Windows PowerShell command on Get-command cap_pause

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man cap_pause

Standards, Environments, and Macros ieee802.3(5)


ieee802.3, cap_autoneg, cap_1000fdx, cap_1000hdx,

cap_100fdx, cap_100hdx, cap_10fdx, cap_10hdx, cap_rem_fault,

cap_pause, cap_asym_pause, adv_cap_autoneg, adv_cap_1000fdx,

adv_cap_1000hdx, adv_cap_100fdx, adv_cap_100hdx,

adv_cap_10fdx, adv_cap_10hdx, adv_cap_pause,

adv_cap_asym_pause, adv_rem_fault, lp_cap_autoneg,

lp_cap_1000fdx, lp_cap_1000hdx, lp_cap_100fdx,

lp_cap_100hdx, lp_cap_10fdx, lp_cap_10hdx, lp_cap_pause,

lp_cap_asym_pause, lp_rem_fault, xcvr_addr, xcvr_id,

xcvr_inuse, link_up, link_duplex, link_tx_pause,

link_rx_pause - Ethernet mii kstat and dladm parameters


This page describes the kernel statistics and the dladm(1M) configuration parameters used to monitor and configure the Ethernet physical layer.

The cap_* parameters exist in the kernel statistics for an

Ethernet device. The parameters describe the maximum capa-

bility of a device. When the value of a statistic is 1, the device has the capability described. When the value is 0, the device does not have the capability.

The exceptions to this rule are the cap_asym_pause and

cap_pause parameters which are explained later in this page.

cap_autoneg Capable of auto-negotiation

cap_1000fdx Capable of 1000 full duplex operation

cap_1000hdx Capable of 1000 half duplex operation

cap_100fdx Capable of 100 full duplex operation

cap_100hdx Capable of 100 half duplex operation

cap_10fdx Capable of 10 full duplex operation

cap_10hdx Capable of 10 half duplex operation

cap_rem_fault Capable of reporting locally detected

faults to link partner

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 23 Oct 2007 1

Standards, Environments, and Macros ieee802.3(5)

The adv_cap_* parameters exist in the kernel statistics and

represent a mirror image of the dladm adv_*_cap parameter

list for an Ethernet device. The dladm adv_*_cap tuning

parameters allow fine grain control of the Ethernet device physical layer. The parameters are also a subset of the

cap_* statistics. If the cap_* value is 0, the corresponding

adv_cap_* must also be 0. The exceptions to this rule are

the adv_cap_asym_pause and adv_cap_pause parameters.

When auto-negotiation is enabled, the adv_*_cap statistics

show which capabilities are advertised to the link partner.

When auto-negotiation is disabled in forced mode, the

statistics precisely show how a link should function and that it must be matched on the link partner to achieve a valid link up. Statistics with values other than 0 and 1 are also described in the following.

adv_cap_autoneg Advertise auto-negotiation capability

adv_cap_1000fdx Advertise 1000 full duplex capability

adv_cap_1000hdx Advertise 1000 half duplex capability

adv_cap_100fdx Advertise 100 full duplex capability

adv_cap_100hdx Advertise 100 half duplex capability

adv_cap_10fdx Advertise 10 full duplex capability

adv_cap_10hdx Advertise 10 half duplex capability

adv_rem_fault Fault value reported by the local system

to the peer 0 Link is good 1 Fault

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 23 Oct 2007 2

Standards, Environments, and Macros ieee802.3(5)

The lp_cap_* parameters exist as kernel statistics for an

Ethernet device. The statistics are the advertised capabili-

ties provided by the link partner on completion of auto-

negotiation. If the capabilities match the capabilities pro-

vided in the local advertisement, the link can proceed to a link up state. If no match is found, the link remains down.

In two other instances, lp_cap_* values might all be zero:

(1) when a cable is not present and (2) when forced mode is enabled.

lp_cap_autoneg Link partner advertises auto-negotiation


lp_cap_1000fdx Link partner advertises 1000 full duplex


lp_cap_1000hdx Link partner advertises 1000 half duplex


lp_cap_100fdx Link partner advertises 100 full duplex


lp_cap_100hdx Link partner advertises 100 half duplex


lp_cap_10fdx Link partner advertises 10 full duplex


lp_cap_10hdx Link partner advertises 10 half duplex


lp_rem_fault Fault value the remote system reports

0 Link is good 1 Fault

The xcvr_* kernel statistics provide information about the

physical layer device that is in use.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 23 Oct 2007 3

Standards, Environments, and Macros ieee802.3(5)

xcvr_addr MII address in the 0 to 31 range of the physi-

cal layer device in use for a given Ethernet device

xcvr_id MII transceiver manufacturer and device ID

xcvr_inuse MII transceiver type, based on the following

list: 0 other Undefined

1 none MII present, but nothing con-

nected 2 10Mb/s 10Mb/s Manchester encoding 3 100BaseT4 100 Mb/s 8B/6T 4 100BaseX 100 Mb/s 4B/5B 5 100BaseT2 100 Mb/s PAM5X5 6 1000BaseX 1000 Mb/s 8B/10B

7 1000BaseT 1000 Mb/s 4D-PAM5

The above values define maximum capability. In

many cases, lower speeds can occur. The cap_*

statistics must be viewed to establish the range of capability.

The link_* kernel statistics show the link state at the

local end of the connection.

link_up 1 Link is up

0 Link is down

link_duplex 2 Full duplex link

1 Half duplex link 0 Unknown

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Standards, Environments, and Macros ieee802.3(5)

The cap_asym_pause, cap_pause, adv_cap_asym_pause, and

adv_cap_pause parameters do not follow the rules of other

cap_* and adv_cap_* kstats or parameters. The cap_*pause

kstats provide information about the capabilities supported by the device and constrain the values that may be set to

the corresponding adv_cap_*pause parameters.

cap_pause Symmetric pause capability.

cap_asym_pause Asymmetric pause capability.

The adv_cap_pause and adv_cap_asym_pause statistics are lim-

ited by the available settings for cap_pause and

cap_asym_pause. These statistics are read-only values whose

settings may be administratively controlled by setting the flowctrl property supported by dladm(1M). For a device that is fully capable of pausing both Rx (receive) and Tx (transmit) operations, the settings available are defined in

the truth table that follows the adv_cap_pause and

adv_cap_asm_pause parameter descriptions below.

adv_cap_pause When adv_cap_pause is 1, the device

can both assert and respond to flow control.

This is the pre-Gigabit, symmetric

mode of operation, and implies a full (both send and receive) implementation

of the PAUSE mechanism within the dev-

ice. In addition, if

adv_cap_asym_pause is 1, the device

can operate either symmetrically or asymmetrically in either direction.

If adv_cap_pause is 0, advertised,

flow-control behavior is determined by

adv_cap_asym_pause. If the value of

adv_cap_asym_pause is 1, the device

can assert flow control, but cannot resend. No flow control is available when bot

adv_cap_pause and adv_cap_asym_pause

are 0.

adv_cap_asym_pause Asymmetric pause capability.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 23 Oct 2007 5

Standards, Environments, and Macros ieee802.3(5)

The cap_asym_pause and cap_pause statistics show the capa-

bility of a device and also limit the legal setting for

adv_cap_asym_pause and adv_cap_pause. The following truth

table describes the available adv_cap_asym_pause and

adv_cap_pause settings limited by cap_asym_pause and

cap_pause statistics. The abbreviations below are used in

the table.

CA cap_asym_pause

CP cap_pause

AA adv_cap_asym_pause

AP adv_cap_pause

CP CA AP AA Description 0 0 0 0 No pause in use. 0 0 x x Device not pause capable, cannot set. 0 1 0 0 Asymmetric Rx pause capable, but not advertised.

0 1 0 1 Asymmetric Rx pause capable and adver-

tised. 0 1 1 0 Asymmetric Rx pause capable, but not advertised. Not capable of symmetric pause.

0 1 1 1 Asymmetric Rx pause capable and adver-

tised. No symmetric pause capability or asymmetric Tx pause.

1 0 0 0 Symmetric pause capable, but not adver-

tised. 1 0 0 1 Symmetric pause capable, advertising asymmetric Rx pause only. 1 0 1 0 Symmetric pause capable, advertising symmetric Rx and Tx pause capability. 1 0 1 1 Symmetric pause capable and advertised. 1 1 0 0 Symmetric and asymmetric pause capable, but not advertised.

1 1 0 1 Symmetric and asymmetric Tx pause capa-

ble. Only asymmetric Tx pause adver-


1 1 1 0 Symmetric and symmetric Tx pause capa-

ble. Only symmetric pause advertised.

1 1 1 1 Asymmetric Tx pause capable and adver-


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Standards, Environments, and Macros ieee802.3(5) In the cases above, an error is posted when a device driver cannot advertise. A new setting is ignored and values revert to the previous setting.

The lp_cap_pause and the lp_cap_asym_pause provide the

advertised capabilities of the link partners.

lp_cap_pause When lp_cap_pause is 1, the link-

partner can both assert and respond to

flow control. This is the pre-Gigabit,

symmetric mode of operation, and implies a full (both send and receive) implementation of the PAUSE mechanism within the device. In addition, if

lp_cap_asym_pause is 1, the link-

partner can operate either symmetri-

cally or asymmetrically in either direction.

If lp_cap_pause is 0, the flow-control

behavior supported by the link-partner

is determined by lp_cap_asym_pause. If

the value of lp_cap_asym_pause is 1,

the link-partner can assert flow con-

trol, but cannot respond to any pause-

frames sent to it. No flow control is available when both

lp_cap_pause and lp_cap_asym_pause are


lp_cap_asym_pause Asymmetric pause capability

When adv_*pause_cap and lp_*pause_cap are compared on com-

pletion of auto-negotiation, the chosen flow control mechan-

ism for the link depends on what is most meaningful.

link_tx_pause Link partner can assert flow control by

sending pause frames when congestion is experienced.

link_rx_pause Link partner can respond to pause frames


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 23 Oct 2007 7

Standards, Environments, and Macros ieee802.3(5) The following truth table illustrates the meaningful flow

control combinations related to local and link partner con-

figurations. The abbreviations below are used in the table.

AA adv_cap_asym_pause

AP adv_cap_pause

LAC lp_cap_asym_pause

LPC lp_cap_pause

LA link_asym_pause

LP link_pause

AA AP LAC LPC LA LP Description 1 0 1 1 1 0 Local station will Tx a pause when Rx is congested. 0 1 0 1 0 1 Flow control in both Rx and Tx directions. x 1 1 0 1 1 Local station honors received Pause frames by temporarily suspending Transmit.

x x x x 0 0 All other combinations: Flow con-

trol not available on the link When forced mode is enabled, the current setting of

adv_cap_asym_pause and adv_cap_pause are used for the link.

The link_asym_pause and link_pause become equal to the

current adv_cap_asym_pause and adv_cap_pause settings. The

above table also applies in forced mode, but the link partner configuration must be checked to verify that flow control is operating on the link.


dladm(1M), driver.conf(4), bge(7D), ce(7D), dlpi(7P), eri(7D), ge(7D), gld(7D), hme(7D), qfe(7d) NOTES

When adv_cap_autoneg is set to 0, the highest priority speed

and duplex is used for forced mode.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 23 Oct 2007 8

Standards, Environments, and Macros ieee802.3(5) The highest priority is the highest speed at full duplex. The lowest priority is the lowest speed at half duplex. MII transceivers can exist internally to a system or can be

connected to an external MII connector. Typically, an inter-

nal transceiver has an xcvr_addr of 1, while an external

connection has an xcvr_addr of 0.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 23 Oct 2007 9

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