Windows PowerShell command on Get-command audit_remote

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man audit_remote

Standards, Environments, and Macros audit_remote(5)


audit_remote - send Solaris audit logs to a remote server




The audit_remote plugin module for Solaris audit,

/usr/lib/security/, sends binary audit

records (audit.log(4)) to audit servers as they are config-

ured with auditconfig(1M).

The audit_remote plugin is loaded by auditd(1M) if the plu-

gin is configured as an active via auditconfig. Use the

auditconfig -setplugin option to change all the plugin

related configuration parameters. Object Attributes The following attributes specify the configuration of

audit_remote plugin:


host1[:[port1][:mech1]][,host2[:[port2][:mech2]],... \ hostn[:[portn][:mechn]]] A list of audit hosts/servers. Audit records are sent to the first available host. If a host is unreachable or a timeout occurs while sending data, the next host in the list is tried. If connection to all hosts fails, the list is tried again from the beginning.

The host part of a p_hosts entry can be in any form

acceptable to getipnodebyname(3SOCKET).

The port part of a p_hosts entry is the port on host

that is contacted to initiate an audit server connec-

tion. If not specified, the port number is that assigned

to the solaris-audit service. See getservbyname(3XNET).

The mech part of a p_host entry is the GSS-API mechanism

name (mech(4)). If not specified, the local host's default mechanism is used. The recommended mechanism is



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Standards, Environments, and Macros audit_remote(5)

The number of retries for connecting to and sending data to a server. The default value is 3.


The number of seconds in which a connection/sending data timeouts. The default value is 5 seconds. qsize The maximum number of outstanding audit records to keep. The default is the value of the kernel queue control high water mark. See auditconfig(1M). If set to 0, the default value is the value of the kernel queue control high water mark. See auditconfig(1M). GSS SESSION

The audit_remote plugin is a TCP client that authenticates

configured audit servers using the GSS-API (libgss(3LIB)).

Binary Solaris Audit records are sent with integrity and

confidentiality protection as per-message tokens generated

by gss_wrap(3GSS).

The plugin initiates a TCP connection to an audit server (host:port:mech) and establishes a GSS security context

(with gss_init_sec_context(3GSS)), with appropriate security

mechanism (mech(4)).

If no port is specified, the service name solaris-audit is

looked up to obtain a TCP port number. If no mechanism is

specified, the GSS_C_NO_OID is used as a mech_type parameter

of gss_init_sec_context(3GSS), and causes the underlying

GSS-API to use the local default mechanism.

gss_init_sec_context(3GSS) uses GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL as the

initiator credential handle and a target name of the form

audit@. The server is expected to use

gss_accept_sec_context(3GSS) to complete the context estab-


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Standards, Environments, and Macros audit_remote(5)

Once the security context is established, the client

(audit_remote plugin) calls gss_wrap(3GSS) to achieve the

confidentiality of the transferred payload - the audit

records. The server is expected to use gss_unwrap(3GSS) to

unwrap the received data and gss_get_mic(3GSS) to obtain the

MIC (Message Integrity Code) to be later sent back to the plugin as a message retrieval acknowledgment.

For example, if the kerberos_v5 mechanism is configured as

GSS_API mechanism on the client and both sides agree on

using this mechanism, the client side has to be eligible to

non-interactively gain session keys for the

audit/@ principal from the Kerberos

KDC/TGS. At the same time the identity running the audit server application has to have the long term keys associated

with the audit/@ principal stored in the

keytab file (krb5.conf(4)) to be able to decrypt the session keys.

The audit_remote plugin initiates a connection to first

server in the p_hosts list. If the connection fails or audit

record sends are not responded to in p_timeout seconds,

after p_retries attempts the plugin tries to connect to the

next server. If the connection to the last server fails, the plugin retries to connect to the first host in the list.

audit_warn(1M) is executed at every unsuccessful attempt to

connect to the server or send timeout with the plugin option

plugin retry . is con-

nection . An EPROTO network

error indicates that the client plugin did not get a suc-

cessful protocol version handshake.


All protocol messages are preceded by the 4 octets of the size of the data to follow. This size is in network byte order. The protocol begins with version negotiation followed by a

GSS-API security context token exchange. On error the con-

nection is closed (and any output token optionally sent). The version negotiation takes place in the clear with the plugin sending an octet array of the comma (,) separated list of versions supported. The current version number is the characters 01. The receiver is expected to respond with the version that they accept (in the current case that is the characters 01). A mismatch is considered an error and the connection is closed.

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Standards, Environments, and Macros audit_remote(5)

The version octet array sent by the plugin and the version characters accepted by the receiver are concatenated

together to make up the application data field of the chan-

nel bindings of the GSS security context establishment. || "||" represents concatenation

Subsequent tokens contain a 64 bit sequence number in net-

work byte order and a single audit record (audit.log(4)); the client uses confidentiality protection. wrap (64 bit sequence number || audit record) The server acknowledges the receipt (and is then responsible for any data loss) with the received 64 bit sequence number and a MIC token of the unwrapped 64 bit sequence number and

audit record. MIC verification on the client side ack-

nowledges the audit record can be freed and not saved for possible retransmission. 64 bit sequence number || mic (64 bit sequence number || audit record) Secure remote audit client/server communication flow:

1) Client <--> Server - TCP handshake

2) Client <--> Server - protocol version negotiation:

a) Client --> Server - send data size - uint32_t value (2)

b) Client --> Server - send clear text message of the versions

supported comma separated, e.g., "01,02,03" for versions 1 and 2 and 3. The only version supported at present is "01"

c) Client <-- Server - send data size - uint32_t value (2)

d) Client <-- Server - send clear text version selected

("01") :no version match; close connection; try next host 3) Security context initiation:

a) Client - Construct channel bindings:

initiator address type (GSS_C_AF_NULLADDR)

acceptor address type (GSS_C_AF_NULLADDR)

application data value (4 octets "0101")

b) Client --> Server - send token (data) size - uint32_t value

c) Client --> Server - GSS-API per-context token

d) Client <-- Server - send token (data) size

e) Client <-- Server - GSS-API per-context token

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Standards, Environments, and Macros audit_remote(5)

:repeat a-e until security context is initialized; if unsuccessful,

close connection; try next host

4) Client - transmit thread, when audit record to be sent:

a) Client --> Server - send data size

b) Client --> Server - GSS-API per-message token

wrap (sequence number || audit record)

:repeat a-b while less than max (qsize) outstanding records

5) Client - receive thread:

a) Client <-- Server - receive data size - uint32_t value

b) Client <-- Server - receive sequence number - uint64_t value

c) Client <-- Server - receive MIC

d) Client - MIC verification - OK

e) Client - remove particular audit record

pointed by the sequence number from the retransmit buffer

:repeat a-e, on error close connection; try next host;

retransmit unacknowledged audit records

6) Server - receive thread:

a) Client --> Server - receive data size

b) Client --> Server - GSS-API receive, uwrap, store

per-message token

7) Server - transmit thread:

a) Server - MIC generation - message integrity code

mic (sequence number || audit record)

b) Client <-- Server - send data size

c) Client < -- Server - send sequence number

d) Client <-- Server - send MIC


Example 1 Loading and Specifying the Remote

Audit Servers

The following directives cause to be loaded

and specify the remote audit servers to where the audit

records are sent. The kerberos_v5 security mechanism is

defined to be used when communicating with the servers.

auditconfig -setplugin audit_remote active \


Example 2 Using the Configuration of Usage Default Security Mechanism

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Standards, Environments, and Macros audit_remote(5)

The following example shows the configuration of usage of default security mechanism. It also shows use of default port on one of the configured servers:

auditconfig -setplugin audit_remote active \



See attributes(5) for a description of the following attri-





| MT Level | MT-Safe |


| Interface Stability | See below. |


The plugin configuration parameters are Committed. The client/server protocol (version "01") is Contracted Project Private. See audit.log(4) for the audit record format and content stability.


auditd(1M), auditconfig(1M), audit_warn(1M),

getipnodebyname(3SOCKET), getservbyname(3XNET),

gss_accept_sec_context(3GSS), gss_get_mic(3GSS),

gss_init_sec_context(3GSS), gss_wrap(3GSS),

gss_unwrap(3GSS), libgss(3LIB), libsocket(3LIB),

audit.log(4), krb5.conf(4), mech(4), attributes(5), ker-

beros(5), tcp(7P) NOTES

audit_remote authenticates itself to the remote audit ser-

vice by way of GSS-API (libgss(3LIB)). Default gss creden-

tials are used as provided by the gss implementation mechan-

ism, such as Kerberos.

The solaris-audit service port assigned by IANA is 16162.

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