Windows PowerShell command on Get-command groff_ms

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man groff_ms

Device and Network Interfaces GROFF_MS(7)


groff_ms - groff ms macros


groff -ms [ options... ] [ files... ]

groff -m ms [ options... ] [ files... ]


This manual page describes the GNU version of the ms macros, part of the groff typesetting system. The ms macros are mostly compatible with the documented behavior of the 4.3 BSD Unix ms macros (see Differences from troff ms below for details). The ms macros are suitable for reports, letters, books, and technical documentation.


The ms macro package expects files to have a certain amount

of structure. The simplest documents can begin with a para-

graph macro and consist of text separated by paragraph mac-

ros or even blank lines. Longer documents have a structure as follows: Document type If you use the RP (report) macro at the beginning of the document, groff prints the cover page information on its own page; otherwise it prints the information on

the first page with your document text immediately fol-

lowing. Other document formats found in AT&T troff are specific to AT&T or Berkeley, and are not supported in groff ms. Format and layout By setting number registers, you can change your document's type (font and size), margins, spacing,

headers and footers, and footnotes. See Document con-

trol registers below for more details. Cover page A cover page consists of a title, and optionally the author's name and institution, an abstract, and the date. See Cover page macros below for more details. Body Following the cover page is your document. It consists of paragraphs, headings, and lists. Table of contents Longer documents usually include a table of contents, which you can add by placing the TC macro at the end of your document. Document control registers The following table lists the document control number Groff Version 1.19.2Last change: 21 October 2010 1

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registers. For the sake of consistency, set registers related to margins at the beginning of your document, or just after the RP macro. Margin settings Reg. Definition Effective Default


PO Page offset (lneefxtt page 1i margin) LL Line length next para. 6i LT Header/footernext para. 6i length HM Top (header) nmeaxrtgipnage 1i FM Bottom (footenre)xt page 1i margin


Text settings Reg. Definition Effective Default


PS Point size next para. 10p

VS Line spacing n(elxetadp-ara. 12p


PSINCR Point size inncerxet- heading 1p

ment for section headings of

increasing impor-

tance GROWPS Heading levelnext heading 0 beyond which PSINCR is ignored


Paragraph settings Reg. Definition Effective Default


PI Initial indenntext para. 5n

PD Space betweennepxatrap-ara. 0.3v

graphs QI Quoted paragrnaepxht para. 5n indent PORPHANS Number of ininteixatl para. 1 lines to be kept together HORPHANS Number of ininteixatl heading 1 lines to be kept with heading


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Device and Network Interfaces GROFF_MS(7)

Footnote settings Reg. Definition Effective Default


FL Footnote length next footnote [rs]n[LL]*5/6 FI Footnote indent next footnote 2n FF Footnote format next footnote 0

FPS Point size next footnote [rs]n[PS]-2

FVS Vert. spacing next footnote [rs]n[FPS]+2 FPD Para. spacing next footnote [rs]n[PD]/2


Other settings Reg. Definition Effective Default


MINGW Minimum widthnext page 2n between columns


Cover page macros Use the following macros to create a cover page for your document in the order shown. .RP [no] Specifies the report format for your document. The report format creates a separate cover page. With no RP macro, groff prints a subset of the cover page on page~1 of your document. If you use the optional no argument, groff prints a title page but does not repeat any of the title page information (title, author, abstract, etc.) on page~1 of the document.

.P1 (P-one) Prints the header on page~1. The default is to

suppress the header. .DA [xxx] (optional) Print the current date, or the arguments to the macro if any, on the title page (if specified) and in the footers. This is the default for nroff. .ND [xxx] (optional) Print the current date, or the arguments to the macro if any, on the title page (if specified) but not in the footers. This is the default for troff.

.TL Specifies the document title. Groff collects text fol-

lowing the TL macro into the title, until reaching the author name or abstract. .AU Specifies the author's name. You can specify multiple authors by using an AU macro for each author. Groff Version 1.19.2Last change: 21 October 2010 3

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.AI Specifies the author's institution. You can specify multiple institutions. .AB [no] Begins the abstract. The default is to print the word ABSTRACT, centered and in italics, above the text of the abstract. The option no suppresses this heading. .AE End the abstract. Paragraphs Use the PP macro to create indented paragraphs, and the LP macro to create paragraphs with no initial indent.

The QP macro indents all text at both left and right mar-

gins. The effect is identical to the HTML


ment. The next paragraph or heading returns margins to nor-

mal. The XP macro produces an exdented paragraph. The first line of the paragraph begins at the left margin, and subsequent lines are indented (the opposite of PP). For each of the above paragraph types, and also for any list entry introduced by the IP macro (described later), the document control register PORPHANS, sets the minimum number

of lines which must be printed, after the start of the para-

graph, and before any page break occurs. If there is insuf-

ficient space remaining on the current page to accommodate this number of lines, then a page break is forced before the first line of the paragraph is printed. Similarly, when a section heading (see subsection Headings below) preceeds any of these paragraph types, the HORPHANS document control register specifies the minimum number of lines of the paragraph which must be kept on the same page as the heading. If insufficient space remains on the current page to accommodate the heading and this number of lines of paragraph text, then a page break is forced before the heading is printed. Headings Use headings to create a hierarchical structure for your document. By default, the ms macros print headings in bold using the same font family and point size as the body text. For output devices which support scalable fonts, this behaviour may be modified, by defining the document control registers, GROWPS and PSINCR. The following heading macros are available: .NH xx Groff Version 1.19.2Last change: 21 October 2010 4

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Numbered heading. The argument xx is either a numeric argument to indicate the level of the heading, or S xx xx "..." to set the section number explicitly. If you specify heading levels out of sequence, such as invoking .NH 3 after .NH 1, groff prints a warning on standard error. If the GROWPS register is set to a value greater than the level of the heading, then the point size of the heading will be increased by PSINCR units over the text size specified by the PS register, for each level by which the heading level is less than the value of GROWPS. For example, the sequence: .nr PS 10 .nr GROWPS 3 .nr PSINCR 1.5p . .NH 1 Top Level Heading . .NH 2 Second Level Heading . .NH 3 Third Level Heading will cause 1. Top Level Heading to be printed in 13pt bold text, followed by 1.1. Second Level Heading in 11.5pt bold text, while 1.1.1. Third Level Heading , and all more deeply nested heading levels, will remain in the 10pt bold text which is specified by the PS register. Note that the value stored in PSINCR is interpreted in groff basic units; the p scaling factor should be employed, when assigning a value specified in points. After invoking .NH, the assigned heading number is

available in the strings SN-DOT (exactly as it appears

in the formatted heading), and SN-NO-DOT (with its

final period omitted). The string SN is also defined,

as an alias for SN-DOT; if preferred, the user may

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redefine it as an alias for SN-NO-DOT, by including the




before the first use of .NH, or simply:


after the first use of .NH. .SH [xx] Unnumbered subheading. The use of the optional xx argument is a GNU extension, which adjusts the point size of the unnumbered subheading to match that of a numbered heading, introduced using .NH xx with the same value of xx. For example, given the same settings for PS, GROWPS and PSINCR, as used in the preceeding .NH example, the sequence: .SH 2 An Unnumbered Subheading will print Groff Version 1.19.2Last change: 21 October 2010 6

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