Windows PowerShell command on Get-command bart_manifest

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man bart_manifest

File Formats bart_manifest(4)


bart_manifest - system audit manifest file


The bart(1M) command generates a manifest that describes the contents of a managed host. A manifest consists of a header and entries. Each entry represents a single file. Entries are sorted in ascending order by file name. Any nonstandard file names, such as those that contain embedded newline or tab characters, have the special characters quoted prior to being sorted. See Quoting Syntax. Lines that begin with ! supply metadata about the manifest.

The manifest version line indicates the manifest specifica-

tion version. The date line shows the date on which the man-

ifest was created, in date(1) form. Some lines are ignored by the manifest comparison tool. Ignored lines include blank lines, lines that consist only

of white space, and comments that begin with #.

In addition to metadata lines, the header contains the for-

mat comment block. This comment block lists the attributes reported for each file type.

To see the format of a manifest file, see EXAMPLES.

Manifest File Entries

Each manifest file entry is a single line of one of the fol-

lowing forms, depending on the file type: fname D size mode acl dirmtime uid gid fname P size mode acl mtime uid gid fname S size mode acl mtime uid gid fname F size mode acl mtime uid gid contents fname L size mode acl lnmtime uid gid dest fname B size mode acl mtime uid gid devnode fname C size mode acl mtime uid gid devnode The fields of the manifest file entries are described as follows: fname Name of the file. To prevent parsing problems that are caused by special characters embedded in file names, file names are encoded as described in Quoting Syntax.

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File Formats bart_manifest(4)

type Type of file. Possible values for type are as follows: B Block device node C Character device node D Directory F File L Symbolic link P Pipe S Socket size File size in bytes. mode Octal number that represents the permissions of the file. acl ACL attributes for the file. For a file with ACL attributes, this field contains the output from acltotext(). uid Numerical user ID of the owner of this entry. gid Numerical group ID of the owner of this entry. dirmtime Modification time in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 for directories. lnmtime Creation time for links.

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File Formats bart_manifest(4)

mtime Modification time in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 for files. contents Checksum value of the file. This attribute is only specified for regular files. If you turn off context checking or if checksums cannot be

computed, the value of this field is -.

dest Destination of a symbolic link. devnode Value of the device node. This attribute is for character device files and block device files only. Quoting Syntax The rules file supports a quoting syntax for representing nonstandard file names. When generating a manifest for file names that embeded TAB, SPACE, or NEWLINE characters, the special characters are encoded in their octal forms.

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File Formats bart_manifest(4)


| Input Character | Quoted Character |




| TAB | \TAB |




| ? | \? |


| [ | \[ |


| * | \* |



Example 1 Sample Manifest File The following is a sample system manifest file. The file entries are sorted by the encoded versions of the file names to correctly handle special characters. ! Version 1.0 ! Mon Feb 11 10:55:30 2002

# Format:

# fname D size mode acl dirmtime uid gid

# fname P size mode acl mtime uid gid

# fname S size mode acl mtime uid gid

# fname F size mode acl mtime uid gid contents

# fname L size mode acl lnmtime uid gid dest

# fname B size mode acl mtime uid gid devnode

# fname C size mode acl mtime uid gid devnode

/etc D 3584 40755 user::rwx,group::r-x,mask::r-x,other::r-x,

3c6803d7 0 3

/etc/.login F 524 100644 user::rw-,group::r--,mask::r--,other::r--,

3c165878 0 3 27b53d5c3e844af3306f1f12b330b318

/etc/.pwd.lock F 0 100600 user::rw-,group::---,mask::---,other::---,

3c166121 0 0 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

/etc/.syslog_door L 20 120777 user::rw-,group::r--,mask::

rwx,other::r--,3c6803d5 0 0 /var/run/syslog_door

/etc/autopush L 16 120777 user::r-x,group::r-x,mask::r-x,other::r-x,

3c165863 0 0 ../sbin/autopush

/etc/cron.d/FIFO P 0 10600 user::rw-,group::---,mask::---,other::---,

3c6803d5 0 0


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File Formats bart_manifest(4)

date(1), bart(1M), bart_rules(4), attributes(5)

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 9 Sep 2003 5

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