Windows PowerShell command on Get-command gnome-calculator

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man gnome-calculator

User Commands gnome-calculator(1)


gnome-calculator, gcalctool - perform basic, financial, and

scientific calculations


gnome-calculator | gcalctool [-a accuracy] [-D] [-E] [-v]



Gnome calculator is a desktop calculator. It has been designed to be used with either the mouse or the keyboard.

It is visually similar to a lot of hand-held calculators.

Calculator has the following modes:

Basic Mode Provides standard calculator func-

tions. You can store numbers in 10 different memory registers, and easily retrieve and replace the numbers in the memory registers. Basic Mode is the default mode. You

can use all of the Basic Mode func-

tions in each of the other modes. Financial Mode Provides several complex financial functions.

Scientific Mode Provides many additional mathemati-

cal functions, including tri-

gonometric and logical functions.

You can also store your own func-

tions and constants, when you use Scientific Mode.


Some of the calculator keys have menu marks, this indicates that there is a menu associated with that key.

One of the most important things to remember about gnome-

calculator is that calculations are performed from left to

right, with no arithmetic precedence. If you need arith-

metic precedence, then you should use parentheses.

Internal arithmetic is now down with multi-precision float-

ing point numbers. Accuracy can be adjusted from zero to nine numeric places in fixed notation, but numbers can be

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 12 Sep 2006 1

User Commands gnome-calculator(1)

displayed in engineering and scientific notation as well. There is also an option to show or remove trailing zeroes

after the numeric point. The calculator reverts to scien-

tific notation when the number is larger than the display would allow in fixed notation. In the scientific mode, the base of operation can be changed between binary, octal, decimal and hexidecimal. Numbers are initially displayed in fixed notation to nine numeric places, with trailing zeroes removed, in the decimal base. You can use the Copy and Paste functions in conjunction with the numeric display to store or retrieve characters from the

clipboard. You can also remove the last digit entered, com-

pletely clear the displayed entry and totally reset the cal-

culator. There are ten memory registers. Numbers can be stored or

retrieved in these locations, and arithmetic can be per-

formed upon register contents.

Context sensitive help is also available. Control-F1 toggles

whether a tooltip is displayed for the item which currently has focus. On startup, Calculator uses the following configuration resources stored in a GConf database. Resource: /schemes/apps/gcalctool/accuracy Values: Accuracy value Description: The number of digits displayed after the numeric point. This value must be in the range 0 to 9. Resource: /schemes/apps/gcalctool/base Values: Numeric Base Description: The initial numeric base. Valid values are "BIN" (binary), "OCT" (octal), "DEC" (decimal), and "HEX" (hexadecimal). Resource: /schemes/apps/gcalctool/display Values: Display mode Description: The initial display mode. Valid values are

"ENG" (engineering), "FIX" (fixed-point), and

SCI" (scientific). Resource: /schemes/apps/gcalctool/mode Values: Mode

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 12 Sep 2006 2

User Commands gnome-calculator(1)

Description: The initial calculator mode. Valid values are "BASIC", "FINANCIAL", and "SCIENTIFIC". Resource: /schemes/apps/gcalctool/showzeroes Values: true, false (true) Description: Whether to show trailing zeroes after the numeric point in the display value. Resource: /schemes/apps/gcalctool/showthousands Values: true, false (false) Description: Whether fixed numbers in the decimal base are displayed with thousands separated. Resource: /schemes/apps/gcalctool/showregisters Values: true, false (true) Description: Whether to display the memory register window when Calculator starts. Resource: /schemes/apps/gcalctool/trigtype Values: Trig. type Description: The initial trigonometric type. Valid values are "DEG" (degrees), "GRAD" (grads), and "RAD" (radians). Any constants or functions that the user defines are also stored in the GConf database. OPTIONS The following options are supported:

-a accuracy Specifies the number of digits

displayed after the numeric point. This value must be in the range 0 to 9.

-D Enable debug mode.

-E Enable debug mode in the multiple-

precision arithmetic package.

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User Commands gnome-calculator(1)

-v Show the version number and usage


gnome-std-options Standard options available for use

with most GNOME applications. See

gnome-std-options(5) for more infor-



Example 1: Launching Calculator

example% gnome-calculator

EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Application exited successfully >0 Application exited with failure FILES The following files are used by this application: /usr/bin/gcalctool Executable for Calculator.

/usr/bin/gnome-calculator Symbolic link to gcalctool.

~/.gcalctoolrc User-specific resources for

customizing the appearance and color of Calculator.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 12 Sep 2006 4

User Commands gnome-calculator(1)




| Availability | desktop/calculator/gcalctool|


| Interface stability | Volatile |



Calculator Manual Latest version of the GNOME Desktop User Guide for your platform.

attributes(5), gnome-std-options(5)

NOTES Written by Glynn Foster and Rich Burridge, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2003. Updated by Matt Keenan, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2006.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 12 Sep 2006 5

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