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Devices eiob(7D)


eiob, eibnx - Ethernet over Infiniband drivers




The Ethernet over Infiniband (eoib) driver is a multi-

threaded, loadable, clonable, GLD-based STREAMS driver sup-

porting the Data Link Provider Interface, dlpi(7P), over all IB ports on a system that are connected to a Sun Network QDR

InfiniBand Gateway switch. The driver uses the IBA Unreli-

able Datagram mode to provide initialization, gateway handshake, heartbeat management, frame transmit and receive functions, multicast support and statistics reporting. The eoib driver expects certain configuration of the IBA fabric prior to operation (which also implies that the IB Subnet Manager must be active and managing the fabric). The gateway must be configured using the gateway manager with a Virtual IO Adapter (vIOA) for a local IB port on the server where this driver runs. The Ethernet over Infiniband Nexus (eibnx) driver is loaded by the IB framework during initialization. This nexus driver is responsible for discovering the gateways that are

accessible on the HCA IB ports on the host. For each gate-

way that the nexus driver discovers, it invokes an instance of eoib to bind to that gateway. Application Programming Interface

The cloning, character-special device /dev/eoib is used to

access all eoib devices installed within the system. The eoib driver is managed by the dladm(1M) command line utility, which allows VLANs to be defined on top of eoib instances. The driver currently does not allow for eoib instances to be aggregated.

The values returned by the driver in the DL_INFO_ACK primi-

tive in response to the DL_INFO_REQ are as follows:

o Maximum SDU (default 1500). o Minimum SDU is 0. The driver pads to the mandatory

60-octet minimum packet size.

o The dlsap address length is 8.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Aug 2010 1

Devices eiob(7D)

o MAC type is DL_ETHER.

o The sap length value is -2, meaning the physical

address component is followed immediately by a 2-

byte sap component within the DLSAP address.

o The broadcast address value is Ethernet/IEEE broad-

cast address (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF).

o The DL_SET_PHYS_ADDR_REQ is currently not supported

o Since the mac address is obtained only after a suc-

cessful handshake with the gateway, the factory MAC address reported by the MAC layer always is zero.

MAC clients must use DL_CURR_PHYS_ADDR (and not

DL_FACT_PHYS_ADDR) to obtain the source MAC being

used by the EoIB driver instance. Configuration

Currently, the virtual-wire speed and mode for an eoib

instance are always reported as 10000 Mbps, full-duplex.

There are no parameters for eoib that are configurable via a config file or dladm(1M). All supported public properties

can be obtained using the show-linkprop subcommand of

dladm(1M). While the parameters that are reported for eoib and the functionality supported are similar to other ethernet drivers, there are a few key differences: o The vIOA does not report any physical attributes of

the ethernet interface on the gateway. That infor-

mation is accessed using the gateway manager. As a

result, none of the ETHER_STAT_* statistics are

reported. o The vIOA does not support passing LACP messages through to the ethernet port on the gateway because that port is shared by multiple vIOAs. As a result, the creation of IEEE 802.3ad link aggregation (LAG) over vIOAs is not supported.

o The maximum MTU associated with a vIOA is con-

trolled by the gateway manager because the ethernet

port is shared. As a result, the MTU is read-only.

In addition, the maximum size is 4K bytes due to the maximum IB MTU, which is currently 4K bytes. FILES /dev/eoib* Character special device

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Devices eiob(7D)

/kernel/drv/eibnx.conf Configuration file to start eoib nexus driver

/kernel/drv/sparcv9/eoib 64-bit SPARC eoib device driver

/kernel/drv/sparcv9/eibnx 64-bit SPARC eoib nexus module

/kernel/drv/amd64/eoib 64-bit x86 eoib device driver

/kernel/drv/amd64/eibnx 64-bit x86 eoib nexus module

/kernel/drv/eoib 32-bit x86 eoib device driver

/kernel/drv/eibnx 32-bit x86 eoib nexus module


dladm(1M), ifconfig(1M), syslogd(1M), attributes(5), dlpi(7P), gld(7D), ib(7D), kstat(7D), streamio(7I) NOTES The EoIB protocol allows for traffic to continue even when the external port associated with a gateway (eport) is down. However, the state of this gateway external port can be of use to administrators, so this is currently reported using a

private property called _eib_eport_state. This property is

only available for diagnostics purposes and is subject to change or removal without notice.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Aug 2010 3

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