Windows PowerShell command on Get-command csx_RequestWindow

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man csx_RequestWindow

Kernel Functions for Drivers csx_RequestWindow(9F)


csx_RequestWindow, csx_ReleaseWindow - request or release

window resources



int32_t csx_RequestWindow(client_handle_t ch, window_handle_t *wh,

win_req_t *wr);

int32_t csx_ReleaseWindow(window_handle_t wh);


Solaris DDI Specific (Solaris DDI)


ch Client handle returned from csx_RegisterClient(9F).

wh Pointer to a window_handle_t structure.

wr Pointer to a win_req_t structure.


The function csx_RequestWindow() requests a block of system

address space be assigned to a PC Card in a socket.

The function csx_ReleaseWindow() releases window resources

which were obtained by a call to csx_RequestWindow(). No

adapter or socket hardware is modified by this function.

The csx_MapMemPage(9F) and csx_ModifyWindow(9F) functions

use the window handle returned by csx_RequestWindow(). This

window handle must be freed by calling csx_ReleaseWindow()

when the client is done using this window.

The PC Card Attribute or Common Memory offset for this win-

dow is set by csx_MapMemPage(9F).


The structure members of win_req_t are:

uint32_t Socket; /* socket number */

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Kernel Functions for Drivers csx_RequestWindow(9F)

uint32_t Attributes; /* window flags */

uint32_t Base.base; /* requested window */

/* base address */

acc_handle_t Base.handle; /* returned handle for

/* base of window */

uint32_t Size; /* window size requested */

/* or granted */

uint32_t win_params.AccessSpeed; /* window access speed */

uint32_t win_params.IOAddrLines; /* IO address lines decoded */

uint32_t ReqOffset; /* required window offest */

The fields are defined as follows:

Socket Not used in Solaris, but for por-

tability with other Card Services implementations, it should be set to the logical socket number.

Attributes This field is bit-mapped and is

defined as follows:


Points to I/O space.


Points to common memory space.


These bits select which type of window is being requested. One of these bits must be set.


The client must set this bit to enable the window.


Describes device as big-


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Kernel Functions for Drivers csx_RequestWindow(9F)


These bits describe the endian characteristics of the device as big endian or little endian, respectively. Even though most of the devices will have the same endian characteristics as their busses, there are examples of

devices with an I/O processor that has opposite endian characteristics of the busses. When either of these bits are set, byte swapping will automatically be performed by the system if the host machine and the device data formats

have opposite endian charac-

teristics. The implementation may take advantage of hardware

platform byte swapping capa-



When this is specified, byte swapping will not be invoked in the data access functions. The ability to specify the order in which the CPU will reference data is provided by the following Attributes bits, only one of which may be specified:


The data references must be issued by a CPU in program order. Strict ordering is the default behavior.


The CPU may re-order the data

references. This includes all

kinds of re-ordering (that is,

a load followed by a store may be replaced by a store

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Kernel Functions for Drivers csx_RequestWindow(9F)

followed by a load).


The CPU may merge individual

stores to consecutive loca-

tions. For example, the CPU may turn two consecutive byte stores into one halfword

store. It may also batch indi-

vidual loads. For example, the CPU may turn two consecutive byte loads into one halfword load. This bit also implies



The CPU may cache the data it fetches and reuse it until another store occurs. The default behavior is to fetch new data on every load. This bit also implies merging and



The CPU may keep the data in the cache and push it to the device (perhaps with other data) at a later time. The default behavior is to push the data right away. This bit also implies load caching,

merging, and re-ordering.

These values are advisory, not mandatory. For example, data can be ordered without being merged or cached, even though a driver requests unordered, merged and cached together. All other bits in the Attributes field must be set to 0. On successful return from


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Kernel Functions for Drivers csx_RequestWindow(9F)

WIN_OFFSET_SIZE is set in the

Attributes field when the client must specify card offsets to

csx_MapMemPage(9F) that are a mul-

tiple of the window size. Base.base This field must be set to 0 on

calling csx_RequestWindow().

Base.handle On successful return from

csx_RequestWindow(), the

Base.handle field contains an access handle corresponding to the first byte of the allocated memory window which the client must use when accessing the PC Card's memory space via the common access functions. A client must not make any assumptions as to the format of the returned Base.handle field value.

Size On calling csx_RequestWindow(),

the Size field is the size in bytes of the memory window requested. Size may be zero to indicate that Card Services should provide the smallest sized window available. On successful return

from csx_RequestWindow(), the Size

field contains the actual size of the window allocated.

win_params.AccessSpeed This field specifies the access

speed of the window if the client is requesting a memory window. The AccessSpeed field bit definitions use the format of the extended speed byte of the Device ID tuple. If the mantissa is 0 (noted as

reserved in the PC Card 95 Stan-

dard), the lower bits are a binary code representing a speed from the following table:

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 19 Jul 1996 5

Kernel Functions for Drivers csx_RequestWindow(9F)


| Code | Speed |


| 0 | (Reserved - do not use). |


| 1 | 250 nsec |


| 2 | 200 nsec |


| 3 | 150 nsec |


| 4 | 100 nse |


| 5-7 | (Reserved-do not use.) |


To request a window that supports the WAIT signal, OR-in the

WIN_USE_WAIT bit to the AccessSpeed value before calling

this function.

It is recommended that clients use the csx_ConvertSpeed(9F)

function to generate the appropriate AccessSpeed values rather than manually perturbing the AccessSpeed field.

win_params.IOAddrLines If the client is requesting an I/O

window, the IOAddrLines field is

the number of I/O address lines decoded by the PC Card in the specified socket. Access to the

I/O window is not enabled until

csx_RequestConfiguration(9F) has

been invoked successfully.

ReqOffset This field is a Solaris-specific

extension that can be used by clients to generate optimum window offsets passed to



CS_SUCCESS Successful operation.

CS_BAD_ATTRIBUTE Attributes are invalid.

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Kernel Functions for Drivers csx_RequestWindow(9F)

CS_BAD_SPEED Speed is invalid.

CS_BAD_HANDLE Client handle is invalid.

CS_BAD_SIZE Window size is invalid.

CS_NO_CARD No PC Card in socket.

CS_OUT_OF_RESOURCE Unable to allocate window.



These functions may be called from user or kernel context.


csx_ConvertSpeed(9F), csx_MapMemPage(9F),

csx_ModifyWindow(9F), csx_RegisterClient(9F),


PC Card 95 Standard, PCMCIA/JEIDA

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 19 Jul 1996 7

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