Windows PowerShell command on Get-command dat_psp_create

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man dat_psp_create

Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_psp_create(3DAT)


dat_psp_create - create a persistent Public Service Point


cc [ flag... ] file... -ldat [ library... ]




IN DAT_IA_HANDLE ia_handle,

IN DAT_CONN_QUAL conn_qual,

IN DAT_EVD_HANDLE evd_handle,

IN DAT_PSP_FLAGS psp_flags,

OUT DAT_PSP_HANDLE *psp_handle



ia_handle Handle for an instance of DAT IA.

conn_qual Connection Qualifier of the IA on which the

Public Service Point is listening.

evd_handle Event Dispatcher that provides the Connection

Requested Events to the Consumer. The size of

the event queue for the Event Dispatcher con-

trols the size of the backlog for the created Public Service Point.

psp_flags Flag that indicates whether the Provider or

Consumer creates an Endpoint per arrived Con-

nection Request. The value of DAT_PSP_PROVIDER

indicates that the Consumer wants to get an Endpoint from the Provider; a value of

DAT_PSP_CONSUMER means the Consumer does not

want the Provider to provide an Endpoint for each arrived Connection Request.

psp_handle Handle to an opaque Public Service Point.


The dat_psp_create() function creates a persistent Public

Service Point that can receive multiple requests for connec-

tion and generate multiple Connection Request instances that are delivered through the specified Event Dispatcher in Notification events.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 1

Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_psp_create(3DAT)

The dat_psp_create() function is blocking. When the Public

Service Point is created, DAT_SUCCESS is returned and

psp_handle contains a handle to an opaque Public Service

Point Object. There is no explicit backlog for a Public Service Point. Instead, Consumers can control the size of backlog through the queue size of the associated Event Dispatcher.

The psp_flags parameter allows Consumers to request that the

Provider create an implicit Endpoint for each incoming Con-

nection Request, or request that the Provider should not create one per Connection Request. If the Provider cannot satisfy the request, the operation shall fail and


All Endpoints created by the Provider have DAT_HANDLE_NULL

for the Protection Zone and all Event Dispatchers. The Pro-

vider sets up Endpoint attributes to match the Active side

connection request. The Consumer can change Endpoint parame-

ters. Consumers should change Endpoint parameters, espe-

cially PZ and EVD, and are advised to change parameters for local accesses prior to the connection request acceptance with the Endpoint.


DAT_SUCCESS The operation was successful.

DAT_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES The operation failed due to

resource limitations.

DAT_INVALID_HANDLE The ia_handle or evd_handle

parameter is invalid.

DAT_INVALID_PARAMETER The conn_qual or psp_flags

parameter is invalid.

DAT_CONN_QUAL_IN_USE The specified Connection Qual-

ifier was in use.

DAT_MODEL_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested Model was not

supported by the Provider.

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Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_psp_create(3DAT)


Two uses of a Public Service Point are as follows: Model 1 For this model, the Provider manipulates a pool

of Endpoints for a Public Service Point. The Pro-

vider can use the same pool for more than one Public Service Point.

o The DAT Consumer creates a Public Ser-

vice Point with a flag set to


o The Public Service Point does the fol-


o Collects native transport informa-

tion reflecting a received Connec-

tion Reques o Creates an instance of Connection Reques o Creates a Connection Request Notice (event) that includes the Connection Request instance (thatwhich

includes, among others, Public Ser-

vice Point, its Connection Qualif-

ier, Provider-generated Local End-

point, and information about remote Endpoint) o Delivers the Connection Request

Notice to the Consumer-specified

target (CNO) evd_handle

The Public Service Point is per-

sistent and continues to listen for incoming requests for connection. o Upon receiving a connection request, or at some time subsequent to that, the DAT Consumer can modify the provided local Endpoint to match the Connection Request and must either accept() or reject() the pending Connection Request. o If accepted, the provided Local Endpoint is now in a "connected" state and is

fully usable for this connection, pend-

ing only any native transport mandated

RTU (ready-to-use) messages. This

includes binding it to the IA port if

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 3

Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_psp_create(3DAT)

that was not done previously. The Consu-

mer is notified that the Endpoint is in

Connected state by a Connection Esta-

blished Event on the Endpoint


o If rejected, control of the Local End-

point point is returned back to the Pro-

vider and its ep_handle is no longer

usable by the Consumer. Model 2 For this model, the Consumer manipulates a pool of Endpoints. Consumers can use the same pool for more than one Service Point. o DAT Consumer creates a Public Service Point with a flag set to


o Public Service Point:

o Collects native transport informa-

tion reflecting a received Connec-

tion Request o Creates an instance of Connection Request o Creates a Connection Request Notice (event) that includes the Connection Request instance (which includes, among others, Public Service Point,

its Connection Qualifier, Provider-

generated Local Endpoint and infor-

mation about remote Endpoint) o Delivers the Connection Request

Notice to the Consumer-specified

target (CNO) evd_handle

The Public Service Point is per-

sistent and continues to listen for incoming requests for connection. o The Consumer creates a pool of Endpoints that it uses for accepting Connection Requests. Endpoints can be created and modified at any time prior to accepting a Connection Request with that Endpoint. o Upon receiving a connection request or

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Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_psp_create(3DAT)

at some time subsequent to that, the DAT Consumer can modify its local Endpoint to match the Connection Request and must either accept() or reject() the pending Connection Request. o If accepted, the provided Local Endpoint is now in a "connected" state and is

fully usable for this connection, pend-

ing only any native transport mandated RTU messages. This includes binding it

to the IA port if that was not done pre-

viously. The Consumer is notified that the Endpoint is in Connected state by a

Connection Established Event on the End-

point connect_evd_handle.

o If rejected, the Consumer does not have to provide any Endpoint for



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | Safe |


| Standard | uDAPL, 1.1, 1.2 |



dat_cr_reject(3DAT), libdat(3LIB), attributes(5)

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 5

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