Windows PowerShell command on Get-command embedded_su

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man embedded_su

System Administration Commands embedded_su(1M)


embedded_su - allow an application to prompt for credentials

and execute commands as the super user or another user


/usr/lib/embedded_su [-] [username [arg...]]


The embedded_su command allows an application to prompt the

user for security credentials and then use those credentials to execute a program as another user or role (see rbac(5)

for information on role-based access control). The default

username is root (super user).

embedded_su is identical to su(1M), except that the user

interaction is packaged in a form suitable for another pro-

gram to interpret and display. Typically, embedded_su would

be used to allow a graphical program to prompt for the super user password and execute a command as the super user, without requiring that the requesting program be run as the super user. PROTOCOL

embedded_su implements a simple protocol over standard

input, standard output, and standard error. This protocol

consists of three phases, roughly corresponding to PAM ini-

tialization, the PAM dialog, and PAM completion. Phase 1: Initialization

After starting embedded_su, the application must send an

initialization block on embedded_su's standard input. This

block is a text block, as described under "Text Blocks". There are currently no initialization parameters defined; the application should send an empty block by sending a line consisting solely of a period (.). Phase 2: Conversation

embedded_su then emits zero or more conversation blocks on

its standard output. Each conversation block may require zero or more responses. A conversation block starts with a line consisting of the word CONV, followed by whitespace, followed by the number of messages in the conversation block as a decimal integer. The

number of messages may be followed by whitespace and addi-

tional data. This data, if present, must be ignored.

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System Administration Commands embedded_su(1M)

Each message consists of a line containing a header followed by a text block, as described under "Text Blocks". A single newline is appended to each message, allowing the message to end with a line that does not end with a newline. A message header line consists of a PAM message style name,

as described in pam_start(3PAM). The message header values


PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF The application is to prompt the user

for a value, with echoing disabled.

PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON The application is to prompt the user

for a value, with echoing enabled.

PAM_ERROR_MSG The application is to display the

message in a form appropriate for displaying an error.

PAM_TEXT_INFO The application is to display the

message in a form appropriate for general information. The PAM message style may be followed by whitespace and additional data. This data, if present, must be ignored. After writing all of the messages in the conversation block,

if any of them were PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF or

PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON, embedded_su waits for the response

values. It expects the response values one per line, in the order the messages were given. Phase 3: Completion

After zero or more conversation blocks, embedded_su emits a

result block instead of a conversation block.

Upon success, embedded_su emits a single line containing the

word "SUCCESS". The word SUCCESS may be followed by whi-

tespace and additional data. This data, if present, must be ignored.

Upon failure, embedded_su emits a single line containing the

word "ERROR", followed by a text block as described under

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System Administration Commands embedded_su(1M)

"Text Bocks". The text block gives an error message. The

word ERROR may be followed by whitespace and additional

data. This data, if present, must be ignored. Text Blocks Initialization blocks, message blocks, and error blocks are

all text blocks. These are blocks of text that are ter-

minated by a line containing a single period (.). Lines in the block that begin with a "." have an extra "." prepended to them. Internationalization All messages are localized to the current locale; no further localization is required. SECURITY

embedded_su uses pam(3PAM) for authentication, account

management, and session management. Its primary function is to export the PAM conversation mechanism to an unprivileged program. Like su(1M), the PAM configuration policy can be

used to control embedded_su. The PAM service name used is


embedded_su is almost exactly equivalent to su(1M) for secu-

rity purposes. The only exception is that it is slightly

easier to use embedded_su in writing a malicious program

that might trick a user into providing secret data. For those sites needing maximum security, potentially at the

expense of application functionality, the EXAMPLES section

shows how to disable embedded_su.


In the following examples, left angle brackets (<<<) indi-

cate a line written by embedded_su and read by the invoking

application. Right angle brackets (>>>) indicate a line

written by the application and read by embedded_su.

Example 1 Executing a command with the Correct Password

The following example shows an attempt to execute "somecom-

mand" as "someuser", with the correct password supplied:

/usr/lib/embedded_su someuser -c somecommand

>>>. <<

<< <<>>[ correct password ]

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System Administration Commands embedded_su(1M)


The following example shows an attempt to execute "somecom-

mand" as "someuser", with the incorrect password supplied:

/usr/lib/embedded_su someuser -c somecommand

>>>. <<

<< <<>>[ incorrect password ] [ delay ]


<< <<<. [ exit ] Example 3 Message Examples

A pam_message structure with msg_style equal to

PAM_TEXT_INFO and msg equal to "foo" produces:


foo .

A pam_message structure with msg_style equal to

PAM_ERROR_MESSAGE and msg equal to "bar\n" produces:


bar [ blank line ] .

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System Administration Commands embedded_su(1M)

A pam_message structure with msg_style equal to

PAM_ERROR_MESSAGE and msg equal to "aaa\nbbb" produces:


aaa bbb .

A pam_message structure with msg_style equal to

PAM_TEXT_INFO and msg equal to "" produces:


[ blank line ] .

A pam_message structure with msg_style equal to

PAM_TEXT_INFO and msg equal to NULL produces:



Example 4 Disabling embedded_su

To disable embedded_su, add a line to the /etc/pam.conf file

similar to:

embedded_su auth requisite


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


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System Administration Commands embedded_su(1M)




| Availability | SUNWcs |


| Interface Stability | Committed |



su(1M), pam(3PAM), pam_start(3PAM), attributes(5), rbac(5)

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 10 Feb 2005 6

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