Windows PowerShell command on Get-command ftpshut

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man ftpshut

System Administration Commands ftpshut(1M)


ftpshut - close down the FTP Servers at a given time


ftpshut [-V] [-v] [-l min] [-d min] time



The ftpshut command provides an automated shutdown procedure

that the superuser can use to notify FTP users when the FTP Server is shutting down. Ten minutes before shutdown, or immediately if the value of

time is less than ten minutes, any new FTP Server connec-

tions will be disabled. You may adjust the shutdown of new

FTP Server connections by means of the -l option.

Five minutes before shutdown, or immediately if the value

of time is less than five minutes, all current FTP connec-

tions will be disconnected. You may adjust the shutdown of

current FTP connections by means of the -d option.

The ftpshut command creates shutdown message files that the

FTP Server uses to determine when to shutdown. Separate

shutdown message files are created in the anonymous and vir-

tual host FTP Server areas, in addition to the system wide shutdown message file. Once the shutdown occurs, the server

continues to refuse connections until the appropriate shut-

down message file is removed. This normally is done by using the ftprestart(1M) command. The location of the shutdown message file is specified by the shutdown capability in the ftpaccess file. The following magic cookies are available:

%s The time system is going to shut down.

%r The time new connections will be denied.

%d The time current connections will be dropped.

%C The current working directory.

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System Administration Commands ftpshut(1M)

%E The maintainer's email address as defined in the

ftpaccess file.

%F The free space in the partition of CWD, in kilobytes.

%L The local host name.

%M The maximum allowed number of users in this class.

%N The current number of users in this class.

%R The remote host name.

%T The local time (form Thu Nov 15 17:12:42 1990).

%U The username given at login time.


The ftpshut command supports the following options:

-V Display program copyright and version information,

then terminate.

-d min The time ahead of shutdown, in minutes, that

existing connections will be disconnected upon completion of their current or next (if idle) FTP request.

-l min The time ahead of shutdown, in minutes, that new

connections will be refused.

-v Verbose. Output the pathname of the shutdown mes-

sage files created. OPERANDS

The ftpshut command supports the following operands:

time The time at which ftpshut will bring the

FTP Servers down. time can have a value of now, which indicates an immediate

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System Administration Commands ftpshut(1M)

shutdown. Alternatively, time can specify a future time in one of two formats: +number or HHMM. The first form brings the FTP Server down in number minutes. The second brings the FTP Server down at

the time of day indicated, using a 24-

hour clock format. When using the abso-

lute time format, you can only specify times between now and 23:59.

warning-message The message to display that warns of the

imminent shutdown. The warning-message

will be formatted at 70 characters wide.

ftpshut knows the actual string length of

the magic cookies. If no warning-message

is supplied, the default message "System

shutdown at %s" is used.

EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. FILES /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess /etc/ftpd/ftpservers


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


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System Administration Commands ftpshut(1M)




| Availability | service/network/ftp |


| Interface Stability | Volatile |



in.ftpd(1M), ftprestart(1M), shutdown(1M), ftpaccess(4), ftpservers(4), attributes(5)

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