Windows PowerShell command on Get-command fdi

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man fdi

File Formats fdi(4)


fdi - HAL device information file format




The hardware abstraction layer facility, described in

hal(5), uses an XML-based file format to merge arbitrary

properties onto device objects. The way device information files works is that once all physical properties are merged onto a device object, it is tried against the set of installed device information files. Device information files

are used for both merging facts and policy settings for dev-


Each device information file has a number of match direc-

tives that are tested against the properties of the device object. The directives have the form:

If all the match directives pass, then the device informa-

tion can include the following property directives in the form: <[merge|append|prepend] key="property" type="[string|int|bool|..]"> These directives are used to merge new properties or append to existing properties on the device object. Any previously property stemming from device detection can be overridden by a device information file. The match, merge, append, and prepend directives require

that the key attribute be either a property name on the dev-

ice object in question or a path to a property on another device object. The path to a property is expressed either through direct specification of the UDI, such as

/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/ or through indirect references such as "@info.parent:baz", meaning that

the device object specified by the UDI in the string pro-

perty "info.parent" should be used to query the property "baz". It is also possible to use multiple indirections. For example, for a volume on a USB memory stick, the indirection


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File Formats fdi(4)

references the "usb.vendor_id" property on the device object

representing the USB interface.

When the property to match has been determined, the follow-

ing attributes can be used within the "match" tag: string Match a string property. For example, matches only if "" is a string property assuming the value "baz". int Match an integer property

uint64 Match property with the 64-bit unsigned

type bool Match a boolean property double Match a property of type double exists Used as . This attribute can be

used with "true" and "false", respec-

tively to match when a property exists or does not exist. empty This attribute can only be used on string properties with "true" and "false". The semantics for "true" is to

match only when the string is non-empty.

is_absolute_path Matches only when a string property

represents an absolute path (the path does not have to exist). This attribute can be can be used with "true" or "false".

is_ascii Matches only when a string property con-

tains ASCII characters. This attribute can be used with "true" or "false".

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File Formats fdi(4)

compare_lt This attribute can be used with int,

uint64, double and string properties to compare with a constant. It matches when the given property is less than the

given constant using the default order-


compare_le Similar to compare_lt, but matches when

the given property is less than or equal than the given constant using the default ordering.

compare_gt Similar to compare_lt, but matches when

the given property is greater than the

given constant using the default order-


Similar to compare_lt, but matches when

the given property is greater than or equal than the given constant using the default ordering. This attribute can only be used with string and strlist (string list). For a

string key, this matches when the pro-

perty contains the given (sub)string. For a string list, this matches if the given string matches a item in the list.

contains_ncase Similar to contains, but the property

and the given key are converted to lowercase before it is checked. The merge, append, and prepend directives all require the attribute type which specifies what is to be merged. The following values are supported: string The value is copied to the property. For example, baz merges the value "baz" into the property "".

strlist For merge, the value is copied to the pro-

perty and the current property is

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File Formats fdi(4)

overwritten. For append and prepend, the value is appended or prepended to the list as a new item. bool This attribute can merge the values "true" or "false" int Merges an integer

uint64 Merges an unsigned 64-bit integer

double Merges a double precision floating point number

copy_property Copies the value of a given property; sup-

ports paths with direct and indirect UDI's. For example,


merges the value of the property "baz.bat" on the device object with the UDI from the property "info.parent" into the property

"" on the device object being pro-

cessed. The remove directive requires only a key and can be used with all keys. For strlist, there is also a special syntax to remove a item from the string list. For example, to remove item "bla" from property "", use the following syntax: bla

Device Information files are stored in the following stan-

dard hierachy with the following default top level direc-

tories information, policy and preprobe: information Device information files to merge device information. 10freedesktop Device information files

included with the hal tar-


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File Formats fdi(4)

20thirdparty Device information files from the device manufacturer and installed from media accompanying the hardware. 30user Device information for specific devices.

policy Device information files to merge policy pro-

pertys 10osvendor Device information files included with the hal tarball and supplied by the operating system vendor for policy rules 20thirdparty Policy rules from the device manufacturer and installed from media accompanying the hardware 30user Policy rules for specific devices. preprobe Device information files to merge information before probe devices. 10osvendor Device information files included with the hal tarball and supplied by the operating system vendor. 20thirdparty Device information files from the device manufacturer and

installed from media accom-

panying the hardware. 30user Device information for specific devices.

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File Formats fdi(4)

All device information files are matched for every hal dev-

ice object.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | service/hal |


| Interface Stability | Volatile |



hald(1M), attributes(5), hal(5), locale(5), smf(5)

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