Windows PowerShell command on Get-command XkbGetAutoRepeatRate

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man XkbGetAutoRepeatRate

XKB FUNCTIONS XkbGetAutoRepeatRate(3x11)


XkbGetAutoRepeatRate - Gets the current attributes of the

RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device


cc [ flag... ] file... -lX11 [ library... ]

Bool XkbGetAutoRepeatRate (Display *display, unsigned int

device_spec, unsigned int *timeout_rtrn, unsigned int



- display

connection to X server

- device_spec

desired device ID, or XkbUseCoreKbd

- timeout_rtrn

backfilled with initial repeat delay, ms

- interval_rtrn

backfilled with subsequent repeat delay, ms


The core protocol allows only control over whether or not

the entire keyboard or individual keys should auto-repeat

when held down. RepeatKeys is a boolean control that extends this capability by adding control over the delay until a key

begins to repeat and the rate at which it repeats. Repeat-

Keys is coupled with the core auto-repeat control: when

RepeatKeys is enabled or disabled, the core auto-repeat is

enabled or disabled and vice versa.

Auto-repeating keys are controlled by two attributes. The

first, timeout, is the delay after the initial press of an

auto-repeating key and the first generated repeat event. The

second, interval, is the delay between all subsequent gen-

erated repeat events. As with all boolean controls, confi-

guring the attributes that determine how the control operates does not automatically enable the control as a whole.

XkbGetAutoRepeatRate queries the server for the current

values of the RepeatControls control attributes, backfills

timeout_rtrn and interval_rtrn with them, and returns True.

If a compatible version of the Xkb extension is not avail-

able in the server XkbGetAutoRepeatRate returns False.


True The XkbGetAutoRepeatRate function returns

True if a compatible version of the Xkb X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 1

XKB FUNCTIONS XkbGetAutoRepeatRate(3x11)

extension is available in the server.

False The XkbGetAutoRepeatRate function returns

False if a compatible version of the Xkb extension is not available in the server.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | x11/library/libx11 |


| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | See XInitThreads(3X11) |


X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 2

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