LDAP Library Functions ber_encode(3LDAP)
ber_encode, ber_alloc, ber_printf, ber_put_int,
ber_put_ostring, ber_put_string, ber_put_null,
ber_put_boolean, ber_put_bitstring, ber_start_seq,
ber_start_set, ber_put_seq, ber_put_set - simplified Basic
Encoding Rules library encoding functionsSYNOPSIS
cc[ flag... ] file... -lldap[ library... ]
BerElement *ber_alloc();
ber_printf(BerElement *ber, char **fmt[, arg... ]);
ber_put_int(BerElement *ber, long num, char tag);
ber_put_ostring(BerElement *ber, char **str, unsigned long len,
char tag);ber_put_string(BerElement *ber, char **str, char tag);
ber_put_null(BerElement *ber, char tag);
ber_put_boolean(BerElement *ber, int bool, char tag);
ber_put_bitstring(BerElement *ber, char *str, int blen, char tag);
ber_start_seq(BerElement *ber, char tag);
ber_start_set(BerElement *ber, char tag);
ber_put_seq(BerElement *ber);
ber_put_set(BerElement *ber);
These functions provide a subfunction interface to a simpli-
fied implementation of the Basic Encoding Rules of ASN.1. The version of BER these functions support is the oneSunOS 5.11 Last change: 6 Oct 2008 1
LDAP Library Functions ber_encode(3LDAP)
defined for the LDAP protocol. The encoding rules are the same as BER, except that only definite form lengths are used, and bitstrings and octet strings are always encoded inprimitive form. In addition, these lightweight BER func-
tions restrict tags and class to fit in a single octet (this means the actual tag must be less than 31). When a "tag"is specified in the descriptions below, it refers to the tag, class, and primitive or constructed bit in the first octetof the encoding. This man page describes the encoding func-
tions in the lber library. See ber_decode(3LDAP) for
details on the corresponding decoding functions. Normally, the only functions that need be called by anapplication are ber_alloc(), to allocate a BER element, and
ber_printf() to do the actual encoding. The other functions
are provided for those applications that need more controlthan ber_printf() provides. In general, these functions
return the length of the element encoded, or -1 if an error
occurred.The ber_alloc() function is used to allocate a new BER ele-
ment.The ber_printf() function is used to encode a BER element
in much the same way that sprintf(3S) works. One important difference, though, is that some state information is kept with the ber parameter so that multiple calls can be made tober_printf() to append things to the end of the BER element.
Ber_printf() writes to ber, a pointer to a BerElement such
as returned by ber_alloc(). It interprets and formats its
arguments according to the format string fmt. The format string can contain the following characters: b Boolean. An integer parameter should be supplied. A boolean element is output.B Bitstring. A char * pointer to the start of the bit-
string is supplied, followed by the number of bits in the bitstring. A bitstring element is output. i Integer. An integer parameter should be supplied. An integer element is output. n Null. No parameter is required. A null element is output.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 6 Oct 2008 2
LDAP Library Functions ber_encode(3LDAP)
o Octet string. A char * is supplied, followed by thelength of the string pointed to. An octet string ele-
ment is output. O Octet string. A struct berval * is supplied. An octet string element is output.s Octet string. A null-terminated string is supplied.
An octet string element is output, not including the trailing null octet.t Tag. An int specifying the tag to give the next ele-
ment is provided. This works across calls.v Several octet strings. A null-terminated array of char
* is supplied. Note that a construct like '{v}' is required to get an actual sequence of octet strings. { Begin sequence. No parameter is required. } End sequence. No parameter is required. [ Begin set. No parameter is required. ] End set. No parameter is required.The ber_put_int() function writes the integer element num
to the BER element ber.The ber_put_boolean() function writes the boolean value
given by bool to the BER element.The ber_put_bitstring() function writes blen bits starting
at str as a bitstring value to the given BER element. Note that blen is the length in bits of the bitstring.The ber_put_ostring() function writes len bytes starting at
str to the BER element as an octet string.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 6 Oct 2008 3
LDAP Library Functions ber_encode(3LDAP)
The ber_put_string() function writes the null-terminated
string (minus the terminating '') to the BER element as an octet string.The ber_put_null() function writes a NULL element to the
BER element.The ber_start_seq() function is used to start a sequence in
the BER element. The ber_start_set() function works simi-
larly. The end of the sequence or set is marked by thenearest matching call to ber_put_seq() or ber_put_set(),
respectively.The ber_first_element() function is used to return the tag
and length of the first element in a set or sequence. It also returns in cookie a magic cookie parameter that shouldbe passed to subsequent calls to ber_next_element(), which
returns similar information.EXAMPLES
Example 1 Assuming the following variable declarations, and that the variables have been assigned appropriately, an BER encoding of the following ASN.1 object: AlmostASearchRequest := SEQUENCE { baseObject DistinguishedName, scope ENUMERATED { baseObject (0), singleLevel (1), wholeSubtree (2) }, derefAliases ENUMERATED { neverDerefaliases (0), derefInSearching (1), derefFindingBaseObj (2), alwaysDerefAliases (3N) }, sizelimit INTEGER (0 .. 65535), timelimit INTEGER (0 .. 65535), attrsOnly BOOLEAN, attributes SEQUENCE OF AttributeType } can be achieved like so: int scope, ali, size, time, attrsonly; char *dn, **attrs;SunOS 5.11 Last change: 6 Oct 2008 4
LDAP Library Functions ber_encode(3LDAP)
/* ... fill in values ... */if ( (ber = ber_alloc()) == NULLBER )
/* error */if ( ber_printf( ber, "{siiiib{v}}", dn, scope, ali,
size, time, attrsonly, attrs ) == -1 )
/* error */ else /* success */RETURN VALUES
If an error occurs during encoding, ber_alloc() returns
NULL; other functions generally return -1.
See attributes(5) for a description of the following attri-
| Availability | system/library (32-bit) |
| | SUNWcslx (64-bit) |
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
ber_decode(3LDAP), attributes(5)
Yeong, W., Howes, T., and Hardcastle-Kille, S., "Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol", OSI-DS-26, April 1992.
Information Processing - Open Systems Interconnection -
Model and Notation - Service Definition - Specification of
Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One,International Organization for Standardization, Interna-
tional Standard 8825. NOTES The return values for all of these functions are declared in. SunOS 5.11 Last change: 6 Oct 2008 5