Direct Access Transport Library Functions
dat_ep_post_rdma_read - transfer all data to the local data
cc [ flag... ] file... -ldat [ library... ]
dat_ep_post_rdma_read (
IN DAT_EP_HANDLE ep_handle,
IN DAT_COUNT num_segments,
IN DAT_LMR_TRIPLET *local_iov,
IN DAT_DTO_COOKIE user_cookie,
IN DAT_RMR_TRIPLET *remote_buffer,
IN DAT_COMPLETION_FLAGS completion_flags
ep_handle Handle for an instance of the Endpoint.
num_segments Number of lmr_triplets in local_iov.
local_iov I/O Vector that specifies the local
buffer to fill.user_cookie User-provided cookie that is returned to
the Consumer at the completion of the RDMA Read. Can be NULL.remote_buffer A pointer to an RMR Triplet that speci-
fies the remote buffer from which the data is read.completion_flags Flags for posted RDMA Read. The default
Other values are as follows:Completion Suppression DAT_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_FLAG
0x01 Suppresssuc-
ful Completion.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 1
Direct Access Transport Library Functionsdat_ep_post_rdma_read(3DAT)
0x04 Non-
tion. LocalEnd-
point must becon-
ured forNotif-
0x08 Request forBar-
The dat_ep_post_rdma_read() function requests the transfer
of all the data specified by the remote_buffer over the con-
nection of the ep_handle Endpoint into the local_iov.
The num_segments parameter specifies the number of segments
in the local_iov. The local_iov segments are filled in the
I/O Vector order until the whole message is received. This
ensures that all the "front" segments of the local_iov I/O
Vector are completely filled, only one segment is partially filled, if needed, and all segments that follow it are not filled at all.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 2
Direct Access Transport Library Functionsdat_ep_post_rdma_read(3DAT)
The user_cookie allows Consumers to have unique identifiers
for each DTO. These identifiers are completely under usercontrol and are opaque to the Provider. There is no require-
ment on the Consumer that the value user_cookie should be
unique for each DTO. The user_cookie is returned to the Con-
sumer in the Completion event for the posted RDMA Read.A Consumer must not modify the local_iov or its content
until the DTO is completed. When a Consumer does not adhereto this rule, the behavior of the Provider and the underly-
ing Transport is not defined. Providers that allow Consumersto get ownership of the local_iov but not the memory it
specifies back after the dat_ep_post_rdma_read() returns
should document this behavior and also specify its support in Provider attributes. This behavior allows Consumers fullcontrol of the local_iov after dat_ep_post_rdma_read()
returns. Because this behavior is not guaranteed by all Pro-
viders, portable Consumers should not rely on this behavior.Consumers should not rely on the Provider copying local_iov
information. The completion of the posted RDMA Read is reported to the Consumer asynchronously through a DTO Completion event basedon the specified completion_flags value. The value of
point Request Completion FlagsDAT_COMPLETION_UNSIGNALLED_FLAG. Otherwise,
The DAT_SUCCESS return of the dat_ep_post_rdma_read() is at
least the equivalent of posting an RDMA Read operation directly by native Transport. Providers should avoidresource allocation as part of dat_ep_post_rdma_read() to
ensure that this operation is nonblocking and thread safe for an UpCall. The operation is valid for the Endpoint in theDAT_EP_STATE_CONNECTED and DAT_EP_STATE_DISCONNECTED states.
If the operation returns successfully for the Endpoint inthe DAT_EP_STATE_DISCONNECTED state, the posted RDMA Read is
immediately flushed to request_evd_handle.
DAT_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 3
Direct Access Transport Library Functionsdat_ep_post_rdma_read(3DAT)
DAT_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES The operation failed due to
resource limitations.DAT_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter. For exam-
ple, one of the IOV segments pointed to a memory outside its LMR.DAT_INVALID_HANDLE The ep_handle parameter is
invalid.DAT_INVALID_STATE A parameter is in an invalid
state. Endpoint was not in theDAT_EP_STATE_CONNECTED or
state.DAT_LENGTH_ERROR The size of the receiving
buffer is too small for send-
ing buffer data. The size of the local buffer is too small for the data of the remote buffer.DAT_PROTECTION_VIOLATION Protection violation for local
or remote memory access. Pro-
tection Zone mismatch between either an LMR of one of thelocal_iov segments and the
local Endpoint or thermr_context and the remote
Endpoint.DAT_PRIVILEGES_VIOLATION Privileges violation for local
or remote memory access. Either one of the LMRs used inlocal_iov is invalid or does
not have the local writeprivileges, or rmr_context
does not have the remote read privileges.USAGE
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Direct Access Transport Library Functionsdat_ep_post_rdma_read(3DAT)
For best RDMA Read operation performance, the Consumershould align each buffer segment of local_iov to the Optimal
Buffer Alignment attribute of the Provider. For portable applications, the Consumer should align each buffer segmentof local_iov to the DAT_OPTIMAL_ALIGNMENT.
If connection was established without outstanding RDMA Read attributes matching on Endpoints on both sides (outstanding RDMA Read outgoing on one end is larger than the outstanding RDMA Read incoming on the other end), connection is brokenwhen the number of incoming RDMA Read exceeds the outstand-
ing RDMA Read incoming attribute of the Endpoint. The Consu-
mer can use its own flow control to ensure that it does not post more RDMA Reads then the remote EP outstanding RDMA Read incoming attribute is. Thus, they do not rely on the underlying Transport enforcing it.ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| MT-Level | Unsafe |
| Standard | uDAPL, 1.1, 1.2 ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
libdat(3LIB), attributes(5)SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 5
Direct Access Transport Library Functionsdat_ep_post_rdma_read(3DAT)
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 6