Windows PowerShell command on Get-command add_allocatable

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man add_allocatable

System Administration Commands add_allocatable(1M)


add_allocatable - add entries to allocation databases


/usr/sbin/add_allocatable [-f] [-s] [-d] -n name -t type -l device-list

[-a authorization] [-c clean] [-o key=value]


add_allocatable creates new entries for user allocatable

devices that are to be managed by the device allocation

mechanism. add_allocatable can also be used to update exist-

ing entries of such devices.

add_allocatable can also create and update entries for non-

allocatable devices, such as printers, whose label range is managed by the device allocation mechanism.

add_allocatable can be used in shell scripts, such as ins-

tallation scripts for driver packages, to automate the administrative work of setting up a new device.

Use list_devices(1) to see the names and types of allocat-

able devices, their attributes, and device paths. OPTIONS

-f Force an update of an already-existing

entry with the specified information.

add_allocatable exits with an error if

this option is not specified when an entry with the specified device name already exists.

-s Turn on silent mode. add_allocatable

does not print any error or warning mes-


-d If this option is present,

add_allocatable updates the system-

supplied default attributes of the dev-

ice type specified with -t.

-n name Adds or updates an entry for device that

is specified by name.

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System Administration Commands add_allocatable(1M)

-t type Adds or updates device entries that are

of a type that are specified by type.

-l device-list Adds or updates device paths to the dev-

ice that is specified with -n. Multiple

paths in device-list must be separated

by white spaces and the list must be quoted.

-a authorization Adds or updates the authorization that

is associated with either the device

that is specified with -n or with dev-

ices of the type that is specified with

-t. When more than one authorization is

specified, the list must be separated by

commas and must be quoted. When the dev-

ice is not allocatable, authorization is specified with an asterisk (*) and must

be quoted. When the device is allocat-

able by any user, authorization is specified with the at sign (@) and must be quoted. Default authorization is '@'.

-c clean Specifies the device_clean(5) program

clean to be used with the device that is

specified with -n or with devices of the

type that is specified with -t. The

default clean program is /bin/true.

-o key=value Accepts a string of colon-separated

key=value pairs for a device that is

specified with -n or with devices of the

type that is specified with -t. The fol-

lowing keys are currently interpreted by the system: minlabel The minimum label at which the device can be used. maxlabel The maximum label at which the device can be used.

class Specifies a logical group-

ing of devices. For example, all Sun RayTM devices of all device types is a logical

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System Administration Commands add_allocatable(1M)

grouping. The class keyword has no default value. xdpy Specifies the display name

of the X session. This key-

word is used to identify devices that are associated with the X session. The xdpy keyword has no default value. EXIT STATUS

When successful, add_allocate returns an exit status of 0

(true). add_allocate returns a nonzero exit status in the

event of an error. The exit codes are as follows: 1 Invocation syntax error 2 Unknown system error 3 An entry already exists for the specified device. This

error occurs only when the -f option is not specified.

4 Permission denied. User does not have DAC or MAC access record updates.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | system/trusted |


| Interface Stability | See below. |


The invocation is Uncommitted. The options are Uncommitted.

The output is Not-an-Interface.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 20 Jul 2007 3

System Administration Commands add_allocatable(1M)


allocate(1), deallocate(1), list_devices(1),

remove_allocatable(1M), attributes(5), device_clean(5)

NOTES The functionality described on this manual page is available only if the system is configured with Trusted Extensions.

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