Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_ep_create(3DAT)
dat_ep_create - create an instance of an Endpoint
cc [ flag... ] file... -ldat [ library... ]
dat_ep_create (
IN DAT_IA_HANDLE ia_handle,
IN DAT_PZ_HANDLE pz_handle,
IN DAT_EVD_HANDLE recv_evd_handle,
IN DAT_EVD_HANDLE request_evd_handle,
IN DAT_EVD_HANDLE connect_evd_handle,
IN DAT_EP_ATTR *ep_attributes,
OUT DAT_EP_HANDLE *ep_handle
ia_handle Handle for an open instance of the IA
to which the created Endpoint belongs.pz_handle Handle for an instance of the Protec-
tion Zone.recv_evd_handle Handle for the Event Dispatcher where
events for completions of incoming (receive) DTOs are reported.DAT_HANDLE_NULL specifies that the
Consumer is not interested in events for completions of receives.request_evd_handle Handle for the Event Dispatcher where
events for completions of outgoing (Send, RDMA Write, RDMA Read, and RMR Bind) DTOs are reported.DAT_HANDLE_NULL specifies that the
Consumer is not interested in events for completions of requests.connect_evd_handle Handle for the Event Dispatcher where
Connection events are reported.DAT_HANDLE_NULL specifies that the
Consumer is not interested in connec-
tion events for now.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 1
Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_ep_create(3DAT)
ep_attributes Pointer to a structure that contains
Consumer-requested Endpoint attri-
butes. Can be NULL.ep_handle Handle for the created instance of an
The dat_ep_create() function creates an instance of an End-
point that is provided to the Consumer as ep_handle. The
value of ep_handle is not defined if the DAT_RETURN is not
The Endpoint is created in the Unconnected state.Protection Zone pz_handle allows Consumers to control what
local memory the Endpoint can access for DTOs and what memory remote RDMA operations can access over the connection of a created Endpoint. Only memory referred to by LMRs and RMRs that match the Endpoint Protection Zone can be accessed by the Endpoint.The recv_evd_handle and request_evd_handle parameters are
Event Dispatcher instances where the Consumer collects com-
pletion notifications of DTOs. Completions of Receive DTOsare reported in recv_evd_handle Event Dispatcher, and com-
pletions of Send, RDMA Read, and RDMA Write DTOs arereported in request_evd_handle Event Dispatcher. All com-
pletion notifications of RMR bindings are reported to a Con-
sumer in request_evd_handle Event Dispatcher.
All Connection events for the connected Endpoint arereported to the Consumer through connect_evd_handle Event
Dispatcher.The ep_attributes parameter specifies the initial attributes
of the created Endpoint. If the Consumer specifies NULL, the Provider fills it with its default Endpoint attributes. The Consumer might not be able to do any posts to the Endpointor use the Endpoint in connection establishment until cer-
tain Endpoint attributes are set. Maximum Message Size and Maximum Recv DTOs are examples of such attributes.RETURN VALUES
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 2
Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_ep_create(3DAT)
DAT_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
DAT_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES The operation failed due to
resource limitations.DAT_INVALID_HANDLE Invalid DAT handle.
DAT_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter. One of the
requested EP parameters or attributes was invalid or a combination of attributes or parameters is invalid.DAT_MODEL_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested Provider Model
was not supported.USAGE
The Consumer creates an Endpoint prior to the establishment of a connection. The created Endpoint is inDAT_EP_STATE_UNCONNECTED. Consumers can do the following:
1. Request a connection on the Endpoint throughdat_ep_connect(3DAT) or dat_ep_dup_connect(3DAT)
for the active side of the connection model. 2. Associate the Endpoint with the Pending ConnectionRequest that does not have an associated local End-
point for accepting the Pending Connection Request for the passive/server side of the connection model. 3. Create a Reserved Service Point with the Endpoint for the passive/server side of the connection model. Upon arrival of a Connection Request on the Service Point, the Consumer accepts the Pending Connection Request that has the Endpoint associated with itThe Consumer cannot specify a request_evd_handle
(recv_evd_handle) with Request Completion Flags (Recv Com-
pletion Flags) that do not match the other Endpoint Comple-
tion Flags for the DTO/RMR completion streams that use the
same EVD. If request_evd_handle (recv_evd_handle) is used
for an EVD that is fed by any event stream other than DTO orRMR completion event streams, only DAT_COMPLETION_THRESHOLD
is valid for Request/Recv Completion Flags for the Endpoint
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 3
Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_ep_create(3DAT)
completion streams that use that EVD. If request_evd_handle
(recv_evd_handle) is used for request (recv) completions of
an Endpoint whose associated Request (Recv) Completion Flagattribute is DAT_COMPLETION_UNSIGNALLED_FLAG, the Request
Completion Flags and Recv Completion Flags for all Endpoint completion streams that use the EVD must specify the same.Analogously, if recv_evd_handle is used for recv completions
of an Endpoint whose associated Recv Completion Flags attri-
bute is DAT_COMPLETION_SOLICITED_WAIT, the Recv Completion
Flags for all Endpoint Recv completion streams that use thesame EVD must specify the same Recv Completion Flags attri-
bute value and the EVD cannot be used for any other event stream types. If EP is created with NULL attributes, Provider can fill them with its own default values. The Consumer should notrely on the Provider-filled attribute defaults, especially
for portable applications. The Consumer cannot do any opera-
tions on the created Endpoint except for dat_ep_query(3DAT),
dat_ep_get_status(3DAT), dat_ep_modify(3DAT), and
dat_ep_free(3DAT), depending on the values that the Provider
picks. The Provider is encouraged to pick up reasonable defaults because unreasonable values might restrict Consumers to thedat_ep_query(), dat_ep_get_status(), dat_ep_modify(), and
dat_ep_free() operations. The Consumer should check what
values the Provider picked up for the attributes. It is especially important to make sure that the number of posted operations is not too large to avoid EVD overflow. Depending on the values picked up by the Provider, the Consumer might not be able to do any RDMA operations; it might only be able to send or receive messages of very small sizes, or it might not be able to have more than one segment in a buffer. Before doing any operations, except the ones listed above, the Consumer can configure the Endpoint usingdat_ep_modify() to the attributes they want.
One reason the Consumer might still want to create an End-
point with Null attributes is for the Passive side of theconnection establishment, where the Consumer sets up End-
point attributes based on the connection request of the remote side.Consumers might want to create Endpoints with NULL attri-
butes if Endpoint properties are negotiated as part the Con-
sumer connection establishment protocol.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 4
Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_ep_create(3DAT)
Consumers that create Endpoints with Provider default attri-
butes should always verify that the Provider default attri-
butes meet their application's requirements with regard tothe number of request/receive DTOs that can be posted, max-
imum message sizes, maximum request/receive IOV sizes, and maximum RDMA sizes.ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| MT-Level | Safe |
| Standard | uDAPL, 1.1, 1.2 ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
dat_ep_connect(3DAT), dat_ep_dup_connect(3DAT),
dat_ep_free(3DAT), dat_ep_get_status(3DAT),
dat_ep_modify(3DAT), dat_ep_query(3DAT), libdat(3LIB),
attributes(5)SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 5