Windows PowerShell command on Get-command cancellation

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man cancellation

Standards, Environments, and Macros cancellation(5)


cancellation - overview of concepts related to POSIX thread






| pthread_cancel() | Cancels thread execution. |

| pthread_setcancelstate()| Sets the cancellation state of a thread.|

| pthread_setcanceltype() | Sets the cancellation type of a thread. |

| pthread_testcancel() | Creates a cancellation point in the cal-|

| | ling thread. |

| pthread_cleanup_push() | Pushes a cleanup handler routine. |

| pthread_cleanup_pop() | Pops a cleanup handler routine. |



Thread cancellation allows a thread to terminate the execu-

tion of any application thread in the process. Cancellation is useful when further operations of one or more threads are undesirable or unnecessary.

An example of a situation that could benefit from using can-

cellation is an asynchronously-generated cancel condition

such as a user requesting to close or exit some running operation. Another example is the completion of a task undertaken by a number of threads, such as solving a maze. While many threads search for the solution, one of the threads might solve the puzzle while the others continue to operate. Since they are serving no purpose at that point, they should all be canceled. Planning Steps

Planning and programming for most cancellations follow this

pattern: 1. Identify which threads you want to cancel, and

insert pthread_cancel(3C) statements.

2. Identify system-defined cancellation points where a

thread that might be canceled could have changed system or program state that should be restored. See the Cancellation Points for a list. 3. When a thread changes the system or program state

just before a cancellation point, and should

restore that state before the thread is canceled,

place a cleanup handler before the cancellation

point with pthread_cleanup_push(3C). Wherever a

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Standards, Environments, and Macros cancellation(5)

thread restores the changed state, pop the cleanup handler from the cleanup stack with


4. Know whether the threads you are canceling call

into cancel-unsafe libraries, and disable cancella-

tion with pthread_setcancelstate(3C) before the

call into the library. See Cancellation State and


5. To cancel a thread in a procedure that contains no

cancellation points, insert your own cancellation

points with pthread_testcancel(3C). This function

creates cancellation points by testing for pending

cancellations and performing those cancellations if

they are found. Push and pop cleanup handlers

around the cancellation point, if necessary (see

Step 3, above). Cancellation Points

The system defines certain points at which cancellation can

occur (cancellation points), and you can create additional

cancellation points in your application with


The following cancellation points are defined by the system

(system-defined cancellation points): creat(2),

aio_suspend(3C), close(2), creat(2), getmsg(2), getpmsg(2),

lockf(3C), mq_receive(3C), mq_send(3C), msgrcv(2),

msgsnd(2), msync(3C), nanosleep(3C), open(2), pause(2),

poll(2), pread(2), pthread_cond_timedwait(3C),

pthread_cond_wait(3C), pthread_join(3C),

pthread_testcancel(3C), putmsg(2), putpmsg(2), pwrite(2),

read(2), readv(2), select(3C), sem_wait(3C), sigpause(3C),

sigwaitinfo(3C), sigsuspend(2), sigtimedwait(3C), sigwait(2), sleep(3C), sync(2), system(3C), tcdrain(3C), usleep(3C), wait(3C), waitid(2), wait3(3C), waitpid(3C),

write(2), writev(2), and fcntl(2), when specifying F_SETLKW

as the command.

When cancellation is asynchronous, cancellation can occur at

any time (before, during, or after the execution of the

function defined as the cancellation point). When cancella-

tion is deferred (the default case), cancellation occurs

only within the scope of a function defined as a cancella-

tion point (after the function is called and before the

function returns). See Cancellation Type for more informa-

tion about deferred and asynchronous cancellation.

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Standards, Environments, and Macros cancellation(5)

Choosing where to place cancellation points and understand-

ing how cancellation affects your program depend upon your

understanding of both your application and of cancellation

mechanics. Typically, any call that might require a long wait should be

a cancellation point. Operations need to check for pending

cancellation requests when the operation is about to block

indefinitely. This includes threads waiting in

pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_timedwait(), threads

waiting for the termination of another thread in

pthread_join(), and threads blocked on sigwait().

A mutex is explicitly not a cancellation point and should be

held for only the minimal essential time.

Most of the dangers in performing cancellations deal with

properly restoring invariants and freeing shared resources. For example, a carelessly canceled thread might leave a mutex in a locked state, leading to a deadlock. Or it might leave a region of memory allocated with no way to identify it and therefore no way to free it. Cleanup Handlers When a thread is canceled, it should release resources and clean up the state that is shared with other threads. So, whenever a thread that might be canceled changes the state of the system or of the program, be sure to push a cleanup

handler with pthread_cleanup_push(3C) before the cancella-

tion point.

When a thread is canceled, all the currently-stacked cleanup

handlers are executed in last-in-first-out (LIFO) order.

Each handler is run in the scope in which it was pushed.

When the last cleanup handler returns, the thread-specific

data destructor functions are called. Thread execution ter-

minates when the last destructor function returns. When, in the normal course of the program, an uncanceled thread restores state that it had previously changed, be sure to pop the cleanup handler (that you had set up where

the change took place) using pthread_cleanup_pop(3C). That

way, if the thread is canceled later, only currently-changed

state will be restored by the handlers that are left in the stack.

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Standards, Environments, and Macros cancellation(5)

The pthread_cleanup_push() and pthread_cleanup_pop() func-

tions can be implemented as macros. The application must ensure that they appear as statements, and in pairs within

the same lexical scope (that is, the pthread_cleanup_push()

macro can be thought to expand to a token list whose first

token is '{' with pthread_cleanup_pop() expanding to a token

list whose last token is the corresponding '}'). The effect of the use of return, break, continue, and goto to prematurely leave a code block described by a pair of

pthread_cleanup_push() and pthread_cleanup_pop() function

calls is undefined. Cancellation State

Most programmers will use only the default cancellation

state of PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, but can choose to change

the state by using pthread_setcancelstate(3C), which deter-

mines whether a thread is cancelable at all. With the

default state of PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, cancellation is

enabled and the thread is cancelable at points determined by

its cancellation type. See Cancellation Type.

If the state is PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, cancellation is dis-

abled, the thread is not cancelable at any point, and all

cancellation requests to it are held pending.

You might want to disable cancellation before a call to a

cancel-unsafe library, restoring the old cancel state when

the call returns from the library. See Cancel-Safe for

explanations of cancel safety. Cancellation Type

A thread's cancellation type is set with

pthread_setcanceltype(3C), and determines whether the thread

can be canceled anywhere in its execution or only at cancel-

lation points.

With the default type of PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, the

thread is cancelable only at cancellation points, and then

only when cancellation is enabled.

If the type is PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, the thread is

cancelable at any point in its execution (assuming, of

course, that cancellation is enabled). Try to limit regions

of asynchronous cancellation to sequences with no external

dependencies that could result in dangling resources or

unresolved state conditions. Using asynchronous cancellation

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Standards, Environments, and Macros cancellation(5)

is discouraged because of the danger involved in trying to guarantee correct cleanup handling at absolutely every point in the program.


| Cancellation Type/State Table| | | | Type | State | | | | Enabled (Default) | Disabled |


| Deferred (Default) | Cancellation | All cancellation |

| | occurs when the | requests to the | | | target thread | target thread are |

| | reaches a cancel- | held pending. |

| | lation point and a | | | | cancel is pending. | | | | (Default) | |

| Asynchronous | Receipt of a | All cancellation |

| | pthread_cancel() | requests to the |

| | call causes | target thread are |

| | immediate cancel- | held pending; as |

| | lation. | soon as cancella- |

| | | tion is re- |

| | | enabled, pending |

| | | cancellations are |

| | | executedimmedi- |

| | | ately. |



With the arrival of POSIX cancellation, the Cancel-Safe

level has been added to the list of MT-Safety levels. See

attributes(5). An application or library is Cancel-Safe

whenever it has arranged for cleanup handlers to restore

system or program state wherever cancellation can occur. The

application or library is specifically Deferred-Cancel-Safe

when it is Cancel-Safe for threads whose cancellation type

is PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED. See Cancellation State. It is

specifically Asynchronous-Cancel-Safe when it is Cancel-Safe

for threads whose cancellation type is


It is easier to arrange for deferred cancel safety, as this requires system and program state protection only around

cancellation points. In general, expect that most applica-

tions and libraries are not Asynchronous-Cancel-Safe.

POSIX Threads Only

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 4 Oct 2005 5

Standards, Environments, and Macros cancellation(5)

The cancellation functions described in this manual page are

available for POSIX threads, only (the Solaris threads

interfaces do not provide cancellation functions).


Example 1 Cancellation example The following short C++ example shows the pushing/popping of

cancellation handlers, the disabling/enabling of cancella-

tion, the use of pthread_testcancel(), and so on. The

free_res() cancellation handler in this example is a dummy

function that simply prints a message, but that would free resources in a real application. The function f2() is called from the main thread, and goes deep into its call stack by calling itself recursively. Before f2() starts running, the newly created thread has

probably posted a cancellation on the main thread since the

main thread calls thr_yield() right after creating thread2.

Because cancellation was initially disabled in the main

thread, through a call to pthread_setcancelstate(), the call

to f2() from main() continues and constructs X at each recursive call, even though the main thread has a pending


When f2() is called for the fifty-first time (when "i ==

50"), f2() enables cancellation by calling

pthread_setcancelstate(). It then establishes a cancellation

point for itself by calling pthread_testcancel(). (Because

a cancellation is pending, a call to a cancellation point

such as read(2) or write(2) would also cancel the caller here.)

After the main() thread is canceled at the fifty-first

iteration, all the cleanup handlers that were pushed are called in sequence; this is indicated by the calls to

free_res() and the calls to the destructor for X. At each

level, the C++ runtime calls the destructor for X and then

the cancellation handler, free_res(). The print messages

from free_res() and X's destructor show the sequence of


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Standards, Environments, and Macros cancellation(5)

At the end, the main thread is joined by thread2. Because the main thread was canceled, its return status from

pthread_join() is PTHREAD_CANCELED. After the status is

printed, thread2 returns, killing the process (since it is the last thread in the process).



extern "C" void thr_yield(void);

extern "C" void printf(...); struct X { int x;

X(int i){x = i; printf("X(%d) constructed.\n", i);}

~X(){ printf("X(%d) destroyed.\n", x);}

}; void

free_res(void *i)


printf("Freeing `%d`\n",i);

} char* f2(int i) { try { X dummy(i);

pthread_cleanup_push(free_res, (void *)i);

if (i == 50) {

pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);


} f2(i+1);


} catch (int) { printf("Error: In handler.\n"); } return "f2"; } void * thread2(void *tid) { void *sts;

printf("I am new thread :%d\n", pthread_self());


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Standards, Environments, and Macros cancellation(5)

pthread_join((pthread_t)tid, &sts);

printf("main thread cancelled due to %d\n", sts);

return (sts); } main() {

pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);

pthread_create(NULL, NULL, thread2, (void *)pthread_self());


printf("Returned from %s\n",f2(0));



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| MT-Level | MT-Safe |



read(2), sigwait(2), write(2), Intro(3), condition(5),

pthread_cleanup_pop(3C), pthread_cleanup_push(3C),

pthread_exit(3C), pthread_join(3C),

pthread_setcancelstate(3C), pthread_setcanceltype(3C),

pthread_testcancel(3C), setjmp(3C), attributes(5), stan-


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