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Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man fmd

System Administration Commands fmd(1M)


fmd - fault manager daemon


/usr/lib/fm/fmd/fmd [-V] [-f file] [-o opt=val] [-R dir]


fmd is a daemon that runs in the background on each Solaris

system. fmd receives telemetry information relating to prob-

lems detected by the system software, diagnoses these prob-

lems, and initiates proactive self-healing activities such

as disabling faulty components. When appropriate, the fault manager also sends a message to the syslogd(1M) service to notify an administrator that a problem has been detected. The message directs administrators to a knowledge article on Sun's web site,, which explains more about the problem impact and appropriate responses. Each problem diagnosed by the fault manager is assigned a

Universal Unique Identifier (UUID). The UUID uniquely iden-

tifes this particular problem across any set of systems. The

fmdump(1M) utility can be used to view the list of problems

diagnosed by the fault manager, along with their UUIDs and knowledge article message identifiers. The fmadm(1M) utility can be used to view the resources on the system believed to be faulty. The fmstat(1M) utility can be used to report statistics kept by the fault manager. The fault manager is started automatically when Solaris boots, so it is not

necessary to use the fmd command directly. Sun's web site

explains more about what capabilities are currently avail-

able for the fault manager on Solaris. Notification Services

syslog (package service/fault-management)

The standard notification mechanism for new diagnoses is

by means of syslog, using the syslog-msgs fmd module

delivered in the same package as fmd itself.

By default, only new problem diagnoses are messaged by

means of syslog-msgs, using the syslog facility and

severity as listed in the table below. An administrator can use svccfg(1M) to request that other events in the problem resolution lifecycle are messaged through


# svccfg setnotify event syslog:{active|inactive}

See svccfg(1M) for additional detail.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 8 Jul 2010 1

System Administration Commands fmd(1M)

Event Disposition Facility Severity

--------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------

problem-diagnosed active LOG_DAEMON LOG_ERR

problem-updated inactive LOG_DAEMON LOG_NOTICE

problem-repaired inactive LOG_DAEMON LOG_NOTICE

problem-resolved inactive LOG_DAEMON LOG_NOTICE

Email (package service/fault-management/smtp-notify)

Notification by means of email is an option for which an additional package must be installed. The SMF service,

svc:/system/fm/smtp-notify:default, is delivered by

means of the package service/fault-management/smtp-

notify and notification preferences configured by means

of svccfg(1M). See smtp-notify(1M) for additional

detail. Note that in addition to configuring notifica-

tion preferences for the problem lifecycle events listed

above (problem-diagnosed, and so forth) this mechanism

can also be configured through svccfg(1M) to provide notification of SMF instance state transition and other events.

SNMP (package service/fault-management/snmp-notify)

Notification of new events using SNMP traps is an option

delivered by the package service/fault-management/snmp-

notify. The service svc:/system/fm/snmp-notify:default

is responsible for raising SNMP traps for problem lifecycle and other designated events (including SMF instance state transition events, if so configured). See

snmp-notify(1M) for additional detail.

Global and Non-Global Solaris Zones

The fault manager service svc:/system/fmd:default service is

configured in both global and non-global Solaris zones. In

non-global zones, various hardware-oriented fault manager

modules are not delivered, so it is a cut-down fault manager

that runs there. In a non-global zone, the fault manager is

focussed on software events. OPTIONS The following options are supported

-f file

Read the specified configuration file prior to searching for any of the default fault manager configuration

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System Administration Commands fmd(1M)


-o opt=value

Set the specified fault manager option to the specified value. Fault manager options are currently a Private interface; see attributes(5) for information about Private interfaces.

-R dir

Use the specified root directory for all pathnames evaluated by the fault manager, instead of the default root (/).


Print the fault manager's version to stdout and exit. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion 1 An error occurred which prevented the fault manager from initializing, such as failure to open the telemetry transport.

2 Invalid command-line options were specified.


/etc/fm/fmd Fault manager configuration directory

/usr/lib/fm/fmd Fault manager library directory

/var/fm/fmd Fault manager log directory


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 8 Jul 2010 3

System Administration Commands fmd(1M)




| Availability | service/fault-management |


| Interface Stability | Committed |



svcs(1), fmadm(1M), fmdump(1M), fmstat(1M), smtp-notify(1M),

snmp-notify(1M), svccfg(1M), syslogd(1M), attributes(5),

smf(5) NOTES The Fault Manager is managed by the service management facility, smf(5), under the service identifier:


The service's status can be queried using the svcs(1) com-

mand. Administrators should not disable the Fault Manager service.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 8 Jul 2010 4

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