XKB FUNCTIONS XkbKeyNumGroups(3x11)
XkbKeyNumGroups - Returns the number of groups of symbols
bound to the key corresponding to keycodeSYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lX11 [ library... ]
int XkbKeyNumGroups (XkbDescPtr xkb, KeyCode keycode);
Xkb description of interest- keycode
keycode of interestDESCRIPTION
The group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec is an encoded value
containing the number of groups of symbols bound to the keyas well as the specification of the treatment of out-of-
range groups. It is legal for a key to have zero groups, in which case it also has zero symbols and all events from thatkey yield NoSymbol. To obtain the number of groups of sym-
bols bound to the key, use XkbKeyNumGroups. To change the
number of groups bound to a key, use XkbChangeTypesOfKey. Toobtain a mask that determines the treatment of out-of-range
groups, use XkbKeyGroupInfo and XkbOutOfRangeGroupInfo.The keyboard controls contain a groups_wrap field specifying
the handling of illegal groups on a global basis. That is, when the user performs an action causing the effective groupto go out of the legal range, the groups_wrap field speci-
fies how to normalize the effective keyboard group to a group that is legal for the keyboard as a whole, but there is no guarantee that the normalized group will be within therange of legal groups for any individual key. The per-key
group_info field specifies how a key treats a legal effec-
tive group if the key does not have a type specified for the group of concern. For example, the Enter key usually hasjust one group defined. If the user performs an action caus-
ing the global keyboard group to change to Group2, thegroup_info field for the Enter key describes how to handle
this situation.Out-of-range groups for individual keys are mapped to a
legal group using the same options as are used for the overall keyboard group. The particular type of mapping usedis controlled by the bits set in the group_info flag, as
shown in Table 1. X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 1XKB FUNCTIONS XkbKeyNumGroups(3x11)
Table 1 group_info Range Normalization
Bits set in group_info Normalization method
XkbRedirectIntoRange XkbRedirectIntoRange XkbClampIntoRange XkbClampIntoRange none of the above XkbWrapIntoRangeThe Xkb extension is composed of two parts: a server exten-
sion, and a client-side X library extension. This chapter
discusses functions used to modify controls effecting the behavior of the server portion of the Xkb extension. X Library Controls discusses functions used to modify controls that affect only the behavior of the client portion of the extension; those controls are known as Library Controls.Xkb contains control features that affect the entire key-
board, known as global keyboard controls. Some of the con-
trols may be selectively enabled and disabled; these con-
trols are known as the Boolean Controls. Boolean Controls can be turned on or off under program control and can also be automatically set to an on or off condition when a clientprogram exits. The remaining controls, known as the Non-
Boolean Controls, are always active. The XkbControlsRec structure describes the current state of most of the global controls and the attributes effecting the behavior of eachof these Xkb features. This chapter describes the Xkb con-
trols and how to manipulate them. There are two possible components for each of the Boolean Controls: attributes describing how the control should work, and a state describing whether the behavior as a whole is enabled or disabled. The attributes and state for most of these controls are held in the XkbControlsRec structure.You can manipulate the Xkb controls individually, via con-
venience functions, or as a whole. To treat them as a group, modify an XkbControlsRec structure to describe all of the changes to be made, and then pass that structure and appropriate flags to an Xkb library function, or use a XkbControlsChangesRec to reduce network traffic. When usinga convenience function to manipulate one control individu-
ally, you do not use an XkbControlsRec structure directly. The Xkb controls are grouped as shown in Table 2. Table 2 Xkb Keyboard Controls______________________________________________________________
Type of Control Control Name Boolean Control?______________________________________________________________
X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 2XKB FUNCTIONS XkbKeyNumGroups(3x11)
Controls for ena- EnabledControls No
bling and disabling other controls AutoReset No Control for bell AudibleBell Boolean behavior Controls for repeat PerKeyRepeat No key behavior RepeatKeys Boolean DetectableAutorepeat BooleanControls for key- Overlay1 Boolean
board overlays Overlay2 Boolean Controls for using MouseKeys Boolean the mouse from the keyboard MouseKeysAccel Boolean Controls for better AccessXFeedback Boolean keyboard access by physically impaired AccessXKeys Boolean persons AccessXTimeout Boolean BounceKeys Boolean SlowKeys Boolean StickyKeys Boolean Controls for general GroupsWrap No keyboard mapping IgnoreGroupLock Boolean IgnoreLockMods No InternalMods No The individual categories and controls are described first, together with functions for manipulating them. STRUCTURES The KeySymMapRec structure is defined as follows:#define XkbNumKbdGroups 4
#define XkbMaxKbdGroup (XkbNumKbdGroups-1)
typedef struct { /* map to keysyms for a single keycode */unsigned char kt_index[XkbNumKbdGroups]; /* key type index for
each group */unsigned char group_info; /* # of groups and out of range group
handling */unsigned char width; /* max # of shift levels for key */
unsigned short offset; /* index to keysym table in syms array */ } XkbSymMapRec, *XkbSymMapPtr; X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 3XKB FUNCTIONS XkbKeyNumGroups(3x11)
The XkbControlsRec structure is defined as follows:#define XkbMaxLegalKeyCode 255
#define XkbPerKeyBitArraySize ((XkbMaxLegalKeyCode+1)/8)
typedef struct {unsigned char mk_dflt_btn; /* default button for keyboard driven
mouse */unsigned char num_groups; /* number of keyboard groups */
unsigned char groups_wrap; /* how to wrap out-of-bounds groups */
XkbModsRec internal; /* defines server internal modifiers */XkbModsRec ignore_lock; /* modifiers to ignore when checking
for grab */unsigned int enabled_ctrls; /* 1 bit => corresponding boolean
control enabled */unsigned short repeat_delay; /* ms delay until first repeat */
unsigned short repeat_interval; /* ms delay between repeats */
unsigned short slow_keys_delay; /* ms minimum time key must be down to
be ok */unsigned short debounce_delay; /* ms delay before key reactivated */
unsigned short mk_delay; /* ms delay to second mouse motion
event */unsigned short mk_interval; /* ms delay between repeat mouse
events */unsigned short mk_time_to_max; /* # intervals until constant mouse
move */unsigned short mk_max_speed; /* multiplier for maximum mouse speed
*/short mk_curve; /* determines mouse move curve type */
unsigned short ax_options; /* 1 bit => Access X option enabled */
unsigned short ax_timeout; /* seconds until Access X disabled */
unsigned short axt_opts_mask; /* 1 bit => options to reset on Access
X timeout */unsigned short axt_opts_values; /* 1 bit => turn option on, 0=> off */
unsigned int axt_ctrls_mask; /* which bits in enabled_ctrls to
modify */unsigned int axt_ctrls_values; /* values for new bits in
enabled_ctrls */
unsigned char per_key_repeat[XkbPerKeyBitArraySize]; /* per key auto
repeat */ } XkbControlsRec, *XkbControlsPtr; The XkbControlsRec structure is defined as follows:#define XkbMaxLegalKeyCode 255
#define XkbPerKeyBitArraySize ((XkbMaxLegalKeyCode+1)/8)
typedef struct {unsigned char mk_dflt_btn; /* default button for keyboard driven
X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 4XKB FUNCTIONS XkbKeyNumGroups(3x11)
mouse */unsigned char num_groups; /* number of keyboard groups */
unsigned char groups_wrap; /* how to wrap out-of-bounds groups */
XkbModsRec internal; /* defines server internal modifiers */XkbModsRec ignore_lock; /* modifiers to ignore when checking
for grab */unsigned int enabled_ctrls; /* 1 bit => corresponding boolean
control enabled */unsigned short repeat_delay; /* ms delay until first repeat */
unsigned short repeat_interval; /* ms delay between repeats */
unsigned short slow_keys_delay; /* ms minimum time key must be down to
be ok */unsigned short debounce_delay; /* ms delay before key reactivated */
unsigned short mk_delay; /* ms delay to second mouse motion
event */unsigned short mk_interval; /* ms delay between repeat mouse
events */unsigned short mk_time_to_max; /* # intervals until constant mouse
move */unsigned short mk_max_speed; /* multiplier for maximum mouse speed
*/short mk_curve; /* determines mouse move curve type */
unsigned short ax_options; /* 1 bit => Access X option enabled */
unsigned short ax_timeout; /* seconds until Access X disabled */
unsigned short axt_opts_mask; /* 1 bit => options to reset on Access
X timeout */unsigned short axt_opts_values; /* 1 bit => turn option on, 0=> off */
unsigned int axt_ctrls_mask; /* which bits in enabled_ctrls to
modify */unsigned int axt_ctrls_values; /* values for new bits in
enabled_ctrls */
unsigned char per_key_repeat[XkbPerKeyBitArraySize]; /* per key auto
repeat */ } XkbControlsRec, *XkbControlsPtr;SEE ALSO
XkbChangeTypesOfKey(3x11), XkbKeyGroupInfo(3x11), XkbOutOfRangeGroupInfo.(3x11)ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
butes: X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 5XKB FUNCTIONS XkbKeyNumGroups(3x11)
| Availability | x11/library/libx11 ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| MT-Level | See XInitThreads(3X11) |
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