Windows PowerShell command on Get-command depend

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man depend

File Formats depend(4)


depend - software dependencies file


depend is an ASCII file used to specify information concern-

ing software dependencies for a particular package. The file

is created by a software developer.

Each entry in the depend file describes a single software

package. The instance of the package is described after the

entry line by giving the package architecture and/or ver-

sion. The format of each entry and subsequent instance definition is: type pkg name (arch)version (arch)version ... The fields are:

type Defines the dependency type. Must be one of

the following characters:

P Indicates a prerequisite for installa-

tion; for example, the referenced package or versions must be installed. I Implies that the existence of the

indicated package or version is incom-


R Indicates a reverse dependency.

Instead of defining the package's own

dependencies, this designates that

another package depends on this one.

This type should be used only when an

old package does not have a depend

file, but relies on the newer package nonetheless. Therefore, the present package should not be removed if the designated old package is still on the system since, if it is removed, the old package will no longer work.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 4 Oct 1996 1

File Formats depend(4)

pkg Indicates the package abbreviation. name Specifies the full package name. (arch)version Specifies a particular instance of the software. A version name cannot begin with

a left parenthesis. The instance specifica-

tions, both (arch) and version, are com-

pletely optional, but each (arch)version pair must begin on a new line that begins with white space. A null version set equates to any version of the indicated package.


Example 1 Sample of depend file

Here are the contents of a sample depend file, for the

SUNWftpr (FTP Server) package, stored in

/var/sadm/pkg/SUNWftpr/install: P SUNWcar Core Architecture, (Root) P SUNWkvm Core Architecture, (Kvm) P SUNWcsr Core Solaris, (Root) P SUNWcsu Core Solaris, (Usr) P SUNWcsd Core Solaris Devices P SUNWcsl Core Solaris Libraries R SUNWftpu FTP Server, (Usr)


pkginfo(4) Application Packaging Developer's Guide

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 4 Oct 1996 2

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