System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
ilbadm - establish and manipulate load balancing rules
ilbadm create-rule [-e] [-p] -i vip=value,port=value[,protocol=value]
-m lbalg=value,type=value[,proxy-src=ip-range][,pmask=mask]
[-h hc-name=value[,hc-port=value]]
[-t [conn-drain=N][,nat-timeout=N],[persist-timeout=N]]
-o servergroup=value name
ilbadm show-rule [-e|-d] [-f |[-p] -o key[,key ...]] [name ...]
ilbadm delete-rule -a | name ...
ilbadm enable-rule [name ...]
ilbadm disable-rule [name ...]
ilbadm show-statistics [-p] -o field[,field] [-thAdvi]
[-r rulename] | [-s servername] [interval [count]]
ilbadm create-servergroup [-s server=hostspec[:portspec...]] groupname
ilbadm delete-servergroup groupname
ilbadm show-servergroup [-s|-f|[-p] -o field[,field]] [[-v] name]
ilbadm enable-server server ...
ilbadm disable-server server ...
ilbadm show-server [[-p] -o field[,field...]] [rulename...]
ilbadm add-server -s server=value[,value ... ] name
ilbadm remove-server -s server=value[,value ... ] name
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System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
ilbadm create-healthcheck [-n] -h hc-test=value
[,hc-timeout=value][,hc-count=value][,hc-interval=value] hcname
ilbadm delete-healthcheck hcname
ilbadm show-healthcheck [hcname ...]
ilbadm show-hc-result [rule-name]
ilbadm show-nat [count]
ilbadm show-persist [count]
ilbadm export-config filename
ilbadm import-config [-p] filename
The ilbadm command manipulates or displays information about
Integrated Load Balancer (ILB) rules using the subcommands described below. Rule names are case insensitive, but case is preserved as itis entered. Rule names are limited in length to 19 charac-
ters. Server names cannot exceed 14 characters.All parseable output (invoked with the -p option) requires
that the fields to be printed or displayed be specified withthe -o option. Fields will be displayed in the same order
they are encountered on the command line. Multiple fields are separated by the colon (:) character. If a colon or backslash (\) occurs in the displayed string itself, it will be preceeded by a backslash. No headers will be displayed for parseable output. Server IDs are generated by the system when a server isadded, using either the create-servergroup or the add-server
subcommands.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 2
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
Server IDs are guaranteed to be unique within the server group. A rule can be attached to only one server group, with the result that serverIDs are unique for rules as well. Note that since more than one rule can attach to the same server group, the server ID alone is not sufficient to indicate a rule. To be able to distinguish server IDs from hostnames, serverIDs are prefixed with a leading underscore (_).
As noted below, the server group and heathcheck entitiesmust be defined before they can be used in the create-rule
Following are the ilbadm subcommands, along with their
related options and operands. Note that subcommands have anormal and a short form; for example, create-rule and
create-rl, saving you from having to type a few additional
characters.create-rule|create-rl [-e] [-p] -i incoming -m
method_attributes -o outgoing_spec [-h healthcheck] [-t
timers] nameCreates a rule name with a set of specified characteris-
tics. incoming and method_attributes are both specified
as a set of key=value pairs. If name already exists, the command will fail. If a given tuple (virtual IP address, port(s), and protocol) matches another rule,the command will also fail. create-rule has the follow-
ing options that control the overall effect of the com-
mand:-e Enable the create-rule function. The default is
that create-rule is disabled.
-p Create the rule as persistent (sticky). The
default is that the rule exists only for the current session.Keys and values are introduced by one-letter identif-
iers. These identifiers and their related keys and acceptable values are as follows.-i
Introduces the matching criteria for incoming pack-
ets.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 3
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
vip (Virtual) destination IP addressport[-port]
Port number or name, for example, telnet or dns. A port can be specified by port number or symbolic name (as in /etc/services). Port number ranges are also supported. protocol TCP (the default) or UDP (see /etc/services).-m
Specifies the keys describing how to handle a packet. lbalg The default is roundrobin, or its short form,rr. Other alternatives are: hash-ip (short form:
hip), hash-ip-port (short form: hipp), hash-ip-
vip (short form: hipv). type Refers to topology of network. Can be DSR (ordsr or d), NAT (or n or nat), HALF-NAT (or h or
Required for full NAT only. Specifies the IP address range to use as the proxy source address range. The range is limited to ten IP addresses. pmask Optional. Has an alias of: stickiness. Specifies that this rule is to be persistent. The argument is a prefix length in CIDR notation; that is,0-32 for IPv4 and 0-128 for IPv6. Use the -p
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System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
option to specify this keyword.-o
Specifies destination(s) for packets that match thecriteria specified by the -i "clause". This identif-
ier has one well-known argument:
servergroup Specify a single server group as tar-
get. The server group must already have been created.-h
The health check option has two arguments:hc-name
Specifies the name of a predefined health check methodhc-port
Specifies the port(s) for the HC test program to check. The value can be keywords ALL or ANY, or a specific port number within the port range of the server group.-t
Specifies customized timers, in seconds. A value of0 means to use the system default value. The follow-
ing are valid modifiers for -t:
If a server's type is NAT or HALF-TYPE, conn-
drain is the timeout after which the server's connection state is deleted following the server's removal from a rule. This deletion occurs even if the server is not idle. The default for TCP is that the connection stateremains stable until the connection is grace-
fully shutdown. The default for UDP is that theSunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 5
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
connection state remains stable until the con-
nection has been idle for the period nat-
Applies only to NAT and half-NAT type connec-
tions. If such a connection is idle for thenat-timeout period, the connection state will be
removed. The default is 120 for TCP and 60 UDP.persist-timeout
When persistent mapping is enabled, if anumeric-only mapping has not been used for
persist-timeout seconds, the mapping will be
removed. The default is 60. Note that server group and health check must be definedbefore they can be used in create-rule.
delete-rule|delete-rl -a name[...]
Remove all information pertaining to rule name. If namedoes not exist, command will fail. delete-rule has one
Delete all rules. (name is ignored.)enable-rule|enable-rl name[...]
Enables a named rule, or all rules, if no name is speci-
fied). Enabling rules that are already enabled has no effect.disable-rule|disable-rl name[...]
Disables a named rule, or all rules, if no name is specified. Disabling rules that are already disabled has no effect.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 6
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
show-statistics|show-stats [[-p] -o field[,...]] [-tv] [-A |
-d] [[-i] -r rulename | -s servername] [interval [count]]
Displays statistics, the output of which is subject to the use of the options described below. The syntax and semantics of this subcommand are modeled on vmstat(1M).-t
Prepend a timestamp with every sample.-d
Display the delta over entire interval. The defaultis changes per second. Cannot be used with the -a
Display absolute numbers. That is, numbers since module initialization, rule creation, and serveraddition. Cannot be used with the -d option.
-r rulename
Display statistics only for the specified rulename.In combination with the -i option, display a line
for each server.-s servername
Display statistics only for server. In combinationwith the -i option, display a line for each rule.
Itemize the information displayed by the -r and -s
options. These are the only options with which -i is
valid. Does not work with the -v option.
Display additional details for droppages. Note that, when the rule name is specified, drops are counted per rule and not per server. Does not work with the-i option.
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Display parseable format. Requires use of -o option.
-o field
Can be one or more from the list below. field can be uppercase or lowercase.PKT_P Packets processed.
BYTES_P Bytes processed.
PKT_U Unprocessed packets.
BYTES_U Unprocessed bytes.
PKT_D Packets dropped.
BYTES_D Bytes dropped.
ICMP_P ICMP echo requests processed.
ICMP_D ICMP echo requests dropped.
ICMP2BIG_P ICMP fragmentation needed; message
processed.ICMP2BIG_D Fragmentation needed; message dropped.
NOMEMP_D Packets dropped because of out-of-
memory condition.NOPORTP_D Packets dropped in NAT mode because no
source port was available. Note that when a question mark (?) is displayed as a column entry, it indicates that the proper value cannot be determined, most often because a rule or server was added or deleted.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 8
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
Note that headers are displayed once for each ten sam-
ples. The timestamp format follows the date(1) format for the C locale. Neither the addition nor removal of a rule is|show-rl [-d|-e] [-f| [-p] -o field[,...]]
[name...] Displays characteristics of the specified rules, or all,if no rule is specified. The subcommand has the follow-
ing options:-d
Display only disabled rules.-e
Display only enabled rules.-f
Display a full list.-o field[,...]
Display output for field(s). Cannot be used with -f
Display parsable output in the format described in"Description". Requires the -o option.
Note that the -o (with or without -p) and -f options are
mutually count
Displays NAT table information. If count is specified, displays count entries from the NAT table. If no count is specified, displays the entire NAT table. count No assumptions should be made about the relativeSunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 9
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
positions of elements in consecutive runs of this com-
mand. For example, executing show-nat 10 twice is not
guaranteed to display the same ten items twice, espe-
cially on a busy system. Display format: T: IP1 > IP2 >>> IP3 > IP4 These items are described as follows: T The transport protocol used in this entry. IP1 The client's IP address and port. IP2 The VIP and port. IP3 If half NAT mode, the client's IP address and port. If full NAT mode, the NAT'ed client's IP address and port. IP4 The backend server's IP address and|show-pt count
Displays persistence table information. If count is specified, displays count entries from the table. If no count is specified, displays the entire persistence table.No assumptions should be made about the relative posi-
tions of elements in consecutive runs of this command.For example, executing show-persist 10 twice is not
guaranteed to display the same ten items twice, espe-
cially on a busy system. Display format:R: IP1 --> IP2
These items are described as follows: RSunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 10
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
The rule this persistence entry is tied to. IP1 The client's IP address and port. IP2 The backend server's IP address.export-config|export-cf [filename]
Exports the current configuration in a format suitablefor re-import using ilbadm import. If no filename is
specified, the subcommand writes to stdout.import-config|import-cf [-p] [filename]
Reads configuration contents of a file. By default, this overrides any existing configuration. If no filename isspecified, the subcommand reads from stdin. This subcom-
mand has the following option:-p
Preserve existing configuration and do incremental import.create-servergroup|create-sg [-s
server=hostspec[:portspec...]] groupname Creates a server group. Additional servers can be addedlater using the add-server subcommand. Server groups are
the only entity that can be used during rule creation toindicate back-end servers. If the specified server group
is associated with one or more rules, the server isenabled when it is added. This subcommand has the fol-
lowing option and operands:-s server=hostspec[:portspec...]
Specifies a list of servers to be added to the server group. hostspec is a hostname or IP address. IPv6 addressesSunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 11
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
must be enclosed in brackets ([]) to distinguish them from ":portspec" portspec is a service name or port number. If the port number is not specified, a number in the range1-65535 is used.
disable-server|disable-srv server
Disable one or more server(s). That is, tell the kernelnot to forward traffic to this server. disable-server
applies to all rules that are attached to the server group this server is part of. server is a server ID.enable-server|enable-srv server...
Reenables disabled|show-srv [[-p] -o field[,field...]]
[rulename...] Displays servers associated with named rules, or all servers if no rulename is specified. The subcommand has the following options.-o field[,field...]
Display only the specified fields.-p
Display fields in parsable format. Requires the -o
option.delete-servergroup|delete-sg groupname
Deletes a server|show-sg [[-p] -o field[,...]] [name]
Lists a server group, or all server groups, if no name is specified. The subcommand has the following options:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 12
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
-o field[,...]
Display output for field(s).-p
Display parsable output in the format described in"Description". Requires the -o option.
add-server|add-srv -s server=value[, value...] servergroup
Add specified server(s) to servergroup. See descriptionof create-servergroup for definition of value.
See create-servergroup.
Performing an add-server to a server group immediately
after performing a remove-server on that server group
might fail because of incomplete connection draining.Refer to the description of the remove-server subcommand
for instructions on how to avoid this failure.remove-server|remove-srv -s server=value[, value...] server-
group Remove specified server(s) from servergroup.-s
One or more of a server ID.If a server is being used by a NAT/half-NAT rule, it is
recommended that the server be disabled (using disable-
server) before removal. By disabling a server, theserver enters the connection-draining state. After all
of the connections are drained, the server can then beremoved by remove-server. If the conn-drain timeout
value is set, the connection-draining state will be fin-
ished upon conclusion of the timeout period. Note thatthe default conn-drain timeout is 0, meaning it will
keep waiting until a connection is gracefully shut down.create-healthcheck|create-hc [-n] -h hc-test=value,hc-
timeout=value, hc-count=num_value,hc-interval=value hcname
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Sets up a health check object for rules to use. All servers associated with a rule are checked using the same test. A health check event of a server consists ofone to hc-count number of hc-test executions. If an hc-
test's result shows a server to be unresponsive, furtherhc-test checks are made, up to hc-count invocations,
before a server is considered to be down.-h
The hc-test is performed hc-count times until it
succeeds or hc-timeout has expired. For a given
rule, all servers are checked using the same test. The tests are as follows:hc-test
PING, TCP, external method (script or binary). An external method should be specified with a full path name.hc-timeout
Threshold at which a test is considered failedfollowing interim failures of hc-test. If you
kill an hc-test test, the result is considered a
failure. The default value is five seconds.hc-count
Maximum number of attempts to run hc-test before
marking a server as down. The default value is three iterations.hc-interval
Interval between invocations of hc-test. This
value must be greater than hc-timeout times hc-
count. The default value is 30 seconds. The following arguments are passed to external methods:$1
VIP (literal IPv4 or IPv6 address).SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 14
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
Server IP (literal IPv4 or IPv6 address).$3
Protocol (UDP, TCP as a string).$4
The load balance mode, DSR, NAT, HALF_NAT.
Numeric port.$6
Maximum time (in seconds) the method should wait before returning failure. If the method runs forlonger, it can be killed, and the test con-
sidered failed.External methods should return 0 (or the round-trip
time to the back end server, in microseconds) forsuccess and -1 if the server is considered down.
Before higher layer health check(s), TCP, UDP, andexternal tests start, a default ping test is per-
formed first. The higher layer test will not be per-
formed if ping fails. You can turn off the default ping check for these high layer health checks bythrough use of -n.
Disable default ping test for high layer health check tests.delete-healthcheck|delete-hc hcname...
Delete the named health check object(s) (hcname). If the given health check object is associated with enabled rule(s), deletion of the object will fail.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 15
System Administration Commands ilbadm(1M)
show-healthcheck|show-hc [hcname...]
List the health check information for the specified health check (hcname). If no health check is specified, list information for all existing health|show-hc-res [rule-name]
List the health check result for the servers that areassociated with rule-name. If rule-name is not given,
the health check results for all servers are displayed.EXAMPLES
Example 1 Configuring NAT Mode The following commands create a rule with health check and timers set (port range shifting and session persistence).# ilbadm create-healthcheck -h hc-test=tcp,hc-timeout=2,hc-count=3, \
hc-interval=10 hc1
# ilbadm create-servergroup -s \
server=, sg1
# ilbadm create-rule -e -i vip=,port=5000-5009,protocol=tcp \
-m lbalg=rr,type=NAT,proxy-src=, \
pmask=24 \-h hc-name=hc1 \
-t conn-drain=180,nat-timeout=180,persist-timeout=180 \
-o servergroup=sg1 rule1
The following command creates a rule with the default timer values and without health check.# ilbadm create-servergroup -s server= sg1
# lbadm create-rule -e -i vip=,port=5000 \
-m lbalg=rr,type=NAT,proxy-src= \
-o servergroup=sg1 rule1
# ilbadm add-server -e -s server=
# ilbadm enable-rule rule1
Example 2 Configuring Half-NAT Mode
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The following command configures half-NAT mode and exempli-
fies port range collapsing.# ilbadm create-servergroup sg1
# ilbadm create-rule -e -i vip=,port=5000-5009 \
-m lbalg=rr,type=h -o servergroup=sg1 rule1
# ilbadm add-server -s server=, sg1
Example 3 Configuring DSR Mode and Preparing Two Sets of Rules The following command establishes two sets of rules to enable load balancing between HTTP and FTP traffic. Note both types of traffic traverse interface ilbadm create-servergroup -s servers=, websg
# ilbadm create-servergroup -s servers=, ftpgroup
# ilbadm create-rule -e -i vip=,port=80 \
-m lbalg=hash-ip-port,type=DSR \
-o servergroup=websg webrule
# ilbadm create-rule -e -i vip=,port=ftp \
-m lbalg=hash-ip-port,type=DSR,pmask=24 \
-o servergroup=ftpgroup ftprule
# ilbadm create-rule -e -p -i vip=,port=ftp-data \
-m lbalg=hash-ip-port,type=DSR,pmask=24 \
-o servergroup=ftpgroup ftpdatarule
Example 4 Deleting Rule, Server Group, and Health Check The following commands delete the rule, server group, and health check established in the first example.# ilbadm ilbadm delete-rule -a
# ilbadm delete-servergroup sg1
# ilbadm delete-healthcheck hc1
Example 5 Display a List of RulesSunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 17
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The following command displays a list of rules.# ilbadm show-rule
r2 E hash-ip NAT TCP 81
r1 E hash-ip NAT TCP 80
# ilbadm show-rule -f
HC-NAME: hc1
SERVERGROUP: sg1 VIP: _sg1.0,_sg1.1
Example 6 Exporting and Importing Rules The following commands show how to export rules to and import rules from stdout, and to/from a file.# ilbadm export-config
create-servergroup ftpgroup
add-server -s server= ftpgroup
add-server -s server= ftpgroup
create-servergroup webgroup_v6
add-server -s server=[2000::ff]:80 webgroup_v6
create-rule -e protocol=tcp,VIP=,port=ftp \
-m lbalg=roundrobin,type=DSR \
-o servergroup=ftpgroup rule4
create-rule protocol=tcp,VIP=2003::1,port=ftp \
-m lbalg=roundrobin,type=DSR \
-o servergroup=ftpgroup6 rule3
create-rule -e protocol=tcp,VIP=2002::1,port=http \
-m lbalg=roundrobin,type=DSR \
-o serverrgroup=webgrp_v6 RULE-all
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The following command exports rules to a file.# ilbadm export-config /tmp/ilbrules
Following this command, /tmp/ilbrules contains the output displayed in the previous command. The following command imports rules from a file.# ilbadm import-config /tmp/ilbrules
This command replaces whatever rules were in place with the contents of /tmp/ilbrules. The following command imports rules from stdin.# cat /tmp/ilbrules | ilbadm import-config
The effect of this command is identical to the effect of the preceding command. Example 7 Creating a Single Health Check The following command creates a single health check.# ilbadm create-healthcheck -h hc-timeout=3,hc-count=2,hc-interval=8,\
hc-test=tcp hc1
Example 8 Listing All HealthchecksSunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 19
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The following command lists all extant health checks.# ilbadm show-healthcheck
hc1 2 1 10 Y tcp hc2 2 1 10 N /usr/local/bin/probe Example 9 Deleting a Single Health Check The following command deletes a single health check.# ilbadm delete-healthcheck hc1
Example 10 Displaying Statistics The following command displays statistics at an interval of one seconds, for three iterations.# ilbadm show-stats -A 1 3
0 0 0 0 4 196 0 0 0 0 4 196 0 0 0 0 4 196 The following is the command you would use to displaystatistics in verbose mode at intervals of one second. Out-
put is too wide to fit within the page boundary.# ilbadm show-stats -v 1
The following command displays statistics for rule r1 at an interval of one second for three iterations.# ilbadm show-stats -A -r r1 1 3
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0 0 0 0 4 196 0 0 0 0 4 196 0 0 0 0 4 196 The following command displays statistics for rule r1 for each of its servers, for an interval of one second and a count of 3.# ilbadm show-stats -A -r r1 -i 1 3
_sg1.0 0 0
_sg1.1 0 0
_sg1.2 0 0
_sg1.0 0 0
_sg1.1 0 0
_sg1.2 0 0
_sg1.0 0 0
_sg1.1 0 0
_sg1.2 0 0
The following command displays itemized statistics, withtimestamps, for server _sg1.0, at an interval of one second
and a count of 3.# ilbadm show-stats -A -s _sg1.0 -it 1 3
r1 0 0 2009-07-20:16.10.20
r1 0 0 2009-07-20:16.10.21
r1 0 0 2009-07-20:16.10.22
The following command displays statistics with specific option fields, at an interval of one second and a count of 3.# ilbadm show-stats -o BYTES_D,TIME 1 3
196 2009-07-20:16.14.25
0 2009-07-20:16.14.26
0 2009-07-20:16.14.27
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Example 11 Displaying Health Check Results The following command displays the results of a health check.# ilbadm show-hc-result rule1
rule1 hc1 _sg1.0 dead 6 04:45:17 04:45:30 698
rule1 hc1 _sg1.1 alive 0 04:45:11 04:45:25 260
rule1 hc1 _sg1.2 unreach 6 04:45:17 04:45:30 0
Example 12 Displaying the NAT Table The following command displays the NAT table.# ilbadm show-nat 5
UDP:>>>>> UDP:>>>>> UDP:>>>>> UDP:>>>>> UDP:>>>>> actual ilbadm output, spaces are interspersed for greater
readability. Example 13 Displaying the Persistence Table The following command displays the persistence table.# ilbadm show-persist 5
rule2: -->
rule3: -->
rule3: -->
rule1: -->
rule2: -->
Example 14 Displaying Server GroupsSunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 22
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The following command displays basic information about server groups.# ilbadm show-servergroup
sg1: id:sg1.2 sg1: id:sg1.1 sg1: id:sg1.0 sg2: id:sg2.3 sg2: id:sg2.2 sg2: id:sg2.1 sg2: id:sg2.0 The following command displays all available information about server groups.# ilbadm show-servergroup -o all
sgname serverID minport maxport IP_address
sg1 _sg1.0 -- --
sg2 _sg2.1 -- --
sg3 _sg3.0 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.1 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.2 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.3 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.4 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.5 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.6 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.7 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.8 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.9 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.10 9001 9001
sg3 _sg3.11 9001 9001
sg4 _sg4.0 9001 9006
sg4 _sg4.1 9001 9006
Example 15 List Servers Associated with a Rule The following command lists the servers that are associated with a rule.# ilbadm show-server r1
_sg1.0 80 rule1 E sg1
_sg1.1 80 rule1 E sg1
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_sg1.2 80 rule1 D sg1
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Availability | SUNWilbu ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
ilbd(1M), vmstat(1M), attributes(5)SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Jul 2010 24