Kernel Functions for Drivers drv_usectohz(9F)
drv_usectohz - convert microseconds to clock ticks
clock_t drv_usectohz(clock_t microsecs);
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI).
microsecs The number of microseconds to convert.DESCRIPTION
The drv_usectohz() function converts a length of time
expressed in microseconds to a number of system clock ticks. The time arguments to timeout(9F) and delay(9F) are expressed in clock ticks.The drv_usectohz() function is a portable interface for
drivers to make calls to timeout(9F) and delay(9F) and remain binary compatible should the driver object file be used on a system with a different clock speed (a different number of ticks in a second).RETURN VALUES
The value returned is the number of system clock ticks equivalent to the microsecs argument. No error value is returned. If the clock tick equivalent to microsecs is toolarge to be represented as a clock_t, then the maximum
clock_t value will be returned.
The drv_usectohz() function can be called from user, inter-
rupt, or kernel context.SEE ALSO
delay(9F), drv_hztousec(9F), timeout(9F)
Writing Device Drivers NOTESIf the microsecs argument to drv_usectohz() is less than
drv_hztousec(9F), drv_usectohz() returns one tick. This,
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Apr 2008 1
Kernel Functions for Drivers drv_usectohz(9F)
coupled with multiplication, can result in significantly longer durations than expected. For example, on a machinewhere hz is 100, calling drv_usectohz() with a microsecs
value less than 10000 returns a result equivalent to 10000 (1 tick). This type of mistake causes code such as"5000 *drv_usectohz(1000)" to compute a duration of 50 seconds
instead of the intended 5 seconds.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Apr 2008 2