Windows PowerShell command on Get-command au_preselect

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man au_preselect

Security and Auditing Library Functions au_preselect(3BSM)


au_preselect - preselect an audit event


cc [ flag... ] file... -lbsm -lsocket -lnsl [ library... ]


int au_preselect(au_event_t event, au_mask_t *mask_p, int sorf, int flag);


The au_preselect() function determines whether the audit

event event is preselected against the binary preselection

mask pointed to by mask_p (usually obtained by a call to

getaudit(2)). The au_preselect() function looks up the

classes associated with event in audit_event(4) and compares

them with the classes in mask_p. If the classes associated

with event match the classes in the specified portions of

the binary preselection mask pointed to by mask_p, the

event is said to be preselected. The sorf argument indicates whether the comparison is made

with the success portion, the failure portion, or both por-

tions of the mask pointed to by mask_p.

The following are the valid values of sorf:

AU_PRS_SUCCESS Compare the event class with the success

portion of the preselection mask.

AU_PRS_FAILURE Compare the event class with the failure

portion of the preselection mask.

AU_PRS_BOTH Compare the event class with both the suc-

cess and failure portions of the preselection mask.

The flag argument tells au_preselect() how to read the

audit_event(4) database. Upon initial invocation,

au_preselect() reads the audit_event(4) database and allo-

cates space in an internal cache for each entry with malloc(3C). In subsequent invocations, the value of flag

determines where au_preselect() obtains audit event informa-

tion. The following are the valid values of flag:

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Mar 2010 1

Security and Auditing Library Functions au_preselect(3BSM)

AU_PRS_REREAD Get audit event information by searching

the audit_event(4) database.

AU_PRS_USECACHE Get audit event information from internal

cache created upon the initial invoca-

tion. This option is much faster.


Upon successful completion,au_preselect() returns 0 if event

is not preselected or 1 if event is preselected. If

au_preselect() could not allocate memory or could not find

event in the audit_event(4) database, -1 is returned.


/etc/security/audit_class file mapping audit class number

to audit class names and descriptions

/etc/security/audit_event file mappint audit even number

to audit event names and asso-



See attributes(5) for a description of the following attri-





| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | MT-Safe |



getaudit(2), au_open(3BSM), getauclassent(3BSM),

getauevent(3BSM), malloc(3C), audit_class(4),

audit_event(4), attributes(5)


The au_preselect() function is normally called prior to con-

structing and writing an audit record. If the event is not preselected, the overhead of constructing and writing the record can be saved.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Mar 2010 2

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