Windows PowerShell command on Get-command XReadScreen

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man XReadScreen

X FUNCTIONS XReadScreen(3xext)


XReadScreen - returns the displayed colors in a rectangle of

the screen


cc [ flag... ] file... -lXext [ library... ]



XReadScreen (Display *display, Window w, int x, int y,

unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Bool include-

Cursor) Arguments display Specifies the connection to the X server. w Specifies the window from whose screen the data is read.

x, y Specify the X and Y coordinates of the upper-left

corner of the rectangle relative to the origin of the window w. width, height Specify the width and height of the rectangle. includeCursor Specifies whether the cursor image is to be included in the colors returned.


This routine provides access to the colors displayed on the screen of the given window. On some types of advanced display devices, the displayed colors can be a composite of the data contained in several different frame stores and these frame stores can be of different depth and visual types. In addition, there can be overlay/underlay window pairs in which part of the underlay is visible beneath the overlay.

Because the data returned by XGetImage is undefined for por-

tions of the rectangle that have different depths, XGetImage

is inadequate to return a picture of the what user is actu-

ally seeing on the screen. In addition, XGetImage cannot composite pixel information for an overlay/underlay window

pair because the pixel information lies in different draw-

ables. XReadScreen addresses these problems.

X Version 11 Last change: libXext 1.1.2 1

X FUNCTIONS XReadScreen(3xext)

Rather than returning pixel information, XReadScreen returns

color information-the actual displayed colors visible on the

screen. It returns the color information from any window within the boundaries of the specified rectangle. Unlike

XGetImage, the returned contents of visible regions of infe-

rior or overlapping windows of a different depth than the specified window's depth are not undefined. Instead, the actual displayed colors for these windows is returned. Note: The colors returned are the ones that would be displayed if an unlimited number of hardware color LUTs were available on the screen. Thus, the colors returned are the theoretical display colors. If colormap flashing is present on the screen because there aren't enough hardware color

LUTs to display all of the software colormaps simultane-

ously, the returned colors may be different from the colors that are actually displayed. If w is an overlay window, the overlay color information is returned everywhere there is opaque paint in the specified rectangle. The color information of the underlay is

returned everywhere there is transparent paint in the over-

lay. In general, since this underlay can be an overlay win-

dow containing transparent paint, the color information for a coordinate (x, y) which contains transparent paint is the

youngest non-inferior that has opaque paint at (x, y).

The color data is returned as an XImage. The returned image has the same width and height as the arguments specified. The format of the image is ZPixmap. The depth of the image

is 24 and the bits_per_pixel is 32. The most significant 8

bits of color information for each color channel (red, green blue) will be returned in the bit positions defined by

red_mask, green_mask, and blue_mask in the XImage. The

values of the following attributes of the XImage are server

dependent: byte_order, bitmap_unit, bitmap_bit_order,

bitmap_pad, bytes_per_line, red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask.

If includeCursor is True, the cursor image is included in the returned colors. Otherwise, it is excluded.

Note that the borders of the argument window (and other win-

dows) can be included and read with this request.

If a problem occurs, XReadScreen returns NULL.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-

butes: X Version 11 Last change: libXext 1.1.2 2

X FUNCTIONS XReadScreen(3xext)




| Availability | x11/library/libxext |


| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | See XInitThreads(3X11) |


X Version 11 Last change: libXext 1.1.2 3

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