Windows PowerShell command on Get-command gdialog

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man gdialog

User Commands zenity(1)


zenity, gdialog - display simple GNOME dialogs


zenity --calendar [--title=title] [--window-icon=path] [--

width=width] [--height=height] [--timeout=seconds] [--

text=text] [--day=number] [--month=number] [--year=number]


zenity --entry [--title=title] [--window-icon=path] [--

width=width] [--height=height] [--timeout=seconds] [--

text=text] [--entry-text=text] [--hide-text]

zenity --error | --info | --question | --warning [--

title=title] [--window-icon=path] [--width=width] [--

height=height] [--timeout=seconds] [--text=text] [--nowrap]

zenity --file-selection [--title=title] [--window-icon=path]

[--width=width] [--height=height] [--timeout=seconds] [--

filename=path] [--multiple] [--directory] [--save] [--

separator=character] [--confirm-overwrite]

zenity --list [--title=title] [--window-icon=path] [--

width=width] [--height=height] [--timeout=seconds] --

column=text [--checklist] [--radiolist] [--

separator=character] [--multiple] [--editable] [--print-

column=number] [--hide-column=number]

zenity --notification [--window-icon=path] [--

timeout=seconds] [--text=text] [--listen]

zenity --progress [--title=title] [--window-icon=path] [--

width=width] [--height=height] [--timeout=seconds] [--

text=text] [--percentage=number] [--pulsate] [--auto-close]


zenity --scale [--title=title] [--window-icon=path] [--

width=width] [--height=height] [--timeout=seconds] [--

text=text] [--value=number] [--min-value=number] [--max-

value=number] [--step=number] [--print-partial] [--hide-


zenity --text-info [--title=title] [--window-icon=path] [--

width=width] [--height=height] [--timeout=seconds] [--

filename=path] [--editable]

zenity --about | - -help | --usage | --version | -



The zenity application displays simple GNOME dialogs. You can use Zenity to create scripts that interact graphically

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User Commands zenity(1)

with the user. gdialog(1) has been deprecated and is now a

wrapper script around Zenity, and will preserve compatibil-

ity with older scripts. OPTIONS Zenity supports several different types of options. Zenity Miscellaneous Options The following miscellaneous options are supported:

--about Display the About Zenity dialog,

which provides information about the Zenity application, including the version number and the author.

--version Display the version number of Zen-

ity. Help Options The following help options are supported:

-?, --help Display help text.

--help-* Display help text on specific dia-

logs. GTK+ Options

Zenity supports the standard GTK+ options. For more informa-

tion about the GTK+ options, execute the zenity --help-gtk-

command. Dialog Options The following dialog options are supported:

--calendar Display a calendar dialog.

--entry Display a text entry dialog.

--error Display an error dialog.

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User Commands zenity(1)

--file-selection Display a file-selection dialog.

--info Display an informational dialog.

--list Display a list dialog.

--notification Display a notification icon.

--progress Display a progress indication dia-


--question Display a question dialog.

--scale Display a scale dialog.

--text-info Display a text information dialog.

--warning Display a warning dialog.

General Dialog Options The following general dialog options are supported:

--title=title Set the dialog title.

--window-icon=path Set the dialog window icon with a

full path to an image.

--width=width Set the dialog width.

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User Commands zenity(1)

--height=height Set the dialog height.

--timeout=seconds Set the dialog timeout in seconds.

Calendar Dialog Options The following calendar dialog options are supported:

--text=text Set the dialog text.

--day=number Set the calendar day.

--month=number Set the calendar month.

--year=number Set the calendar year.

--date-format=format Set the date format to return at the

command line. The default format depends on your locale. The format

must be of strftime style, for exam-

ple %A %d/%m/%y.

Text-Entry Dialog Options

The following text-entry dialog options are supported:

--text=text Set the dialog text.

--entry-text=text Set the dialog entry text.

--hide-text Use asterisks to hide the entry


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User Commands zenity(1) Error, Info, Question and Warning Dialog Options The following error, info, question and warning dialog options are supported:

--text=text Set the dialog text.

--nowrap Do not enable text wrapping in the


File-Selection Dialog Options

The following file-selection dialog options are supported:

--filename=path Set the file or directory to select

by default.

--multiple Allow multiple selections.

--directory Activate directory-only selection.

--save Activate save mode file selection.

--separator=character Set the separator character to

return at the command line. This option is used only when the dialog allows multiple selections.

--confirm-overwrite Confirm overwrite of files.

List Dialog Options The following list dialog options are supported:

--text=text Set the dialog text.

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User Commands zenity(1)

--column=text Set the text of a column.

--checklist Specify that the first column con-

tains check boxes.

--radiolist Specify that the first column con-

tains radio buttons.

--separator=character Set the separator character to

return at the command line. This option is used only when the dialog allows multiple selections.

--editable Specify that the dialog contents are


--print-column=number Specify which column to print on


--hide-column=number Specify which columns should be hid-

den from view. Notification Options The following notification dialog options are supported:

--text=text Set the dialog text.

--listen Listen for commands on standard

input. Commands include 'message', 'tooltip', 'icon', and 'visible' separated by a colon. For example, "message:Hello world", "icon:/path/to/icon", or "visible:false".

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User Commands zenity(1)

Progress-Indication Dialog Options

The following progress-indication dialog options are sup-


--text=text Set the dialog text.

--percentage=number Set the initial percentage of the

progress bar.

--pulsate Specify that the progress bar pul-

sates until an EOF character is read from the command line.

--auto-close Close the dialog automatically when

100% has been reached.

--auto-kill Kill the parent process if cancel

button is pressed. Scale Dialog Options The following scale dialog options are supported:

--text=text Set the dialog text.

--value=number Set the initial value.

--min-value=number Set the minimum value of the scale.

--max-value=number Set the maximum value of the scale.

--step=number Set the step size of the scale.

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User Commands zenity(1)

--print-partial Set the values of the scale as they

are selected.

--hide-value Set the value of the scale from


Text-Informational Dialog Options

The following text-informational dialog options are sup-


--filename=path Set the file to display in the dia-


--editable Specify that the dialog contents are



Example 1: Launching Zenity Using the List Dialog

example% zenity --list --title="Choose bugs you wish to view" \

--text="Select items from the list below." \

--column="Bug Number" --column="Severity" --column="Description" \

992383 Normal "GtkTreeView crashes on multiple selections" \ 293823 High "GNOME Dictionary does not handle proxy" \ 393823 Critical "Menu editing does not work in GNOME 2.0" Example 2: Launching Zenity Using the Progress Dialog

example% find . -name '*.bk' | zenity --progress \

--title="Finding backups" --pulsate

Example 3: Launching Zenity Using the Text Informational Dialog

example% zenity --text-info --title="OpenSolaris License" \


ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The following environment variables affect the execution of zenity:

ZENITY_OK, DIALOG_OK Set the return value for OK.

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User Commands zenity(1)

ZENITY_CANCEL, DIALOG_CANCEL Set the return value for


ZENITY_ERROR, DIALOG_ERROR Set the return value for


ZENITY_ESC, DIALOG_ESC Set the return value for

Escape. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned:

-1 Error

0 OK 1 Cancel, Escape FILES The following files are used by this application: /usr/bin/zenity Executable for Zenity.

/usr/bin/gdialog Symbolic link to run zenity.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


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User Commands zenity(1)




| Availability | gnome/zenity |


| Interface stability | Volitile |



Zenity Manual Latest version of the GNOME Desktop User Guide for your platform.

attributes(5), environ(5), gnome-std-options(5)

NOTES Written by Glynn Foster, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007.

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