Miscellaneous Library Functions curs_getyx(3X)
getyx, getparyx, getbegyx, getmaxyx - get curses cursor and
window coordinatesSYNOPSIS
void getyx(WINDOW *win, int y, int x); void getparyx(WINDOW *win, int y, int x); void getbegyx(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);void getmaxyx(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
The getyx macro places the current cursor position of the given window in the two integer variables y and x.If win is a subwindow, the getparyx macro places the begin-
ning coordinates of the subwindow relative to the parentwindow into two integer variables y and x. Otherwise, -1 is
placed into y and x.Like getyx, the getbegyx and getmaxyx macros store the
current beginning coordinates and size of the specified win-
dow. RETURN VALUE The return values of these macros are undefined (i.e., theyshould not be used as the right-hand side of assignment
statements). NOTES All of these interfaces are macros. A "&" is not necessary before the variables y and x. PORTABILITYThe getyx, getparyx, getbegyx and getmaxyx macros are
described in the XSI Curses standard, Issue 4.This implementation also provides functions getbegx, get-
begy, getcurx, getcury, getmaxx, getmaxy, getparx and get-
pary for compatibility with older versions of curses.Although X/Open Curses does not address this, many implemen-
tations provide members of the WINDOW structure containing values corresponding to these macros. For best portability,do not rely on using the data in WINDOW, since some imple-
mentations make WINDOW opaque (do not allow direct use of its members). Besides the problem of opaque structures, the data stored inlike-named members may not have like-values in different
implementations. For example, the WINDOW._maxx and
SunOS 5.10 Last change: 1Miscellaneous Library Functions curs_getyx(3X)
WINDOW._maxy values in ncurses have (at least since release
1.8.1) differed by one from some other implementations. Thedifference is hidden by means of the macro getmaxyx.
curses(3X), curs_legacy(3X), curs_opaque(3X)
SunOS 5.10 Last change: 2