File Formats ftpservers(4)
ftpservers - FTP Server virtual hosting configuration file
The ftpservers file is used to configure complete virtual
hosting. In contrast to limited virtual hosting, complete virtual hosting allows separate configuration files to be specified for each virtual host. The set of configuration files for each virtual host areplaced in their own directory. The ftpservers file associ-
ates the address of each virtual host with the directory itsconfiguration files are stored in. The virtual host confi-
guration files must be named: ftpaccess Virtual host's access file ftpusers Restricts the accounts that can use the virtual host ftpgroups Virtual hosts enhanced group access fileftphosts Allow or deny usernames access to the vir-
tual host ftpconversions Customize conversions available from the virtual host You do not need to put every file in each virtual host directory. If you want a virtual host to use the master copyof a file, then do not include it in the virtual host direc-
tory. If the file is not included, the master copy from the /etc/ftpd directory will be used. The file names must match exactly. If you misspell any of them or name them differently, the server will not find them, and the server will use the master copy instead.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 May 2003 1
File Formats ftpservers(4)
The ftpaddhost utility is an administrative tool to config-
ure virtual hosts. See ftpaddhost(1M). File FormatThere are two fields to each entry in the ftpservers file:
address directory-containing-configuration-files
For example: /etc/ftpd/virtual-ftpd/ /etc/ftpd//virtual-ftpd/
some.domain INTERNAL When an FTP client connects to the FTP Server, in.ftpd(1M)tries to match the IP address to which the FTP client con-
nected with one found in the ftpservers file.
The address can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address, or a hostname. If a match is found, The FTP server uses any configuration files found in the associated directory. If a match is not found, or an invalid directory path is encountered, the default paths to the configuration files are used. The use of INTERNAL in the example above fails the check for a specific directory, and the master configuration files will be used. Either the actual IP address or a specific hostname can be used to specify the virtual host. It is better to specify the actual IP of the virtual host, as it reduces the needfor a domain lookup and eliminates DNS security related nam-
ing issues, for example: /etc/ftpd/config/ ftp.some.domain /etc/ftpd/config/ that begin with a # sign are treated as comment lines
and are ignored.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 May 2003 2
File Formats ftpservers(4)
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Availability | service/network/ftp ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| Interface Stability | Volatile ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
ftpaddhost(1M), in.ftpd(1M), ftpaccess(4), ftpconver-
sions(4), ftpgroups(4), ftphosts(4), ftpusers(4), attri-
butes(5)SunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 May 2003 3