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System Administration Commands inetconv(1M)


inetconv - convert inetd.conf entries into smf service mani-

fests, import them into smf repository


inetconv -?

inetconv [-f] [-n] [-i srcfile] [-o destdir]

inetconv -e [-n] [-i srcfile]


The inetconv utility converts a file containing records of

inetd.conf(4) into smf(5) service manifests, and then import those manifests into the smf repository. Once the inetd.conf file has been converted, the only way to change aspects of an inet service is to use the inetadm(1M) utility.

There is a one-to-one correspondence between a service line

in the input file and the manifest generated. By default, the manifests are named using the following template:


The token is replaced by the service's name and the token by the service's protocol. Any slash (/) characters that exist in the source line for the service

name or protocol are replaced with underscores (_).

The service line is recorded as a property of the converted service. During the conversion process, if a service line is found to

be malformed or to be for an internal inetd service, no man-

ifest is generated and that service line is skipped. The input file is left untouched by the conversion process. OPTIONS The following options are supported:

-? Display a usage message.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 17 Mar 2010 1

System Administration Commands inetconv(1M)

-e Enable smf services which are listed in the

input file.

-f If a service manifest of the same name as the

one to be generated is found in the destina-

tion directory, inetconv will overwrite that

manifest if this option is specified. Other-

wise, an error message is generated and the conversion of that service is not performed.

-i srcfile Permits the specification of an alternate

input file srcfile. If this option is not specified, then the inetd.conf(4) file is used as input.

-n Turns off the auto-import of the manifests

generated during the conversion process.

Later, if you want to import a generated mani-

fest into the smf(5) repository, you can do so through the use of the svccfg(1M) utility.

If the -e option is specified, the -n option

only displays the smf services that would be enabled.

-o Permits the specification of an alternate des-

tination directory destdir for the generated manifests. If this option is not specified, then the manifests are placed in /lib/svc/manifest/network/rpc, if the service is a RPC service, or /lib/svc/manifest/network otherwise.


Example 1 Generating smf Manifests from inetd.conf The following command generates smf(5) manifests from inetd.conf(4) and places them in /var/tmp, overwriting any preexisting manifests of the same name, and then imports them into the smf repository.

# inetconv -f -o /var/tmp

100232/10 -> /var/tmp/100232_10-rpc_udp.xml

Importing 100232_10-rpc_udp.xml ...Done

telnet -> /var/tmp/telnet-tcp6.xml

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System Administration Commands inetconv(1M)

Importing telnet-tcp6.xml ...Done

Example 2 Generating Manifests from an Alternate Input File The following command specifies a different input file and

does not load the resulting manifests into the smf reposi-


# inetconv -n -i /export/test/inet.svcs -o /var/tmp

100232/10 -> /var/tmp/100232_10-rpc_udp.xml

telnet -> /var/tmp/telnet-tcp6.xml

EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Operation completed successfully (no errors). 1 Invalid options specified. 2 One or more service lines are malformed, and thus no manifest(s) were generated for them.

3 An error occurred importing one or more of the gen-

erated manifests. 4 A system error occurred. FILES


Default output manifest file name.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 17 Mar 2010 3

System Administration Commands inetconv(1M)




| Availability | SUNWcs |


| Interface Stability | Committed |



inetadm(1M), inetd(1M), svccfg(1M), inetd.conf(4), attri-

butes(5), smf(5)

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 17 Mar 2010 4

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