Windows PowerShell command on Get-command clipboard

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man clipboard

Tk Built-In Commands clipboard(1T)



clipboard - Manipulate Tk clipboard


clipboard option ?arg arg ...?



This command provides a Tcl interface to the Tk clipboard,

which stores data for later retrieval using the selection

mechanism (via the -selection CLIPBOARD option). In order

to copy data into the clipboard, clipboard clear must be

called, followed by a sequence of one or more calls to clip-

board append. To ensure that the clipboard is updated atom-

ically, all appends should be completed before returning to the event loop.

The first argument to clipboard determines the format of the

rest of the arguments and the behavior of the command. The following forms are currently supported:

clipboard clear ?-displayof window?

Claims ownership of the clipboard on window's display

and removes any previous contents. Window defaults to ``.''. Returns an empty string.

type? ?--? data

clipboard append ?-displayof window? ?-format format? ?-type

Appends data to the clipboard on window's display in

the form given by type with the representation given by

format and claims ownership of the clipboard on

window's display. Type specifies the form in which the selection is to be returned (the desired ``target'' for conversion, in ICCCM terminology), and should be an atom name such as

STRING or FILE_NAME; see the Inter-Client Communication

Conventions Manual for complete details. Type defaults to STRING. The format argument specifies the representation that

should be used to transmit the selection to the reques-

ter (the second column of Table 2 of the ICCCM), and defaults to STRING. If format is STRING, the selection

is transmitted as 8-bit ASCII characters. If format is

ATOM, then the data is divided into fields separated by white space; each field is converted to its atom value,

and the 32-bit atom value is transmitted instead of the

atom name. For any other format, data is divided into Tk Last change: 8.4 1

Tk Built-In Commands clipboard(1T)

fields separated by white space and each field is con-

verted to a 32-bit integer; an array of integers is

transmitted to the selection requester. Note that

strings passed to clipboard append are concatenated

before conversion, so the caller must take care to ensure appropriate spacing across string boundaries.

All items appended to the clipboard with the same type

must have the same format. The format argument is needed only for compatibility

with clipboard requesters that don't use Tk. If the Tk

toolkit is being used to retrieve the CLIPBOARD selec-

tion then the value is converted back to a string at the requesting end, so format is irrelevant.

A -- argument may be specified to mark the end of

options: the next argument will always be used as data. This feature may be convenient if, for example,

data starts with a -.

clipboard get ?-displayof window? ?-type type?

Retrieve data from the clipboard on window's display. |

window defaults to ".". Type specifies the form in | which the data is to be returned and should be an atom |

name such as STRING or FILE_NAME. Type defaults to |

STRING. This command is equivalent to selection get |

-selection CLIPBOARD.


Get the current contents of the clipboard.

if {[catch {clipboard get} contents]} {

# There were no clipboard contents at all


Set the clipboard to contain a fixed string.

clipboard clear

clipboard append "some fixed string"


selection(1T) KEYWORDS

clear, format, clipboard, append, selection, type


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-

butes: Tk Last change: 8.4 2

Tk Built-In Commands clipboard(1T)




| Availability | runtime/tk-8 |


| Interface Stability| Uncommitted |


NOTES Source for Tk is available on Tk Last change: 8.4 3

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