Protocols dlpi(7P)
dlpi - Data Link Provider Interface
SunOS STREAMS-based device drivers wishing to support the
STREAMS TCP/IP and other STREAMS-based networking protocol
suite implementations support Version 2 of the Data LinkProvider Interface (DLPI). DLPI V2 enables a data link ser-
vice user to access and use any of a variety of conforming data link service providers without special knowledge of the provider's protocol. Specifically, the interface is intendedto support Ethernet, X.25 LAPB, SDLC, ISDN LAPD, CSMA/CD,
FDDI, token ring, token bus, Bisync, and other datalink-
level protocols.The interface specifies access to the data link service pro-
vider in the form of M_PROTO and M_PCPROTO type STREAMS mes-
sages and does not define a specific protocol implementa-
tion. The interface defines the syntax and semantics of primitives exchanged between the data link user and the datalink provider to attach a physical device with physical-
level address to a stream, bind a datalink-level address to
the stream, get implementation-specific information from the
data link provider, exchange data with a peer data link userin one of three communication modes (connection, connection-
less, acknowledged connectionless), enable/disable multicast group and promiscuous mode reception of datalink frames, get and set the physical address associated with a stream, and several other operations. Solaris conforms to The Open Group Technical Standard for DLPI, Version 2. For free access to this specification, point your browser Solaris also pro-
vides extensions to the DLPI standard, as detailed in this man page.SOLARIS-SPECIFIC DLPI EXTENSIONS
Notification Support Enables DLPI consumers to register for notification whenevents of interest occur at the DLPI provider. The nego-
tiation can be performed on any attached DLPI stream, and begins with the DLPI consumer, sending aDL_NOTIFY_REQ to the provider, which is an M_PROTO mes-
sage with the following payload:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 7 Sep 2009 1
Protocols dlpi(7P)
typedef struct {t_uscalar_t dl_primitive;
uint32_t dl_notifications;
uint32_t dl_timelimit;
} dl_notify_req_t;
The dl_primitive field must be set to DL_NOTIFY_REQ; the
dl_timelimit field is reserved for future use and must
be set to zero. The dl_notifications field is a bitmask
containing the event types the consumer is interested in receiving, and must be zero or more of:DL_NOTE_LINK_DOWN Notify when link has gone down
DL_NOTE_LINK_UP Notify when link has come up
DL_NOTE_PHYS_ADDR Notify when address changes
DL_NOTE_SDU_SIZE Notify when MTU changes
DL_NOTE_SPEED Notify when speed changes
Consumers might find it useful to send a DL_NOTIFY_REQ
message with no requested types to check if the DLPI provider supports the extension.Upon receiving the DL_NOTIFY_REQ, the DLPI provider must
generate a DL_NOTIFY_ACK, which is an M_PROTO message
with the following payload: typedef struct {t_uscalar_t dl_primitive;
uint32_t dl_notifications;
} dl_notify_ack_t;
The dl_primitive field must be set to DL_NOTIFY_ACK. The
dl_notifications field must include any notifications
that the provider supports, along with any other unre-
quested notifications that the provider supports. How-
ever, regardless of the notifications the provider sup-
ports, it is restricted to sending only DL_NOTIFY_IND
messages (see below) that were requested in theDL_NOTIFY_REQ.
Since there are additional notification types which are not yet available for public use, DLPI consumers and providers must take care when inspecting and setting thedl_notifications field. Specifically, consumers must be
careful to only request the above notification types, and providers must be careful to not include anyunrecognized notification types in the dl_notifications
field when constructing the DL_NOTIFY_ACK. In addition,
DL_NOTIFY_IND's that are received with undocumented
dl_notification or dl_data values must be ignored.
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Protocols dlpi(7P)
DLPI consumers might receive a DL_ERROR_ACK message
(with dl_error_primitive set to DL_NOTIFY_REQ) in
response to the initial DL_NOTIFY_REQ message. This mes-
sage indicates that the DLPI provider does not support the DLPI notification extension. Otherwise, the DLPIconsumer receives a DL_NOTIFY_ACK and should expect to
receive DL_NOTIFY_IND messages for any types that it
requested that were still set in it. The DL_NOTIFY_IND
is an M_PROTO message with the following payload:
typedef struct {t_uscalar_t dl_primitive;
uint32_t dl_notification;
uint32_t dl_data;
t_uscalar_t dl_addr_length;
t_uscalar_t dl_addr_offset;
} dl_notify_ind_t;
The dl_primitive field must be set to DL_NOTIFY_IND, and
the dl_notification field must be set to the event type
that has occurred (for example, DL_NOTE_LINK_DOWN). Only
a single event type can be set in each DL_NOTIFY_IND.
For the DL_NOTE_SPEED event type, dl_data must be set to
the current interface speed in kilobits per second. Forthe DL_NOTE_PHYS_ADDR event type, dl_data must be set to
dl_data must be set to the current MTU in bytes. Other-
wise, dl_data must be set to zero.
For the DL_NOTE_PHYS_ADDR event type, the dl_addr_length
field must be set to the length of the address, and thedl_addr_offset field must be set to offset of the first
byte of the address, relative to b_rptr (for example, if
the address immediately follows the dl_notify_ind struc-
ture, dl_addr_offset is set to 'sizeof
(dl_notify_ind)'). For all other event types, the
dl_addr_length and dl_addr_offset fields must be set to
zero by DLPI providers and ignored by DLPI consumers.In addition to generating DL_NOTIFY_IND messages when a
requested event has occurred, the DLPI provider mustinitially generate one or more DL_NOTIFY_IND messages to
notify the DLPI consumer of the the current state of the interface. For instance, if the consumer has requestedDL_NOTE_LINK_UP | DL_NOTE_LINK_DOWN, the provider must
send a DL_NOTIFY_IND containing the current state of the
link (either DL_NOTE_LINK_UP or DL_NOTE_LINK_DOWN) after
sending the DL_NOTIFY_ACK.
For the initial DL_NOTIFY_IND message, the DLPI provider
is strongly recommended against sendingSunOS 5.11 Last change: 7 Sep 2009 3
Protocols dlpi(7P)
DL_NOTE_LINK_DOWN, even if the interface is still ini-
tializing and is not yet ready to send or receive pack-
ets. Instead, either delaying the DL_NOTIFY_IND message
until the interface is ready or optimistically reportingDL_NOTIFY_LINK_UP and subsequently reporting
DL_NOTE_LINK_DOWN if the negotation fails is strongly
preferred. This prevents DL_NOTIFY_IND consumers from
needlessly triggering network failover operations andlogging error messages during network interface initial-
ization. The DLPI provider must continue to generateDL_NOTIFY_IND messages until it receives a new
DL_NOTIFY_REQ message or the DLPI stream is detached (or
closed). Further, a DLPI style 2 provider must keeptrack of the requested events after a DL_DETACH_REQ
operation, and if a subsequent DL_ATTACH_REQ is
received, it must send gratuitous DL_NOTIFY_IND mes-
sages to notify the consumer of the current state of the device, since the state might have changed while detached (or the consumer might have simply discarded its previous state). Passive Consumers of Aggregated Links Solaris link aggregations as configured by dladm(1M) export DLPI nodes for both the link aggregation, and individual links that comprises the aggregation, to allow observability of the aggregated links. To allow applications such as snoop(1M) to open those individual aggregated links while disallowing other consumers suchas ip(7P), DL_PASSIVE_REQ (a DLPI primitive), must be
issued by snoop(1M) and similar applications.The DL_PASSIVE_REQ primitive is an M_PROTO message con-
taining the following payload: typedef struct {t_uscalar_t dl_primitive;
} dl_passive_req_t;
Issuing this primitive allows the consumer of a DLPI link to coexist with a link aggregation that also uses the link. Such a consumer is considered passive.Consumers that don't use this primitive while an aggre-
gation is using the link receive DL_SYSERR/EBUSY when
issuing the following DLPI primitives:DL_BIND_REQ
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Protocols dlpi(7P)
A consumer that has not issued a DL_PASSIVE_REQ and has
successfully issued one of the above primitives is con-
sidered active. The creation of a link aggregation using dladm(1M) fails if one of the links included in the aggregation has an active consumer, but succeeds if the links do not have any DLPI consumers or only passive consumers. Raw ModeThe DLIOCRAW ioctl function is used by some DLPI appli-
cations, most notably the snoop(1M) command. The DLIOCRAW command puts the stream into a raw mode, which,upon receive, causes the the full MAC-level packet to be
sent upstream in an M_DATA message instead of it being
transformed into the DL_UNITDATA_IND form normally used
for reporting incoming packets. Packet SAP filtering is still performed on streams that are in raw mode. If a stream user wants to receive all incoming packets it must also select the appropriate promiscuous modes. After successfully selecting raw mode, the application is also allowed to send fully formatted packets to theprovider as M_DATA messages for transmission. DLIOCRAW
takes no arguments. Once enabled, the stream remains in this mode until closed. Native Mode Some DLPI providers are able to represent their linklayer using more than one link-layer format. In this
case, the default link-layer format can minimize impact
to applications, but might not allow truly native link-
layer headers to be sent or received. DLPI consumers whowish to use the native link-layer format can use DLIOC-
NATIVE to transition the stream. DLIOCNATIVE takes no arguments and returns the DLPI mac type associated withthe new link-layer format upon success. Once
enabled, the stream remains in this mode until closed. Note that DLIOCNATIVE does not enable transition between dissimilar DLPI mac types and (aside from thelink-layer format), the new DLPI mac type is
guaranteed to be semantically identical. In particular, the SAP space and addressing format are not affected andSunOS 5.11 Last change: 7 Sep 2009 5
Protocols dlpi(7P)
the effect of DLIOCNATIVE is only visible when in rawmode, though any subsequent DL_INFO_REQ requests gen-
erate responses with dl_mac_type set to the native DLPI
type. Margin While a DLPI provider provides its maximum SDU viadl_max_sdu in DL_INFO_ACK messages, this value typically
represents a standard maximum SDU for the provider'smedia (1500 for Ethernet for example), and not neces-
sarily the absolute maximum amount of data that the pro-
vider is able to transmit in a given data unit. The margin "is the extra amount of data in bytes that the provider can transmit beyond its advertised maximum SDU.For example, if a DL_ETHER provider can handle packets
whose payload section is no greater than 1522 bytes andits dl_max_sdu is set to 1500 (as is typical for Ether-
net), then the margin would be 22. If a provider sup-
ports a non-zero margin, it implements the DLIOCMAR-
GININFO ioctl, whose data is a t_uscalar_t representing
VLAN Support Traditional VLAN AccessSome DL_ETHER DLPI providers support IEEE 802.1Q Virtual
LANs (VLAN). For these providers, traffic for a particularVLAN can be accessed by opening a VLAN data-link.
Unless raw mode is enabled, a DLPI stream bound to a VLANdata-link behaves no differently than a traditional DLPI
stream. As with non-VLAN data-link access, data must be sent
to a DLPI provider without link-layer headers (which are
added by the provider) and received data is passed tointerested DLPI consumers without link-layer headers. As a
result, DLPI consumers not require special-case logic to
implement VLAN access.SAP-Based VLAN Access
As per IEEE 802.1Q, all VLAN traffic is sent using Ether-
Type 0x8100, meaning that in addition to directly openinga VLAN data-link, all VLAN traffic for a given underline
data-link can also be accessed by opening the underlying
data-link and binding to SAP 0x8100. Accordingly, all VLAN
traffic (regardless of VLAN ID) can be sent and received bythe DLPI consumer. However, even when raw mode is dis-
abled, packets are received starting with their VLAN headers and must be sent to the DLPI provider with their VLANSunOS 5.11 Last change: 7 Sep 2009 6
Protocols dlpi(7P)
headers already pre-pended (but without Ethernet headers).
Because adhering to these semantics requires each DLPI con-
sumer to have specialized knowledge of VLANs, VLANs should only be accessed in this way when the traditional VLAN access method is insufficient (for example, because access to all VLAN traffic, regardless of VLAN ID, is needed). Because all VLAN traffic is sent with SAP 0x8100, VLANtraffic not filtered at the physical (DL_PROMISC_PHYS) level
is also visible if a DLPI consumer enables promiscuous modeof a stream at the DL_PROMISC_SAP level. As mentioned ear-
lier, these packets are received starting with their VLAN headers if raw mode is not enabled. QoS Support The IEEE 802.1Q standard defines eight classes of priority values used by QoS traffic control of Ethernet packets. Although the priority values are encoded in the 802.1Q tags, they can be used independently from VLANs. In particular, aspecial priority tagged packet (with VLAN ID zero but prior-
ity bits non-zero) does not belong to any VLAN.
The priority value can be set on either a per-stream or
per-packet basis. DLPI consumers can specify the per-stream
priority using the DL_UDQOS_REQ request (the priority value
remains unchanged until the next DL_UDQOS_REQ) and also
specify the per-packet priority value using the b_band field
of a M_DATA message or the dl_priority field of a
Raw ModeSAP-Based VLAN Access
When raw mode is enabled, the complete, unmodified MAC-
level packet (including Ethernet and VLAN headers) is passed to interested DLPI consumers. Similarly, the entireMAC-level packet (including Ethernet and VLAN headers) must
be sent to the DLPI provider for transmission. Note thatthe priority value specified in the b_band field can be
overridden by encoding the priority value (if any) into the VLAN header. Traditional VLAN Access When raw mode is enabled, only packets with the correct VLAN ID are passed up to interested DLPI consumers. With theexception of priority-tagged packets, DLPI providers must
strip off the VLAN headers (while retaining the preceding Ethernet headers) before sending up the packets. Forpriority-tagged packets, DLPI providers must use the
reserved tag 0 to encode the VLAN TCI and send up the pack-
ets.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 7 Sep 2009 7
Protocols dlpi(7P)
On the transmit-side, DLPI consumers must send the packets
down to the DLPI providers without the VLAN headers (but with the Ethernet headers) unless certain QoS support is required. If QoS support is needed, the packet can have the VLAN header to indicate the priority value, however its VLAN ID must be zero. The DLPI providers then insert the VLAN tags or encode the VLAN tags using the priority value specified in the VLAN headers and send the packets. FILES Files in or under /dev.ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Interface Stability (Notification support/Passive mode| Committed | | behavior) | |
dladm(1M), snoop(1M), libdlpi(3LIB), gld(7D), ip(7P)
NOTES A Solaris DLPI link name consists of a DLPI provider name followed by a numeric PPA (physical point of attachment). The DLPI provider name must be between 1 and 16 charactersin length, though names between 3 and 8 characters are pre-
ferred. The DLPI provider name can consist of anyalphanumeric character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), and the underscore
(_). The first and last character of the DLPI provider name
cannot be a digit. The PPA must be a number between 0 and 4294967294 inclusive. Leading zeroes are not permitted.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 7 Sep 2009 8