Misc. Reference Manual Pages XRes(3xres)
XRes - X-Resource extension client library
cc [ flag... ] file... -lXRes [ library... ]
typedef struct {XID resource_base;
XID resource_mask;
} XResClient;
typedef struct {Atom resource_type;
unsigned int count;} XResType;
Bool XResQueryExtension(Display *dpy, int
*event_base_return, int *error_base_return);
Status XResQueryVersion(Display *dpy, int
*major_version_return, int *minor_version_return);
Status XResQueryClients(Display *dpy, int *num_clients,
XResClient **clients);
Status XResQueryClientResources(Display *dpy, XID xid, int
*num_types, XResType **types);
Status XResQueryClientPixmapBytes(Display *dpy, XID xid,
unsigned long *bytes);DESCRIPTION
X-Resource is an extension that allows a client to query the
X server about its usage of various resources. It shouldnot be confused with the X resource database access func-
tions.XResQueryExtension returns True if the XRes extension is
available on the given display. A client must callXResQueryExtension before calling any other XRes function in
order to negotiate a compatible protocol version; otherwisethe client will get undefined behavior (XRes may or may not
work).XResQueryVersion returns True if the request succeeded; the
values of the major and minor protocol versions supported bythe server are returned in major_version_return and
minor_version_return .
XResQueryClients fills a list of clients of the given
display. For each client it returns in the XResClient
X Version 11 Last change: libXres 1.0.4 1Misc. Reference Manual Pages XRes(3xres)
structure a mask and a base value of the resources used by these clients. Returns True on success or False on failure.XResQueryClientResources fills a list of XResType struc-
tures, indicating for each resource type allocated by the client its name (as an Atom) and the number of resources of this type allocated. Returns True on success or False on failure.XResQueryClientPixmapBytes gives, for resources of type PIX-
MAP the total number of bytes allocated in the X server by the given client. Returns True on success or False on failure.ERRORS
XResQueryClientResources and XResQueryClientPixmapBytes will
return BadValue if passed an illegal client identifier.SEE ALSO
X(5) AUTHOR Mark Vojkovich, originally for The XFree86 Project Inc. STABILITYThis API is considered as experimental. The XRes library
major revision may be incremented whenever incompatible changes are done to the API without notice. Use with care.ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Availability | x11/library/libxres ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| Interface Stability | Volatile ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| MT-Level | See XInitThreads(3X11) |
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