Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_cr_accept(3DAT)
dat_cr_accept - establishes a Connection between the active
remote side requesting Endpoint and the passive side local EndpointSYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -ldat [ library... ]
dat_cr_accept (
IN DAT_CR_HANDLE cr_handle,
IN DAT_EP_HANDLE ep_handle,
IN DAT_COUNT private_data_size,
IN const DAT_PVOID private_data
cr_handle Handle to an instance of a Connection
Request that the Consumer is accepting.ep_handle Handle for an instance of a local End-
point that the Consumer is accepting the Connection Request on. If the local Endpoint is specified by the ConnectionRequest, the ep_handle shall be
private_data_size Size of the private_data, which must be
nonnegative.private_data Pointer to the private data that should
be provided to the remote Consumer when the Connection is established. Ifprivate_data_size is zero, then
private_data can be NULL.
The dat_cr_accept() function establishes a Connection
between the active remote side requesting Endpoint and the passive side local Endpoint. The local Endpoint is eitherspecified explicitly by ep_handle or implicitly by a Connec-
tion Request. In the second case, ep_handle is
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 1
Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_cr_accept(3DAT)
Consumers can specify private data that is provided to the remote side upon Connection establishment. If the provided local Endpoint does not satisfy the requested Connection Request, the operation fails without any effect on the local Endpoint, Pending Connection Request, private data, or remote Endpoint. The operation is asynchronous. The successful completion of the operation is reported through a Connection Event of typeDAT_CONNECTION_EVENT_ESTABLISHED on the connect_evd of the
local Endpoint.If the Provider cannot complete the Connection establish-
ment, the connection is not established and the Consumer is notified through a Connection Event of typeDAT_CONNECTION_EVENT_ACCEPT_COMPLETION_ERROR on the
connect_evd of the local Endpoint. It can be caused by the
active side timeout expiration, transport error, or any other reason. If Connection is not established, Endpoint transitions into Disconnected state and all posted Recv DTOsare flushed to its recv_evd_handle.
This operation, if successful, also destroys the Connection Request instance. Use of the handle of the destroyedcr_handle in any consequent operation fails.
DAT_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
DAT_INVALID_HANDLE The cr_handle or ep_handle parame-
ter is invalid.DAT_INVALID_PARAMETER The private_data_size or
private_data parameter is invalid,
out of range, or a combination of parameters was invalidUSAGE
Consumers should be aware that Connection establishment might fail in the following cases: If the accepting Endpoint has an outstanding RDMA Read outgoing attribute larger than the requesting remote Endpoint or outstanding RDMA Read incoming attribute, or if the outstanding RDMA Read incoming attribute is smaller than the requesting remote Endpoint orSunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 2
Direct Access Transport Library Functions dat_cr_accept(3DAT)
outstanding RDMA Read outgoing attribute. Consumers should set the accepting Endpoint RDMA Reads as the target (incoming) to a number larger than or equal to the remote Endpoint RDMA Read outstanding as the originator (outgoing), and the accepting Endpoint RDMA Reads as the originator to a number smaller than or equal to the remote Endpoint RDMA Read outstanding as the target. DAT API does not define a protocol on how remote peers exchange Endpoint attributes. The exchange of outstanding RDMA Read incoming and outgoing attributes of EPs is left to the Consumer ULP. Consumer can use Private Data for it.If the Consumer does not care about posting RDMA Read opera-
tions or remote RDMA Read operations on the connection, it can set the two outstanding RDMA Read attribute values to 0. If the Consumer does not set the two outstanding RDMA Read attributes of the Endpoint, the Provider is free to pick up any value for default. The Provider can change these default values during connection setup.ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| MT-Level | Unsafe |
| Standard | uDAPL, 1.1, 1.2 ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
libdat(3LIB), attributes(5)SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Jul 2004 3