File Formats fstypes(4)
fstypes - file that registers distributed file system pack-
fstypes resides in directory /etc/dfs and lists distributed
file system utilities packages installed on the system. For each installed distributed file system type, there is aline that begins with the file system type name (for exam-
ple, ``nfs''), followed by white space and descriptive text. The file system indicated in the first line of the file is the default file system; when Distributed File System (DFS)Administration commands are entered without the option -F
fstypes, the system takes the file system type from the
first line of the fstypes file.
The default file system can be changed by editing thefstypes file with any supported text editor.
dfmounts(1M), dfshares(1M), share(1M), shareall(1M), unshare(1M)SunOS 5.11 Last change: 18 Dec 1991 1