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Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man adbgen

System Administration Commands adbgen(1M)


adbgen - generate adb script


/usr/lib/adb/adbgen [-m model] filename.adb ...


adbgen makes it possible to write adb(1) scripts that do not

contain hard-coded dependencies on structure member offsets.

The input to adbgen is a file named filename.adb that con-

tains header information, then a null line, then the name of

a structure, and finally an adb script. adbgen only deals

with one structure per file; all member names are assumed to

be in this structure. The output of adbgen is an adb script

in filename. adbgen operates by generating a C program which

determines structure member offsets and sizes, which in turn generate the adb script. The header lines, up to the null line, are copied verbatim

into the generated C program. Typically, these are #include

statements, which include the headers containing the relevant structure declarations. The adb script part may contain any valid adb commands (see

adb(1)), and may also contain adbgen requests, each enclosed

in braces ({}). Request types are: o Print a structure member. The request form is {member,format}. member is a member name of the structure given earlier, and format is any valid

adb format request or any of the adbgen format

specifiers (such as {POINTER}) listed below. For

example, to print the p_pid field of the proc

structure as a decimal number, you would write


o Print the appropriate adb format character for the

given adbgen format specifier. This action takes

the data model into consideration. The request form

is {format specifier}. The valid adbgen format

specifiers are: {POINTER} pointer value in hexadecimal {LONGDEC} long value in decimal

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System Administration Commands adbgen(1M)

{ULONGDEC} unsigned long value in decimal {ULONGHEX} unsigned long value in hexadecimal {LONGOCT} long value in octal {ULONGOCT} unsigned long value in octal o Reference a structure member. The request form is {*member,base}. member is the member name whose value is desired, and base is an adb register name which contains the base address of the structure.

For example, to get the p_pid field of the proc

structure, you would get the proc structure address in an adb register, for example


o Tell adbgen that the offset is valid. The request

form is {OFFSETOK}. This is useful after invoking another adb script which moves the adb dot. o Get the size of the structure. The request form is

{SIZEOF}. adbgen replaces this request with the

size of the structure. This is useful in increment-

ing a pointer to step through an array of struc-

tures. o Calculate an arbitrary C expression. The request

form is {EXPR,expression}. adbgen replaces this

request with the value of the expression. This is useful when more than one structure is involved in the script. o Get the offset to the end of the structure. The request form is {END}. This is useful at the end of the structure to get adb to align the dot for printing the next structure member.

adbgen keeps track of the movement of the adb dot and gen-

erates adb code to move forward or backward as necessary

before printing any structure member in a script. adbgen's

model of the behavior of adb's dot is simple: it is assumed that the first line of the script is of the form

struct_address/adb text and that subsequent lines are of the

form +/adb text. The adb dot then moves in a sane fashion.

adbgen does not check the script to ensure that these

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System Administration Commands adbgen(1M)

limitations are met. adbgen also checks the size of the

structure member against the size of the adb format code and warns if they are not equal. OPTIONS The following option is supported:

-m model Specifies the data type model to be used by

adbgen for the macro. This affects the outcome

of the {format specifier} requests described

under DESCRIPTION and the offsets and sizes of

data types. model can be ilp32 or lp64. If the

-m option is not given, the data type model

defaults to ilp32. OPERANDS The following operand is supported:

filename.adb Input file that contains header informa-

tion, followed by a null line, the name of the structure, and finally an adb script.


Example 1 A sample adbgen file.

For an include file x.h which contained struct x {

char *x_cp;

char x_c;

int x_i;


then , an adbgen file (call it script.adb) to print the file

x.h would be:

#include "x.h"



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System Administration Commands adbgen(1M)

After running adbgen as follows,

% /usr/lib/adb/adbgen script.adb

the output file script contains:


For a macro generated for a 64-bit program using the lp64

data model as follows,

% /usr/lib/adb/adbgen/ -m lp64 script.adb

the output file script would contain:


To invoke the script, type:

example% adb program
