Windows PowerShell command on Get-command getservbyport

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man getservbyport

Sockets Library Functions getservbyname(3SOCKET)


getservbyname, getservbyname_r, getservbyport,

getservbyport_r, getservent, getservent_r, setservent,

endservent - get service entry


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lsocket -lnsl [ library ... ]


struct servent *getservbyname(const char *name, const char *proto);

struct servent *getservbyname_r(const char *name, const char *proto,

struct servent *result, char *buffer, int buflen);

struct servent *getservbyport(int port, const char *proto);

struct servent *getservbyport_r(int port, const char *proto,

struct servent *result, char *buffer, int buflen); struct servent *getservent(void);

struct servent *getservent_r(struct servent *result, char *buffer,

int buflen); int setservent(int stayopen); int endservent(void);


These functions are used to obtain entries for Internet ser-

vices. An entry may come from any of the sources for ser-

vices specified in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. See nsswitch.conf(4).

The getservbyname() and getservbyport() functions sequen-

tially search from the beginning of the file until a match-

ing protocol name or port number is found, or until end-

of-file is encountered. If a protocol name is also sup-

plied (non-null), searches must also match the protocol.

The getservbyname() function searches for an entry with the Internet service name specified by the name parameter.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 31 Jan 2007 1

Sockets Library Functions getservbyname(3SOCKET)

The getservbyport() function searches for an entry with the

Internet port number port. All addresses are returned in network order. In order to interpret the addresses, byteorder(3SOCKET) must be used for

byte order conversion. The string proto is used by both get-

servbyname() and getservbyport() to restrict the search to

entries with the specified protocol. If proto is NULL, entries with any protocol can be returned. The functions setservent(), getservent(), and endservent() are used to enumerate entries from the services database. The setservent() function sets (or resets) the enumeration

to the beginning of the set of service entries. This func-

tion should be called before the first call to getservent().

Calls to the functions getservbyname() and getservbyport()

leave the enumeration position in an indeterminate state.

If the stayopen flag is non-zero, the system may keep allo-

cated resources such as open file descriptors until a subse-

quent call to endservent(). The getservent() function reads the next line of the file, opening the file if necessary. getservent() opens and

rewinds the file. If the stayopen flag is non-zero, the net

data base will not be closed after each call to getservent() (either directly, or indirectly through one of the other "getserv"calls). Successive calls to getservent() return either successive entries or NULL, indicating the end of the enumeration. The endservent() function closes the file. The endservent() function can be called to indicate that the caller expects to do no further service entry retrieval operations; the system can then deallocate resources it was using. It is still allowed, but possibly less efficient, for the process to call more service entry retrieval functions after calling endservent(). Reentrant Interfaces

The functions getservbyname(), getservbyport(), and getser-

vent() use static storage that is re-used in each call, mak-

ing these functions unsafe for use in multithreaded applica-


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 31 Jan 2007 2

Sockets Library Functions getservbyname(3SOCKET)

The functions getservbyname_r(), getservbyport_r(), and

getservent_r() provide reentrant interfaces for these opera-

tions. Each reentrant interface performs the same operation as its

non-reentrant counterpart, named by removing the "_r" suf-

fix. The reentrant interfaces, however, use buffers sup-

plied by the caller to store returned results, and are safe

for use in both single-threaded and multithreaded applica-

tions. Each reentrant interface takes the same parameters as its

non-reentrant counterpart, as well as the following addi-

tional parameters. The parameter result must be a pointer to

a struct servent structure allocated by the caller. On suc-

cessful completion, the function returns the service entry in this structure. The parameter buffer must be a pointer to a buffer supplied by the caller. This buffer is used as storage space for the service entry data. All of the pointers within the returned struct servent result point to

data stored within this buffer. See the RETURN VALUES sec-

tion of this manual page. The buffer must be large enough to hold all of the data associated with the service entry. The parameter buflen should give the size in bytes of the buffer indicated by buffer. For enumeration in multithreaded applications, the position

within the enumeration is a process-wide property shared by

all threads. The setservent() function can be used in a mul-

tithreaded application but resets the enumeration position for all threads. If multiple threads interleave calls to

getservent_r(), the threads will enumerate disjoint subsets

of the service database.

Like their non-reentrant counterparts, getservbyname_r() and

getservbyport_r() leave the enumeration position in an

indeterminate state.


Service entries are represented by the struct servent struc-

ture defined in : struct servent {

char *s_name; /* official name of service */

char **s_aliases; /* alias list */

int s_port; /* port service resides at */

char *s_proto; /* protocol to use */


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 31 Jan 2007 3

Sockets Library Functions getservbyname(3SOCKET) The members of this structure are:

s_name The official name of the service.

s_aliases A zero terminated list of alternate names for

the service.

s_port The port number at which the service

resides. Port numbers are returned in net-

work byte order.

s_proto The name of the protocol to use when con-

tacting the service

The functions getservbyname(), getservbyname_r(), get-

servbyport(), and getservbyport_r() each return a pointer to

a struct servent if they successfully locate the requested entry; otherwise they return NULL.

The functions getservent() and getservent_r() each return a

pointer to a struct servent if they successfully enumerate an entry; otherwise they return NULL, indicating the end of the enumeration.

The functions getservbyname(), getservbyport(), and getser-

vent() use static storage, so returned data must be copied before a subsequent call to any of these functions if the data is to be saved. When the pointer returned by the reentrant functions

getservbyname_r(), getservbyport_r(), and getservent_r() is

non-null, it is always equal to the result pointer that was

supplied by the caller.


The reentrant functions getservbyname_r(),

getservbyport_r(), and getservent_r() return NULL and set

errno to ERANGE if the length of the buffer supplied by caller is not large enough to store the result. See Intro(2) for the proper usage and interpretation of errno in multithreaded applications. FILES

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 31 Jan 2007 4

Sockets Library Functions getservbyname(3SOCKET) /etc/services Internet network services /etc/netconfig network configuration file

/etc/nsswitch.conf configuration file for the name-

service switch


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-




| ____________________________|_____________________________|_

| MT-Level | See "Reentrant Interfaces"|




Intro(2), Intro(3), byteorder(3SOCKET), netdir(3NSL), netconfig(4), nsswitch.conf(4), services(4), attributes(5), netdb.h(3HEAD) WARNINGS

The reentrant interfaces getservbyname_r(),

getservbyport_r(), and getservent_r() are included in this

release on an uncommitted basis only, and are subject to change or removal in future minor releases. NOTES The functions that return struct servent return the least

significant 16-bits of the s_port field in network byte

order. getservbyport() and getservbyport_r() also expect the

input parameter port in the network byte order. See htons(3SOCKET) for more details on converting between host and network byte orders.

To ensure that they all return consistent results, get-

servbyname(), getservbyname_r(), and netdir_getbyname() are

implemented in terms of the same internal library function.

This function obtains the system-wide source lookup policy

based on the inet family entries in netconfig(4) and the

services: entry in nsswitch.conf(4). Similarly, get-

servbyport(), getservbyport_r(), and netdir_getbyaddr() are

implemented in terms of the same internal library function.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 31 Jan 2007 5

Sockets Library Functions getservbyname(3SOCKET)

If the inet family entries in netconfig(4) have a ``-'' in

the last column for nametoaddr libraries, then the entry for

services in nsswitch.conf will be used; otherwise the name-

toaddr libraries in that column will be used, and nsswitch.conf will not be consulted.

There is no analogue of getservent() and getservent_r() in

the netdir functions, so these enumeration functions go straight to the services entry in nsswitch.conf. Thus enumeration may return results from a different source than

that used by getservbyname(), getservbyname_r(), get-

servbyport(), and getservbyport_r().

When compiling multithreaded applications, see Intro(3), Notes On Multithread Applications, for information about the

use of the _REENTRANT flag.

Use of the enumeration interfaces getservent() and

getservent_r() is discouraged; enumeration may not be sup-

ported for all database sources. The semantics of enumera-

tion are discussed further in nsswitch.conf(4).

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 31 Jan 2007 6

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