a gratuitous comment

Example 11 Adding SAs for IPv6 Addresses

The following commands from the interactive-mode create an

SA to protect IPv6 traffic between the site-local addresses

example # ipseckey

ipseckey> add esp spi 0x6789 src6 fec0:bbbb::4483 dst6 fec0:bbbb::7843\

authalg md5 authkey bde359723576fdea08e56cbe876e24ad \

encralg des encrkey be02938e7def2839 hard_usetime 28800


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Example 12 Linking Two SAs as a Pair The following command links two SAs together, as a pair:

example# ipseckey update esp spi 0x123456 dst \

pair-spi 0x654321



Default configuration file used at boot time. See "Ser-

vice Management Facility" and SECURITY for more informa-



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | SUNWcs | | Interface Stability | Committed |



ps(1), svcprop(1), svcs(1), ipsecconf(1M), ipsecalgs(1M),

route(1M), svcadm(1M), svccfg(1M), ike.config(4), attri-

butes(5), smf(5), ipsec(7P), ipsecah(7P), ipsecesp(7P),


Schneier, B., Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C. Second ed. New York, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996. DIAGNOSTICS

The ipseckey command parses the configuration file and

reports any errors. In the case of multiple errors, ipseckey

reports as many of these as possible.

The ipseckey command does not attempt to use a COMMAND that

has a syntax error. A COMMAND might be syntactically correct

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System Administration Commands ipseckey(1M)

but can nevertheless generate an error because the kernel

rejected the request made to pf_key(7P). This might occur

because a key had an invalid length or because an unsup-

ported algorithm was specified.

If there are any errors in the configuration file, ipseckey

reports the number of valid COMMANDS and the total number of COMMANDS parsed. Parse error on line N.

If an interactive use of ipseckey would print usage

information, this would print instead. Usually proceeded by another diagnostic. Because COMMANDS can cover more than a single line in the configuration file by using the backslash character to delimit lines, its not always possible to pinpoint in the configuration file the exact line that caused the error. Unexpected end of command line. An additional argument was expected on the command line. Unknown A value for a specific extension was unknown. Address type N not supported.

A name-to-address lookup returned an unsupported address

family. N is not a bit specifier bit length N is too big for string is not a hex string Keying material was not entered appropriately. Can only specify single A duplicate extension was entered. Don't use extension for for . An extension not used by a command was used.

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One of the entered values is incorrect: Diagnostic code NN:

This is a general invalid parameter error. The diagnos-

tic code and message provides more detail about what precise value was incorrect and why. NOTES

In spite of its IPsec-specific name, ipseckey is analogous

to route(1M), in that it is a command-line interface to a

socket-based administration engine, in this case, PF_KEY.

PF_KEY was originally developed at the United States Naval

Research Laboratory. To have machines communicate securely with manual keying, SAs need to be added by all communicating parties. If two nodes wish to communicate securely, both nodes need the appropriate SAs added.

In the future ipseckey may be invoked under additional names

as other security protocols become available to PF_KEY.

This command requires sys_ip_config privilege to operate and

thus can run in the global zone and in exclusive-IP zones.

The global zone can set up security associations with

ipseckey to protect traffic for shared-IP zones on the sys-


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 21 Oct 2009 23

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