Kernel Functions for Drivers ddi_check_acc_handle(9F)
ddi_check_acc_handle, ddi_check_dma_handle - Check data
access and DMA handlesSYNOPSIS
int ddi_check_acc_handle(ddi_acc_handle_t acc_handle );
int ddi_check_dma_handle(ddi_dma_handle_t dma_handle );
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI)PARAMETERS
acc_handle Data access handle obtained from a previous
call to ddi_regs_map_setup(9F),
ddi_dma_mem_alloc(9F), or similar function.
dma_handle DMA handle obtained from a previous call to
ddi_dma_setup(9F) or one of its derivatives.
The ddi_check_acc_handle() and ddi_check_dma_handle() func-
tions check for faults that can interfere with communication between a driver and the device it controls. Each function checks a single handle of a specific type and returns a status value indicating whether faults affecting the resource mapped by the supplied handle have been detected. If a fault is indicated when checking a data access handle, this implies that the driver is no longer able to access themapped registers or memory using programmed I/O through that handle. Typically, this might occur after the device has
failed to respond to an I/O access (for example, has incurred a bus error or timed out). The effect of programmed
I/O accesses made after this happens is undefined; for exam-
ple, read accesses (for example, ddi_get8(9F)) may return
random values, and write accesses (for example,ddi_put8(9F)) may or may not have any effect. This type of
fault is normally fatal to the operation of the device, andthe driver should report it via ddi_dev_report_fault(9F)
specifying DDI_SERVICE_LOST for the impact, and
DDI_DATAPATH_FAULT for the location.
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 13 August 1999 1
Kernel Functions for Drivers ddi_check_acc_handle(9F)
If a fault is indicated when checking a DMA handle, it implies that a fault has been detected that has (or will) affect DMA transactions between the device and the memory currently bound to the handle (or most recently bound, if the handle is currently unbound). Possible causes include the failure of a component in the DMA data path, or an attempt by the device to make an invalid DMA access. Thedriver may be able to continue by falling back to a non-DMA
mode of operation, but in general, DMA faults are non-
recoverable. The contents of the memory currently (or pre-
viously) bound to the handle should be regarded as indeter-
minate. The fault indication associated with the currenttransaction is lost once the handle is (re-)bound, but
because the fault may persist, future DMA operations may not succeed. Note that some implementations cannot detect all types offailure. If a fault is not indicated, this does not consti-
tute a guarantee that communication is possible. However, if a check fails, this is a positive indication that a problem does exist with respect to communication using that handle.RETURN VALUES
The ddi_check_acc_handle() and ddi_check_dma_handle() func-
tions return DDI_SUCCESS if no faults affecting the supplied
handle are detected and DDI_FAILURE if any fault affecting
the supplied handle is detected.EXAMPLES
static intxxattach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_attach_cmd_t cmd)
{ .../* This driver uses only a single register-access handle */
status = ddi_regs_map_setup(dip, REGSET_ZERO, ®addr,
0, 0, , &acc_attrs, &acc_hdl);
if (status != DDI_SUCCESS)
return (DDI_FAILURE);
... } static intxxread(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio_p, cred_t *cred_p)
{ ...if (ddi_check_acc_handle(acc_hdl) != DDI_SUCCESS) {
ddi_dev_report_fault(dip, DDI_SERVICE_LOST,
DDI_DATAPATH_FAULT, "register access fault during read");
return (EIO); } ...SunOS 5.11 Last change: 13 August 1999 2
Kernel Functions for Drivers ddi_check_acc_handle(9F)
The ddi_check_acc_handle() and ddi_check_dma_handle() func-
tions may be called from user, kernel, or interrupt context.SEE ALSO
ddi_regs_map_setup(9F), ddi_dma_setup(9F),
ddi_dev_report_fault(9F), ddi_get8(9F), ddi_put8(9F)
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 13 August 1999 3